TSA whistle blower calls out TSA Program

JD Barleycorn's Avatar

What I found interesting was that many of the TSA people are using their screening jobs as a springboard to a better job. Sounds like a good resource for a tyrant. A self taught training program to find people who will just follow their orders without regard to common sense, good taste, or the Constitution. I guess they didn't hear that the Nuremburg defense didn't work. So now we have two training programs for government brown shirts; SEIU (outside the government) and TSA (inside the government).
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmmm, so you are advocating people just take a job and stay in it for the rest of their lives? What about the "entrapeneural spirit," or "upward modility" you deep thinking Teapublicans are always harping about? Sounds very commie-like to me that you are arguing this point in this way. You know, you have a job, deal with what it pays and stay put like a good little drone. Typical janitorial engineering thinking. All you've got to hang your hat on is this useless waste of bandwith is that it "[s]ounds like a good resource for a tyrant.

Go back to bed, you seem to have lost more than an hour last night. The New York Post, really?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I would eliminate tyhe TSA entirely.
The responsibility and the liability of security should fall on the carrier. The airline could do a lot more than what the TSA does. They would not be limited as the TSA should be.With the added responsibility for liability the idea of making security a thing that is not important would be virtually eliminated.

The idea that the government should be violating our Constitutional rights would be eliminated in this industry and the idiocy of searching the diapers of senior citizens would vanish. Of course, you could be subjected to things that if the government did it would violate your rights as a citizen but that is the price we pay for the failure of an industry to insure the integrity of their service.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Randy, being intellectually dense is getting to be a habit with you. This is not about the employees of the TSA, this is about the program that trains or finds people who will do what they are told to do irregardless of the effectiveness of their program. They follow orders. They don't get themselves promoted, they do things that get them recognized and then someone above promotes them. How do they get recognized? By following orders without reason or qualm. Do you think that Craig Livingstone got his job at the White House by being a great bouncer? He followed orders and he gave no thought to what was appropriate, lawful, or right.

To belabor the point further; Hitler chose his subordinates from people that he was familiar with and followed orders. Himmler was a chicken farmer, Hess was a pilot and student of economics and history, Bormann was a murderer and thug, Speer was an architect, Goebbels was a failed writer, bank clerk, and anti-semitic. They all followed orders and had no obvious, special skills that recommended them for higher office.
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  • 03-10-2013, 10:55 AM

What I found interesting was that many of the TSA people are using their screening jobs as a springboard to a better job. Sounds like a good resource for a tyrant. A self taught training program to find people who will just follow their orders without regard to common sense, good taste, or the Constitution. ). Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Are we talking about the TSA or the military, cause I don't see much difference in regards to the springboard to a better job. Not only that , the military seems to be known for following orders...

What is your point JD.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Yeah, Corneyhole, architrects and military officers are a real bunch of dolts. By using your ramshackle reasoning, YOU make an ideal candidate for one of those positions. Hell, you probably tried to get a TSA job at the KC airport but couldn't pass the mental exam. Your fascination with all things Nazi is interesting, considering the paranoia where it comes to "outsiders" spoiling this country. Your ill-fated quest for "purity" misses the mark as far as you're concerned. However, it is hilarious that your "anti-Nazi" diatribes serve to point out similarities to the Teawipe "Patriots'" and the German National Socialists, thus performing a great, though unintentional, service. Now, limp your self-inflicted wounded foot over to the kommunity kollege infirmary and get it treated. They do treat the physical plant staff (i.e. janitors) don't they?
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  • 03-10-2013, 11:21 AM
Randy, being intellectually dense is getting to be a habit with you. This is not about the employees of the TSA, this is about the program that trains or finds people who will do what they are told to do irregardless of the effectiveness of their program. They follow orders. They don't get themselves promoted, they do things that get them recognized and then someone above promotes them. How do they get recognized? By following orders without reason or qualm. . Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Isn't that exactly what you did in the military?

Isn't that exactly wtf you do by working as a teacher's aid at a community college?

You follow orders to get ahead.

Start you own business JD and get off the governments tit. This is self loathing by proxy and you don't even realize it!
LexusLover's Avatar
I would eliminate tyhe TSA entirely.
The responsibility and the liability of security should fall on the carrier. The airline could do a lot more than what the TSA does. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
The airlines didn't before there was a TSA and the airlines won't after there is TSA. In the change-over to TSA most of those in TSA were private security before, and supervisors were "grandfathered" ... When DHS took over background checks, it helped some, but having a clean history and being drug free doesn't make someone a "worker" ... now they have union protection on top of being lazy.

They will be union under the airlines and each airline can't have its own screening.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
In the military we had "lawful orders" as you should know. That means that there are things that we won't do even if ordered. The TSA doesn't seem to have that problem. In your vast military career didn't you ever have to say, "with all due respect sir, I can't obey that order."? I did a couple of times. Nothing earth shattering but they were young.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

See what happens when you follow orders even if you know that you shouldn't, that people died, or that you will get caught lying about it.
Yeah, Corneyhole, architrects and military officers are a real bunch of dolts. By using your ramshackle reasoning, YOU make an ideal candidate for one of those positions. Hell, you probably tried to get a TSA job at the KC airport but couldn't pass the mental exam. Your fascination with all things Nazi is interesting, considering the paranoia where it comes to "outsiders" spoiling this country. Your ill-fated quest for "purity" misses the mark as far as you're concerned. However, it is hilarious that your "anti-Nazi" diatribes serve to point out similarities to the Teawipe "Patriots'" and the German National Socialists, thus performing a great, though unintentional, service. Now, limp your self-inflicted wounded foot over to the kommunity kollege infirmary and get it treated. They do treat the physical plant staff (i.e. janitors) don't they? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Dam, that sounded like something Assup would write, lol. By chance are you two pompos fucks related.
LexusLover's Avatar
In the military ....The TSA doesn't seem to have that problem. .... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
It seems more appropriate to compare the TSA with the Post Office.
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  • 03-10-2013, 04:36 PM
It seems more appropriate to compare the TSA with the Post Office. Originally Posted by LexusLover
They all draw a paycheck from the government, same as our military.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you think the military, the post office, and the TSA are the same then you are delusional or stupid. Care to tell us which one it is?
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  • 03-10-2013, 05:50 PM
If you think the military, the post office, and the TSA are the same then you are delusional or stupid. Care to tell us which one it is? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Do you dispute that they all are paid by the government?

There are good and bad in all branch's of government.

btw, I'm stupid for arguing with your delusions