Female condoms close to bareback???

Camelguy's Avatar
Does anyone have experience with these new fangdangled doo hickies ??
Could they be a comprise between a dick bag and bareback?
TideLWave's Avatar
I had a provider want to use one 6 or 8 years ago. I would say it was just ok. I had a hard time getting past the view of what looked like a sandwich bag coming out of her couch. It wasn't a real turn on and I don't recall it feeling anything like bareback. They may have improved them since then. I wouldn't mind trying again with the right person.
I have never used one but did purchase them for a provider to try and she didn't want to because it looked too bulky. I would have to say it would be like jacking off with a condom on.
Camelguy's Avatar
I am just curious about an alternative / compromise

I truly understand both sides of the bareback /condom argument and by no means am I trying to open that can of worms.

I am trying to think around the problem!
gulflover's Avatar
I've used one, just once I think. It ended up being about the same. The visual wasn't a problem for me.
Used one once. No problem with visual and very slight difference in feel. Rather than something that is hugging Homer, you get a little of the feel of the pussy. The one I tried it with was pretty loose so not much difference. I would love to give it a try with a tight provider.
Camelguy's Avatar
One point I just thought of ! As speedteacher said "hugging homer"

For gents that need a little assistance,could the hugging of homer exacerbate the situation?

Would a female rubber help that any ???
When I was young (Back in black and white days) I found myself alone with my friend's older sister. She said we could "do it" if I had a condom. Being 15 that was something I didn't just carry around. We looked around and settled on a carrot bag. It did work... :-)
Camelguy's Avatar
Wow Boob

Could that have been the first female condom ????
Carrot bags have holes in them...
"Carrot bags have holes in them..."
Not back in black and white.