Hardly Anyone At The Hospital. Where's this National Emergency?

So I drove by one of the large Methodist Hospital complexes here in Houston.

Parking lot less than half full. Went by the emergency room, surrounding parking lot less than half full.

They had some of those COVID drive up testing tents. No cars. Saw no one inside the tents.

Didn't go inside the tent or the ER but no lines, no people milling around. My wife has a peanut allergy; last summer I had to park two blocks away at the same ER. Today I could have parked in the second row.

Spoke to my CPA who's up in Dallas. His sister's a nurse and she's been testing a lot of people at their drive-in facility. One positive test.

This Wuhan flu crisis is WAAAAAYYYYY overblown. Anyone have any experiences they like to share?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous might be the biggest fucking idiot on this site. Your government are telling people to stay TF away from doctors offices and hospitals.

Visitors no longer allowed.

Patients generally don’t keeps their cars in the hospital parking lots, do they?

Such a dumbass! I recommends the Salisbury’s steak. Go on in, dummy! Might find a fresh one in the cafeteria!
So I drove by one of the large Methodist Hospital complexes here in Houston.

Parking lot less than half full. Went by the emergency room, surrounding parking lot less than half full.

They had some of those COVID drive up testing tents. No cars. Saw no one inside the tents.

Didn't go inside the tent or the ER but no lines, no people milling around. My wife has a peanut allergy; last summer I had to park two blocks away at the same ER. Today I could have parked in the second row.

Spoke to my CPA who's up in Dallas. His sister's a nurse and she's been testing a lot of people at their drive-in facility. One positive test.

This Wuhan flu crisis is WAAAAAYYYYY overblown. Anyone have any experiences they like to share? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Several of my relatives are Physicians.

Business is a little slow at the moment - elective cases are being cancelled. ER's at normal operations with standard waiting times.

Liberals need to pray this gets worse fast so fuckers can die and they can get rid of Trump. If we don't have a disaster Trump gets the credit for his early call to restrict travel from China, where the virus started from the wet markets in Wuhan, China.
Yous might be the biggest fucking idiot on this site. Your government are telling people to stay TF away from doctors offices and hospitals.

Visitors no longer allowed.

Patients generally don’t keeps their cars in the hospital parking lots, do they?

Such a dumbass! I recommends the Salisbury’s steak. Go on in, dummy! Might find a fresh one in the cafeteria! Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Just because you aren't allowed at Hospitals in the United States doesn't mean loyal citizens can't go!
MrThom's Avatar
There is a HUGE contagion of Fear going around. It is epidemic on the left and Right coasts. Not so much in the middle.
So I drove by one of the large Methodist Hospital complexes here in Houston.

Parking lot less than half full. Went by the emergency room, surrounding parking lot less than half full.

They had some of those COVID drive up testing tents. No cars. Saw no one inside the tents.

Didn't go inside the tent or the ER but no lines, no people milling around. My wife has a peanut allergy; last summer I had to park two blocks away at the same ER. Today I could have parked in the second row.

Spoke to my CPA who's up in Dallas. His sister's a nurse and she's been testing a lot of people at their drive-in facility. One positive test.

This Wuhan flu crisis is WAAAAAYYYYY overblown. Anyone have any experiences they like to share? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I am rather surprised. You would think there would be more hypochondriacs in Houston. My experience has been people are buying up a lot of unrelated supplies such as Paper Towels and Toilet Paper shelves are empty for those items in most stores. I saw only one person so far walking around the Grocery store wearing a surgical mask which is redundant being Viruses are 000.04 microns in size. Haven't seen anyone who looks like they aren't feeling well, sneezing or coughing ect. Personally I feel fine. I seldom get sick anyway. I am not going to say no one is experiencing this virus, but yes it could be overblown, but I wouldn't let my guard down either.
Lapdog's Avatar
Several of my relatives are Physicians.

Business is a little slow at the moment - elective cases are being cancelled. ER's at normal operations with standard waiting times.

Liberals need to pray this gets worse fast so fuckers can die and they can get rid of Trump. If we don't have a disaster Trump gets the credit for his early call to restrict travel from China, where the virus started from the wet markets in Wuhan, China. Originally Posted by friendly fred
We're praying, fred. We're praying.
The fake news media in Texas is reporting more new cases. The government is showing concern. Maybe I will stalk out hospitals and report back and make Putin/trump proud of me being stupid
I am rather surprised. You would think there would be more hypochondriacs in Houston. My experience has been people are buying up a lot of unrelated supplies such as Paper Towels and Toilet Paper shelves are empty for those items in most stores. I saw only one person so far walking around the Grocery store wearing a surgical mask which is redundant being Viruses are 000.04 microns in size. Haven't seen anyone who looks like they aren't feeling well, sneezing or coughing ect. Personally I feel fine. I seldom get sick anyway. I am not going to say no one is experiencing this virus, but yes it could be overblown, but I wouldn't let my guard down either. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I went to Vegas 3 weeks ago. Saw a lot of masks and service dogs. The masks may stop water droplets from sneezes both ways that contain the virus. Nevertheless I went bare nose. Fuck Wuhan.
LexusLover's Avatar
The masks may stop water droplets from sneezes both ways that contain the virus. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Just one way.

Need goggles over a ski mask to avoid the "droplets"!

Then burn the ski mask and replace it with a new one.

I called my Primary and talked to a nurse. "Shelter in Place"!

Everything the CommunistSocialistLiberalCryBa bies have thrown at Trump have failed.

This one will also.

When the Governor of NY starts praising Trump with the Governor of California, they're FUCKED!

LapMut needs to catch up to speed.
I went to Vegas 3 weeks ago. Saw a lot of masks and service dogs. The masks may stop water droplets from sneezes both ways that contain the virus. Nevertheless I went bare nose. Fuck Wuhan. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The Virus would pass through it like a spring breeze through a screen door. Beside would you really want to cough or sneeze in a rag and then wrap your face it it? It's better to keep a handkerchief handy use it and put it in your pocket.
We're praying, fred. We're praying. Originally Posted by Lapdog
I know you are!
Lapdog's Avatar
I know you are! Originally Posted by friendly fred
I'm praying for you especially, fred. Every goddam day.
I'm praying for you especially, fred. Every goddam day. Originally Posted by Lapdog
Who's answering your prayers, your parole officer?
I'm the biggest fucking PHONY HANDLE idiot on this site. Originally Posted by HoseHummerAKA ASSWIPE
That is a 5-STAR post!!