I Won't Be Watching The NFL If This Keeps Up...

It's great to have football back but all the race virtue signaling and back slapping during last nights Texan/Chiefs game was just nauseating. Every free moment there was some type of "end racism" message. The announcers stressed it (fuck Collingsworth), the NFL commercials stressed it, and they even showed messages on the players helmets and around the stadium.

The average white fan is tired of being called a racist. It's like a few years ago when Ray Rice knocked his wife out, how everyone got tired of being called a "wife abuser." Bullshit. Ray Rice knocked his wife out, not me. I don't need to be reminded every 7 minutes how domestic abuse is wrong by Peyton Manning.

So what team is Colin Kapernick on? What are the demands other than "end systemic racism?" How is that going to be achieved?Let's start by looking at the boards of your advertisers. Please trot out the BoD of Apple and Google first.

About 25 years ago there was a tremendous push in corporate America for "Diversity." All types of programs where I worked. It mainly benefited white women and gays/lesbians. These programs should have matriculated up blacks and other minorities by now. What happend?

Why should the NFL care? Because a few criminals were killed by white cops and it was captured on camera? Are we going to stop the season every time there is a police shooting? It appears some are even reviewing shootings from months and years past.

Does anyone know that one biracial player recently signed a HALF A BILLION dollar contract? Don't get me wrong, I'm not crying for a bunch of rich white owners who conned local govts to build monstrously expensive stadiums to be used 10-12 times a year. I'm glad to see their team's value go down hundreds of millions of dollars.

I watch the NFL to be entertained, not to be lectured or sent on some guilt trip. Stop the crap and play ball.
sitting in my office listening to the radio this morning , and the station people come on and give the nfl report as if its old times and bob lilly is playing for the cowboys

I know the station gets money for broadcasting etc, so its a money thing

I didn't turn to any game last night , just refused to, and I found I didn't miss it one bit

and as the radio report went on I'm thinking, I wish they would just shut up about football and basketball and ignore the corrupted crap

what you mentioned , that the messages at "Every free moment there was some type of "end racism" message. The announcers stressed it (fuck Collingsworth), the NFL commercials stressed it, and they even showed messages on the players helmets and around the stadium." is a psychological trick to normalize their position and their message that systemic racism abounds

I know what im about to say is how dimocrats think about America but as far as professional football and basketball are concerned (and espn along with them), I wish the whole structure would collapse
  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2020, 08:17 AM
NFL is 70% black - and ipso facto a racist organization
They hate anything not 'woke' - and are about to find that OBLM sponsorship is a detriment to the core of fans and watchers - middle aged white males - who will desert in droves from watching. .

The sponsorship numbers will be fudged to encourage stupid corporate accounts - who will eventually find out the hard way they profit not by sponsoring a marxist OBLM -centric entertainment endeavor.

without enormous tv profits - the spoiled, elitist NFL athletes will no longer get paid - and just let the NFL fade in to obscurity - along with its OBLM logos painted on the fields.

Modern black racism and black privilege - will kill the 'woke' nfl.
good riddance.
You missed a good game. The Chiefs are dominant. Maholmes is devastating in his timing and accuracy. The Kansas City defense showed by collapsing the pocket it doesn't give Watson the lanes to take off and makes him hold onto the ball too long. Now with KC's new RB their offense will be a juggernaut. BoB's in trouble.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Would have been a better game if they had locked the doors when the Houston team walked off the field. Forfeits are political too.
CG2014's Avatar
The NFL and all these companies who say the support BLM and racial equality don't care about those issues. They only care about MONEY!

If they even hint that they don't support it or don't care or are NEUTRAL, they will be lambasted on social media and their MONEY PROFIT will DROP.

STARBUCKS is allowing their employees to wear masks and caps and pins that says BLM on it. But if one of their employees decide to wear a mask or a cap or a pin that said BLUE LIVES MATTER or TRUMP 2020 or ALL LIVES MATTER,



News release from STARBUCKS: after reviewing the case, we have concluded that this employee is not holding on and SUPPORTING to the VALUES and TRADITIONS that makes STARBUCKS CULTURE BLAH BLAH BLAH and we have decided to TERMINATE his employement.

So as GOOD SHEEP, all these companies are following each other and saying we support BLM and we support getting rid of the Police and OF COURSE WE SUPPORT GETTING RID OF PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP and WE SUPPORT BIDEN/HARRIS etc etc.

Same for the actors and actresses in Hollywood TWEETING how much they love the Black criminals that were shot and killed by the Police, if they say otherwise, the box office ticket sales of their next multi million dollars budgeted movies will drop like a rock.
  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2020, 09:03 AM
C - i disagree - the producers who supply monies for production of the hollyweird trash are 'woke' -centric - very true .

however , The real monies come from people in theaters.

Who will become disgusted by the 'woke' trash and propaganda inculcation of hollyweird trash.

When the monies from viewers dries up - it is 'Change or die" for the propaganda distributors. .!
When the monies from viewers dries up - it is 'Change or die" for the propaganda distributors. .! Originally Posted by oeb11
they change for china, maybe they would change for americans, who knows?

but then what is the anti-American inculcation in school all about?
Football won’t miss any of you.
  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2020, 09:16 AM
is that not 'racist' on your part, 1b1???
Of course it is!

Fine and dandy - if you think the OBLM fawning NFL survives without white viewership - be my guest.

to make up the deficit - billions of dollars from blacks would be required to pay the NFL its' 'Due".

be my guest - if you want to watch it - You pay for it!

It is called 'Capitalism" - a concept alien to socialist marxist inculcated minions of the DPST's.

see how your 'socialism and Equality" work on supporting the overpaid entertainers of the NFL.
The Pro Sports can take their BLM shit and stick it up their asses.
CG2014's Avatar
I turn the game on last night in the 4th quarter and had it on for 5 minutes.

Long enough to notice the stadium is empty, the game is not the same with 70,000 screaming fans in the stand, and the group of coaches, assistants, staff, players on the sideline is smaller than usual.

Then I turned it off. I didn't even look to see who was winning or losing.
Football won’t miss any of you. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You talk to balls a lot?

I turn the game on last night in the 4th quarter and had it on for 5 minutes.

Long enough to notice the stadium is empty, the game is not the same with 70,000 screaming fans in the stand, and the group of coaches, assistants, staff, players on the sideline is smaller than usual.

Then I turned it off. I didn't even look to see who was winning or losing. Originally Posted by CG2014
They only allowed 22% of the fans to show. Most surprisingly stayed until the end. I know a lot of seatholders are families but I didn't see a lot of "social distancing."
mrmxmr's Avatar
im really sad about this, im as big of fan of the nfl that ever existed .

Im so tired of all i hold dear telling me how i should be. We are all imperfect creatures and need to expand and grow as individuals within our hearts, but becoming the best we can be is within our own experience , our individual life day to day . Thats what works , being told how we should be and how if we arent, theres something wrong with us is so judgmental. Without knowing nothing about us it is an imperfect learning experience and assumes we havent value to learn whats important in our lives and the lives of others . Its the heart that evolves, that feels the empathy through its own time line and not indoctrinated into some imperfect mindset.

The truth is this is nothing more than an expanded PC that ignores the root causes of the premise and is only a projection of a political motive directed toward a specific group that gives that group the impression of making their lives better while actually doing the opposite . It awakens division and hatred and the mindset of victimhood .

Im not saying there isnt a problem but the deaths of these individuals at the hands of the LE is the culmination of various negative aspects of their lives that have existed for years . If you dont solve the root problems then these situations happen over and over, bringing our attention to them doesnt solve them , it only accentuates them. It is the leaders of these cities where these incidents occur that should answer for the environment that they allow it to exist . They let it continue unabated because racism does exist as does sex offenders and dirty cops. The difference for them is that racism is a political tool that can be turned on every 4 years and with the hatred of our current president the left has turned it up to a new level enlisting all the elements of our culture , even the NFL i love .

I didnt watch the game last night and ill dvr the game of my favorite team and if they win ill possibly watch it then probably FF through all the PC stuff .Im actually hoping they lose then the decision is made for me , it kinda makes me feel like a situation where i loved someone but the feeling has left and im hoping they dont call , the breakup is just easier that way.
  • oeb11
  • 09-11-2020, 10:33 AM
Can you define 'social justice' and 'institutional pervasive racism"??

and - what solutions are the DPST's demanding for their manufactured 'Racism"!???