Hell no, never put the room on your card, or put it in your name.
If you want to help out offer to let her have the room if she puts the room in her name and you give her cash for the room cost.
Originally Posted by Fizley
This^^, and for the reasons tpepsi said.
One time, I got a room with an SB, and spent the night with her. She wanted me to pay for the room for the next night, when I would NOT be there, but I knew better and refused. I gave her enough $ so she could pay for a room, but I new she didn't have a CC to secure the room incidentals. She was smart, so I figured she would find a CC or sweet talk the desk clerk. On the way out of the lobby, I made sure they knew my stay was over and that I was checking out and wanted the final bill.
Sure enough, she figured out how to keep the room for another night. She also invited some friends over who were involved in a variety of felony criminal activity, including stolen cars, stolen guns, and things we don't discuss here. They got raided by the local SWAT team early in the morning, and even though I had checked out the day before, I found myself detained (but never charged). She was convicted on nearly a dozen felonies, and has been in state prison for several years, with more to go.
She passed my background check too initially. The extra allowance, and her poor choice of friends, turned her from an innocent 19yo into an incarcerated felon.