top 5 places to advertise.

Guys where do you look for Dommes? As I cross over and leave Britney further and further behind I need some helpful hints on where to place my money in advertising. I have an ad on Eros and I'm on a number of other sites, but I have honestly received the majority of good clients from back page! There are so many places I don't even know where to start, so I thought I would ask you guys and ladies for input on the top sites. Thanks
houston_switch's Avatar
Back Page, Eros, and here...
These are the places I get my info.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I thought there was some secret place I was missing out on! Guess not
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
^^^^ oohhh someone knows their stuff. Me likey.
To echo an earlier reply, I have always gone to Max Fisch first...although it seems to be slipping a bit in terms of upkeep, updating, etc. All other sources to this point require additional screening, investigation on the part of the consumer to see if you have a legitimate domme.