Monger vs Food Redux....Part Deaux

REB met Big Pimpin' today for lunch. was good to catch up on the days events and thoughts of naked women...

REB realized he eats like a 5th grade girl, while Big eats like a well Big Pimp..

REB had the grilled Trout, steamed brockery,and baked potato..
BP had the crab pasta in Alfredo sause...

REB gotz to handz it two BP, dat Pimp can eets some chow!!!
Damn REB! Well, since REB done outted me, my return to the Olympia stage is on hold fo now. Hurt my back a while back, and I figger iffen I cants work out, den I may as well EAT! Too busy now until May, but then look out, BP will hit the gym and the diet, and come back STTTTTRRRRROOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG GG. By August, BP be around 260-270, wit blown up biceps, prodigious pecs, and chiseled abs!

Ok, ok, probably not chiseled abs, but hopefully rid of dickdo disease, where you belly stick out farther than your dick do!
I forgot to add BP missed breakfast this morning so he was making up for two meals in one.....

at least we did not eat dessert
Thanks Bishop, I was just fittin to add the no breakfast part! My freaking head is still messing with me from the vitimins on an empty stomach though! A word to the wise, don't take the 100 mg wit only coffee in yo belly!
gman44's Avatar
Damn, and I was working. I might be able to out eat you two
Thanks Bishop, I was just fittin to add the no breakfast part! My freaking head is still messing with me from the vitimins on an empty stomach though! A word to the wise, don't take the 100 mg wit only coffee in yo belly! Originally Posted by TGFBI

Ouch!! Can you say Migrain!!