bitten insulting black women now...the fucking racist!! Where is BLM when you need them??

Black women stacking shelves made it possible for him to stay in his basement...WTF is this idiot talking about?? He must have owned slaves in the 1840's...when he was first elected to congress

Wait, Huh? Biden Was Able to Stay in Basement Because ‘Some Black Woman Was Able to Stack Grocery Shelves’

“Biden Unplugged.” Doesn’t get any better. Or any worse, if you’re “Sleepy Joe” or a member of the campaign team tasked with electing him president of the United States in 37 days.

Given that he’s had some classic Biden moments when he’s tried to stick to his trusty teleprompter, Joe Biden riffing — sans teleprompter — is a nightmare for Democrats — and comedy gold to Republicans.

Such was the case with this beauty at a recent campaign event in Tampa — not a teleprompter to be seen — when he made yet another excuse tried to explain why he remained in isolation in his home, month after month, during the COVID pandemic and beyond.

“The American public, the blinders have been taken off. They’ve all of a sudden seen a hell of a lot clearer. Geez, the reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home is because… some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf.”

Um, huh?

“Infidel Angela” tweeted a hilarious clip with music from “Jaws” added to Biden’s comment — and a surprise ending to make it even funnier.

She later suspected Twitter was removing retweets of her tweet — no way Twitter would do that, right? — of Biden’s bizarre comment, suggesting “they don’t want it to get out.”

Whether or not Twitter has removed retweets of Infidel Angela’s tweet, there are more than enough available examples of Biden’s controversial comments about Black people to satisfy even the most discriminating of Biden gaffes.
Chung Tran's Avatar
It was clumsy, but Biden was saying the poor and minotities were and are on the front line, exposed to covid, while the wealthy can stay home and Zoom.

and by the way, Biden pays taxes
pleasurem's Avatar
Biden is the racist!!!
It was clumsy, but Biden was saying the poor and minotities were and are on the front line, exposed to covid, while the wealthy can stay home and Zoom.

and by the way, Biden pays taxes Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I didn't hear that must have seen a video that was only available to leftwingers.
So it was only the poor and "minorities" whatever the fuck that means, from your prospective other "groups" of people didn't do squat" on the front lines" and ALL the left are eaten up with identity politics GOTCHA
Chung Tran's Avatar
Biden is the racist!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
Hahahaha! so this is what y'all came up with, to avoid talking about that Elephant in the room.

You jig is up. The Fat Lady is clearing her throat.

She hastily readied a newly minted song. ''Biden will defeat, the Commander in Chief tax cheat''

pleasurem's Avatar
Still, Just Democratic idiots... fucking fools thinking any Dem, especially Biden is going to help you... all he can say, Uh, uh, uh... he’s not capable, and he has a horrible running mate!!!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Still, Just Democratic idiots... fucking fools thinking any Dem, especially Biden is going to help you... all he can say, Uh, uh, uh... he’s not capable, and he has a horrible running mate!!! Originally Posted by pleasurem
Try harder.

Your guy's death sentence was signed some 90 minutes ago.
Try harder.

Your guy's death sentence was signed some 90 minutes ago. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
No bittens death sentence starts Tuesday night.
Chung Tran's Avatar
No bittens death sentence starts Tuesday night. Originally Posted by bb1961

Trump will look crazier than ever Tuesday night. He is playing rope-a-dope.

But that Dope done been roped by the NYT
pleasurem's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 09-27-2020, 07:22 PM
Poor CT - just eaten up by TDS - and fake news from teh NYcrimes
CT believes - because his religion of marxist totalitarianism - dictates he must -

so CT obeys his Comrade master Xi!
Bitten's death sentence will be signed when the Senate approves Amy Coney Barrett as the newest member of the Supreme Court ..... and after Trump's re-election maybe he can nominate one or two more exceptionally qualified candidates ..... Bitten's only hope is that those thousands of stored boxes of dead and illegal non-qualifed voters are found and counted in time! .....
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 09-28-2020, 07:34 AM
none so blind as Moles - that cannot see!
Blinded by DPST propaganda!
such a waste of a life!
HoeHummer's Avatar
Yous are all deluded, eh?

More important that any teh talk of civil war or hurling epithets at others, why not start sharing your actual plans for action once the AMERICAN people overthrow your piece of shit dictator?

Where are yous going to go? What are yous going to do?

At least Obama was a black man, so yous could be angry about that. But Biden is not.

Yous going back to Ireland? Germany? Douchebaggistan?

The mass exodus of WSNDs will be unprecedenteds. And yous are not allowed in Canada.

Yous think mexico let you in?