BREAKING NEWS: Huge scandal could bring down Trump!

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

i give you ..


Fired State Department watchdog was looking into whether Pompeo made staffer walk his dog, pick up laundry

Josh Lederman and Andrea Mitchell and Haley Talbot and Tim Stelloh
NBC NewsMay 17, 2020, 6:26 PM CDT

WASHINGTON — The State Department inspector general who was removed from his job Friday was looking into whether Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a staffer walk his dog, pick up his dry cleaning and make dinner reservations for Pompeo and his wife, among other personal errands, according to two congressional officials assigned to different committees.

The officials said they are working to learn whether former Inspector General Steve Linick may have had other ongoing investigations into Pompeo.

The officials say the staffer who was alleged to have been made to do personal tasks is a political appointee who was serving as a staff assistant. CNN reported last year that congressional Democrats were investigating a different complaint, this one from a whistleblower, alleging that Pompeo's diplomatic security agents were made to perform similar personal tasks.

The House first obtained details of the inspector general investigation late last week after learning of Linick's sudden removal. Congressional oversight officials investigating the matter, believe the firing was direct retaliation for his pursuing the investigation.

A White House official told NBC News that Pompeo "recommended" Linick's ouster and that President Donald Trump agreed with the move.

In a letter Friday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., Trump said it was "vital" to have "the fullest confidence in the appointees serving as Inspectors General."

"That is no longer the case with regard to this Inspector General," the letter said.

Linick's removal drew criticism from Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, a co-chair of the Whistleblower Protection Caucus, who said Congress needs written reasons justifying a removal. "A general lack of confidence is simply not sufficient," he said.

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Eliot Engel, D-N.Y., and Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, the ranking Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, said Saturday that they're launching an investigation of Linick's removal. They asked the Trump administration to turn over records and other details related to the firing by Friday.

During the coronavirus pandemic, Trump has also fired the intelligence community's watchdog, Michael Atkinson, and replaced acting Inspector General Glenn Fine at the Defense Department.



staff assistant. yes you are an errand boy gofer it's your job.

lustylad's Avatar
Oh dear! What a scandal! This stinks to high heaven!

Btw... firing an Inspector General doesn't close any pending investigations.
This is getting really embarrassing for the Democrats. Instead of focusing on November, where, if they win, they can take their sweet time building a more solid case against this admin (if Trump is even still POTUS), they are pandering to a fringe group of zealots who loathe the current president. It's just a really bad look to the sane people looking in from the outside.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Poop gate.
  • oeb11
  • 05-18-2020, 09:15 AM
Let the DPST's " investigate " all that is Trump to high heaven - and then try to defend their lack of any constructive govenance - coupled with insane overspending bills to impose socialism on America - come Nov 2020
Not to mention the unfolding Obamagate and FBI corruption.

Let 'em stand on their record

They think Americans are stupid sheep to be entice with handouts down their garden pathway to destruction and socialism.

They got another 'think' comin'!
pompeo probably had to wake her/him up to ask

now I thought the thread might be concerning the recent hack into the computer system of the celebrity law firm

lady gaga, mariah carey etc were clients and the hackers were threatening to reveal all

the hackers demanded, I think it was, $21 million

the attorney said "nope, even if I paid, theres no guarantee you wouldn't release info anyway"

so then the hackers came back and said we now demand $42 million and we have dirt on the Donald and you'd never want him as president if we reveal it
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Isn’t that what assistants do?
HedonistForever's Avatar
pompeo probably had to wake her/him up to ask

now I thought the thread might be concerning the recent hack into the computer system of the celebrity law firm

lady gaga, mariah carey etc were clients and the hackers were threatening to reveal all

the hackers demanded, I think it was, $21 million

the attorney said "nope, even if I paid, theres no guarantee you wouldn't release info anyway"

so then the hackers came back and said we now demand $42 million and we have dirt on the Donald and you'd never want him as president if we reveal it Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Anybody handling "those people" don't want him to be President anyway.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
pompeo probably had to wake her/him up to ask

now I thought the thread might be concerning the recent hack into the computer system of the celebrity law firm

lady gaga, mariah carey etc were clients and the hackers were threatening to reveal all

the hackers demanded, I think it was, $21 million

the attorney said "nope, even if I paid, theres no guarantee you wouldn't release info anyway"

so then the hackers came back and said we now demand $42 million and we have dirt on the Donald and you'd never want him as president if we reveal it Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

interesting. hadn't heard anything on that .. so off to the interwebs!!

looks like the Lord Emperor Donald is innocent!

Demonrat hearts are breaking across the free world!


Hackers Release Dozens of Law Firm’s Emails Citing Trump, but There’s No ‘Dirty Laundry’

The ransomware hackers who stole gigabytes of data from a prominent New York entertainment law firm posted a batch of emails Saturday on the dark web, which they previously hyped as containing incriminating information on President Donald Trump.

But there’s nothing damning in the collection of 169 emails, which the hackers illegally obtained from Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks’ systems.

Indeed, only a few of the emails published online Saturday actually refer to Donald Trump in any meaningful context. Those include discussions of satirical references to him in certain TV shows and ads, as well as his 2015 interview with Barbara Walters on ABC News’ “20/20.”

Meanwhile, among the hacked emails were newsletters with links to articles about the current White House occupant. In several cases, the emails included “trump” in the verb sense of “to override,” having nothing to do with Donald Trump. A few others were correspondence with a company whose offices were in Trump Tower in New York. Another email chain referenced a client who was staying at Trump International Hotel & Tower New York

In short, it’s nothing resembling the “ton of dirty laundry” the cyberattackers claimed they possessed on Donald Trump.

The criminals’ claims to have revealing info on Trump in connection with their hack of Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks were puzzling, given that the law firm has never represented Donald Trump or the Trump Organization.

The hackers claimed the emails they released Saturday contain “the most harmless information” about Trump — apparently trying to imply they are holding back more compelling material. But considering that what they published contained nothing remotely interesting, it seems likely that the cybercriminals are vastly exaggerating the value of the data they’ve stolen.

Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks refused to pay the cyberthieves’ initial $21 million ransom, after which the hackers doubled their demand to $42 million. Now that it’s clear the law firm, which has brought in the FBI to conduct a criminal investigation, will not even negotiate with the criminal ring, the hackers are claiming they will auction off the client data they stole on the dark web.

The attack on the Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks network, which appears to have occurred on or around May 7, allegedly resulted in the theft of documents on multiple music and entertainment figures. The hackers have claimed those include Lady Gaga, Madonna, Nicki Minaj, Bruce Springsteen, Mary J. Blige, Ella Mai, Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, Cam Newton, Bette Midler, Jessica Simpson, Priyanka Chopra, Idina Menzel and Run DMC.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Gee, another nothingburger. Who’da thunk it.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Isn’t that what assistants do? Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
no.. not legally.

there are a myriad of rules that block Government Officials from using Staff for personal reasons.

however, I have known several people, closely, who worked for Congressmen who you would know the names of, if I posted them. those Staffers did MUCH MORE than Pompeo is being accused of, and they not only thought nothing of it, they were pleased to help out as they did.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Absolutely. My oldest got her masters on an “assistantship”, which was supposed to be to do stuff like filing, grading papers, teaching undergrads, yada yada. In reality she was picking up dry cleaning, buying his wife gifts, getting his car fixed, all sorts of non-school related stuff. She actually preferred the personal stuff, got to pimp around in the prof’s Jag.
lustylad's Avatar
Hmmm... if the dems really want to nail Pompeo for this kind of stuff, why don't they just get Monica Lewinsky to intern for him?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Is The Devi Wears Prada a documentary about Nancy and her assistants?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hmmm... if the dems really want to nail Pompeo for this kind of stuff, why don't they just get Monica Lewinsky to intern for him? Originally Posted by lustylad



Is The Devi Wears Prada a documentary about Nancy and her assistants? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
