Drama, Highly Vocal posters, Disrespect, Trash Talk?... Why do YOU perceive ECCIE to not be a "friendly" place?

Whispers's Avatar
What she's saying about "not respecting eccie" is really something I hear from many ladies I see these days - It's really about the derogatory trash talk and drama that often comes from a few highly vocal posters.

We know who they are. Originally Posted by Russ Tworthy
Let's not beat around the bush..... Man up and name those that YOU perceive to be a problem as well as WHY you think they are a problem.

It's the disrespect of the few that taints the whole board. Originally Posted by Russ Tworthy
I disagree.......I think there is only one thing tainting these Austin Forums and holding them back from achieving new levels.....

IMO it is those that miss the days of ASPD like nonstop flirtation and hooker worship by what IMO are pussy whipped weak minded men unable to HAVE relationships outside of the board.

They sit back whining day in and day out about how good it used to be with blinders on rather than seeing the good that has come from the changes.

There is FAR more information and participation and that information covers a lot more than it ever did 3 years ago.....

I sometimes wonder if the trash talkers and drama queens really like the "hobby". Originally Posted by Russ Tworthy
Well.... Let's not wonder about. Name some names and lets discuss it.

I think most of the gents here, reviewers and lurkers alike, really like the ladies, treat them very well, speak of them well and........... Originally Posted by Russ Tworthy
I agree right up to this point...... I like the ladies.... I treat them well.... I speak of them well... with only a few exceptions.....

.......... honor their desire to maintain some kind of dignity and some level of privacy in what we all (or most of us) enjoy doing. Originally Posted by Russ Tworthy
I cannot buy into that last part...... I think MOST gents look at the ladies as a business.... I think MOST gents fall in the category of those that never post..... I think MOST gents want the information from the sessions and couldn't give a damn about dignity and privacy of ladies that sell their services IF that means not having up to date and accurate information,,,

It would be great if this was a friendlier place.

Russ Originally Posted by Russ Tworthy
Personally... I think it is a pretty damn friendly place...... Sure... it could get better......

This community changes month after month after month..... But NOW...

Those changes already in place allow new people with differing views to come together and express MOST of their views publicly.....

I agree that ECCIE should be a friendlier place. We just disagree on what is needed to make it that way......

PERSONALLY I am fortunate to have MANY friends within this community..... For the last two years I have seen the circle of people around me with similar views grow, and grow and grow.....

Yesterday the 22 ladies (ALL providers. NOT strippers) and 70+ guys that made an appearance as well as donated to our cause showed me just how friendly this place is and the direction it is going.

What some are failing to see is that THEY are the ones not in step with the information based community that this has become...... that they are an ever shrinking minority.

It's a natural occurrence though.....

Anyway.... Name some names and give some examples..... Rally your supporters to bring their discussion here and let's hash this out before the year ends....

Because in 2012 I PERSONALLY intend to be more vocal..... to expand MY circle of influence and build and nurture new friendships here on ECCIE....

So if I am one of those YOU believe to be the problem sir.....

I can promise you that your problem will grow and the numbers like me will multiply in 2012....
IMHO, we have a family here. We are all a little different and do not, nor will we ever all agree all of the time. We will argue and disagree but we still have a common thread: the "hobby".
There are too many of us in this 'family' to be able to do things only one way or to have only one frame of mind on each and every subject. So if we can simply agree to disagree on occasion, let some garbage roll of our backs on occasion, or simply just chill out and not let things get to us, we can continue the sharing of thoughts, ideas and information in the setting that we have here on eccie.

Just sayin'...


CRamsey's Avatar
Your entire post is why people feel it's not friendly. I don't expect you to see that, but calling people weak minded and incapable of real world relationship is insulting and wrong.

I doubt you'll get many responses because no one wants their response to be criticized and told that they're "wrong" for having the feelings or opinions they do.

Think about it, how many times has the issue come up? We are all not crazy, people genuinely feel that you make this place unfriendly and not very welcoming. Seriously, how many times? Have you ever stopped to reflect or try to see things from another's point of view? You give off a 'better than thou" attitude and shut people down.

People have stopped posting because having constant back lash is not fun. Hobbies are supposed to be fun.

All I can say is that although you are a vocal poster, you are certainly not the majority. The only people you'll be 'influencing' in 2012 are the 'weak minded'.
Whispers's Avatar
How many times DO I or people LIKE me BRING the issue up?

This thread is prompted as is probably 90% of the discussions like this by people wanting to whine about the way ECCIE is in regards to the Austin Forums.

We do not START threads about the whiners out of the blue.

We RESPOND to the accusations OF the whiners.

On the old board the whiners controlled it all because their ranks included mods and admins that saw fit to cater to providers and their needs rather than hobbyists.

That simply is NOT the case here.

And I certainly could not care if I am in the majority or the minority. Just so long as others get to have their say and that the information is allowed to flow.
Thanks for your thread Whispers,how boring would it be if everyone agreed all the time? If you don't agree with something, and it gets under your skin,don't post. Take a break, chill out,and come back when you're ready to. Seems to be a forgiving place to me. I've seen a few meltdowns,and nobody has been kept away!
I agree with rockerrick in thanking Whispers for this thread.

I remember ASPD, and i much prefer ECCIE. What makes this work is the flow of information. You might not always like it, but it does work.

We are like family here, sometimes a dysfunctional family.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
I do not see how this is an unfriendly place....I do see the whiners and WKs that start crap all the time against another hobbyist putting up an honest review on occasion.

This is not fight club!

It is a information board....Information that providers put up ads and specials...Information on a consumer experience of providers advertised service. We can also get information on SC and SW here.

I like to be able to make a informed decision when I spend my money and this allows that to happen.

I thought ASPD was almost worthless for gathering Intel and only catered to the providers. I posted one review was attacked by WKs and never got premium access.
I see men only is talking..........hmmmmmmmmmmmm
just a thought maybe thats the way it is sapose to be.
I will be quiet now and run to the powder room like a good little girl.lol
Ranchhand's Avatar
I dont know about anyone else, but I love the hell outta this place. If you want to whine, do it, but be prepared for the backlash. If you want to voice your opinion, do that also, again be prepared for the backlash. If you come on here and get involved in a thread and get your feelings hurt, or get angry, then this is probably not the board for you.

I have seen prominant posters and sometimes posters alike get their asses handed to them. Im one of those guys that will say what he pleases within the guidelines of the board. If someone doesnt like what I say, take you best shot. Im a big boy, I can handle it. Respectfully submitted Ranch
Who's Your Daddy's Avatar
Your entire post is why people feel it's not friendly. I don't expect you to see that, but calling people weak minded and incapable of real world relationship is insulting and wrong.

I doubt you'll get many responses because no one wants their response to be criticized and told that they're "wrong" for having the feelings or opinions they do.

Think about it, how many times has the issue come up? We are all not crazy, people genuinely feel that you make this place unfriendly and not very welcoming. Seriously, how many times? Have you ever stopped to reflect or try to see things from another's point of view? You give off a 'better than thou" attitude and shut people down.

People have back lash is not fun. Hobbies are supposed to be fun.

All I can say is that although you are a vocal poster, you are certainly not the majority. The only people you'll be 'influencing' in 2012 are the 'weak minded'. Originally Posted by CRamsey
If there is anybody on this board that I respect, it's Russ Tworthy. To the weak minded, don't drink the Koolaid !!!
budman33's Avatar
Wow where to start. Yes it tends to shift from friendly to unfriendly to downright awful. But everyone here knows that. I am not going to name names because I don't have to. This board has been around long enough that people know exactly the posters who make it toxic at times. And providers are usually smart enough not to post at all outside of the ad section because they can't win.

But I will quote this, read it, ignore it or print it out and wipe your ass with it.

"If there is a person in your life who seems exceedingly self-centered, he or she may suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. According to Dr. Dan Neuharth, “People with narcissistic personality disorder lack a healthy emotional core. They are driven by a moment-to-moment monitoring of their worth. Since they find it difficult to provide self-worth, they seek it from external sources.”

Dealing with self-centered people can be very difficult and frustrating, especially if you are in a serious relationship with them. Those who are self-centered tend to treat the people badly because they view their partners as nothing more than objects that are in place to feed them emotionally. If you are romantically linked to someone who is self-centered, it’s almost as if you are stuck in a catch 22; if you leave, they will convince themselves you were not good enough, but if you stay, you validate their behavior by giving them the impression they are worth staying with, despite their abusive ways.

The most important thing to remember when dealing with a self-centered person is to remain realistic. If you struggle with low self-esteem, being around someone who seems so confident may give you a temporary boost."

Cheers!!! But seriously two days after the feel good party and we need a thread like this? where's my popcorn!!!
I know 3 things about this site: 1. I screen all members (who admit membership during screening) by the number and nature of their posts. 2. I do not want/ discourage reviews on this site, because even the positive ones can turn negative by the end of the thread. 3. The gentlemen that I do see (of the ones that are even aware of eccie- most are business travelers from other states/countries), would never have the time, energy, or will to write thousands, or even 100's, of posts. I do find it comical that anyone with 1,000's of posts would question ANYONE'S ability to have real world relationships outside of this board.
* I'm merely offering my answer to the question, and won't be engaging in any debates. To those of you with other plans: Have a great weekend!
Whispers's Avatar
...... I do find it comical that anyone with 1,000's of posts would question ANYONE'S ability to have real world relationships outside of this board. Originally Posted by MilfAmy
1000's of posts....
100's of reviews.....
Years of experience.....

I know a thing or two after all those years as well as all that experience....

and I tend to share my views and opinions regularly....

For me... this is a hobby.....

unfortunately for others..... it replaces things that are important.....

The other night I hosted a party and met more a couple of new providers as well as some I already knew.....

I'm always surprised when one of the really "smart" ones see through the "personna" and come to realize who I am as well as what I am all about....

Unlike MANY others here all the time.... This board is NOT my life.....

But I've been enriched in experiences as a result boards like this one and take a little time every day to give back.....

I put little stock in anything ANYone writes on a board on the internet if they HAVE NOT got experience and a history to support their opinions.... That's why I enjoy the socials and parties and meeting for lunches and dinners as often as I do. It lets me get face to face and discuss items of interest as well as explain some things....

But..... Darlin... I'm glad you find it all comical as my daddy taught me when I was a young teen boy that making many women can appreciate a man with a sense of humor. Most of the ladies that enjoy my company get to see that first hand.....
Naomi4u's Avatar
I love Whispers. That's all.
Whispers's Avatar
I love Whispers. That's all. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams

It's good to be the