Why isn't he in jail?

Just came across this, I didn't realise he was a vicious child abuser as well as being a crazy obsessive.

He is as far from being Christian as I can imagine.

But why isn't he? Aren;t there any child abuse laws? Maybe the physical evidence has faded?

Is there some link between religion and child abuse, that the bible is used to justify the torture?

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I thought this was a thr4ead about Eric Holder.....never mind
Just came across this, I didn't realise he was a vicious child abuser as well as being a crazy obsessive.

He is as far from being Christian as I can imagine.

But why isn't he? Aren;t there any child abuse laws? Maybe the physical evidence has faded?

Is there some link between religion and child abuse, that the bible is used to justify the torture?

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/reli...st-Church.html Originally Posted by essence
This "pastor" probably hasn't broke any laws as of yet. Being a total moron is not against the law.

If you are referring to his strict "religious" beliefs, and the way he brings up his familly, he would probably counter with allowing young children to be raised by two gay parents is much more detremental to a childs well being.

A lot of this is how one views the world. This nut case is just as extreme in his own right as the Muslim who straps a bomb vest on and walks into a restaurant.
What does the law say about the boundary between acceptable chastisement and child abuse? Is repeated whippings with a barber's strap, and punching, child abuse or chastisement.

Let alone the mental abuse.

Some countries say the boundary is when there are marks on the skin.

Read his story.

The child abuse aspect may be not that uncommon.

Why doesn't a member of the public start hitting him with a baseball bat, same as he did to his children?

This makes me angry, it makes me even more angry if nothing is done to stop it and similar thugs.

Quote from the article:

“He had this old barber’s strap and used it so much that the last six inches were frayed, kind of like a cat-o-nine-tails, and he’d hit you with it and it’d wrap around your hips and rip the skin,” Nate says. “By the time I turned eight I remember he had started using a mattock handle instead. Similar to a pickaxe handle, it was about 4ft long and bigger than a baseball bat.” Nate says his father would fly into rages and beat him and his siblings mercilessly: “Then he’d set the mattock down and hit them with his fist.” Nate recalls one particular occasion when he was bent over a church pew backwards and felt like his back was breaking. When he tried to escape, Fred split his head open.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Oh Phelps? I thought it was pretty well known that he controls his family through a regimen of physical and mental abuse?

Most of them are pretty warped and brainwashed after all those years of exposure and probably don't have the real capacity to resist / disagree anymore.
Oh Phelps? I thought it was pretty well known that he controls his family through a regimen of physical and mental abuse? Originally Posted by jbravo_123
So, why isn't he in jail? Wh hasn't he been arrested and tried? Why are people turning a blind eye?
So, why isn't he in jail? Wh hasn't he been arrested and tried? Why are people turning a blind eye? Originally Posted by essence
Statute of limitations. The abused occurred decades ago.
jbravo_123's Avatar
So, why isn't he in jail? Wh hasn't he been arrested and tried? Why are people turning a blind eye? Originally Posted by essence
Probably a number of factors. Lack of evidence, victims unwilling to come forward, having a plethora of good lawyers at his disposal (his children are all mostly trained in the legal profession), etc.

As ExNYer also points out, the statute of limitations has also likely passed those as well.