Public Release of IRS Whistleblower Transcripts

berryberry's Avatar

Bombshell evidence revealed by IRS whistleblowers about how the DOJ rigged the Hunter Biden criminal investigation.

Forensic tax evidence of ill-gotten millions from China and Ukraine.

Obstruction by DOJ, leaking to Biden lawyers, tampering with evidence…

a WhatsApp begging message from Hunter to his Chinese handlers saying “dad is in the room”.
berryberry's Avatar
A supervisory IRS agent divulged to Congress widespread interference in the probe of Hunter Biden, including the blockage of two search warrants and more extensive criminal charges, while also confirming the government had evidence that Joe Biden met with his son's Chinese business partners, according to testimony released Thursday,

Just the News obtained the testimony of IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley shortly after the House Ways and Means Committee voted to pierce Hunter Biden's tax privacy and make the agent's allegations of preferential treatment and political interference public.

He confirmed career prosecutors originally intended to charge Hunter Biden with numerous tax violations dating to 2014, but in the end appointees of Joe Biden nixed the plan for a more sweeping indictment. In the end, the charges were narrowed to two counts in 2017 and 2018 that most likely spared the presidential son prison time.

"I am blowing the whistle because the Delaware U.S. Attorney's Office, Department of Justice Tax, and Department of Justice provided preferential treatment and unchecked conflicts of interest in an important and high-profile investigation of the President's son, Hunter Biden," he told lawmakers.

Shapley divulged in his testimony that federal prosecutors twice blocked search warrants seeking evidence from Hunter Biden, including one for a storage locker with corporate documents and another for Joe Biden's Delaware residence where Hunter Biden was living, even though agents had met the standards for probable cause.

Shapley recounted how an assistant U.S. Attorney working on the case in Delaware she rejected the warrant for Joe Biden's home in December 2020.

"The decision was whether the juice was worth the squeeze And also a statement made here was that she said that, well, we had to consider the optics of doing a search warrant on, you know, Hunter Biden's residence and/or the guest house of President Biden.," he recounted. "

"She further states about the guest house of Joe Biden that there was no way we'd get that approved," he recounted.

Later when agents pivoted to seek a search warrant for a storage locker where Hunter Biden stored some of his corporate records, they were thwarted again and instead prosecutors alerted the Biden legal team. Shapley said the denial was unprecedented in his many years as an IRS agent.

"So it was off the table. And that was even after the election. So there's many things. Any other case I ever worked, if they were like there's a storage unit with documents from the business and personal documents in relation to the years under investigation -- the risk was zero, because it's on a storage unit, it's not on a residence -- there's no prosecutor I've ever worked with that wouldn't say, go get those documents," he said.

Shapley also confirmed prosecutors had evidence that Joe Biden met with officials of his son's Chinese energy client called CEFC, describing an interview that family associate Rob Walker gave the FBI.

"Walker went on to describe an instance in which the former Vice President showed up at a CEFC meeting. Walker said: "We were at the Four Seasons and we were having lunch and he stopped in, just said hello to everybody. I don't even think he drank water. I think Hunter Biden said, 'I may be trying to start a company or try to do something with these guys and could you?' And I think he was like, if I'm around and he'd show up," he recounted.

"The FBI agent asked: "So you definitely got the feeling that that was orchestrated by Hunter Biden to have like an appearance by his dad at that meeting just to kind of bolster your chances at making a deal work out? Walker answered: "Sure." The FBI agent continued: "Any times when he was in office, or did you hear Hunter Biden say that he was setting up a meeting with his dad with them while dad was still in office?"

Walker answered: "Yes."
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden taking bribes and selling out America to the Chinese

berryberry's Avatar
IRS Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley, an absolute man of integrity, is one of the most courageous man in America blowing the whistle on the Senile Biden Crime Family

berryberry's Avatar
House Ways and Means: US Attorney David Weiss was denied the right to bring charges against Hunter Biden by Biden-appointed US Attorneys in Washington DC and California. When he applied for Special Counsel status to override the obstruction he was denied by Merrick Garland’s DOJ. Under oath, Garland denied the conduct when first questioned by Sen. Chuck Grassley in March

Merrick Garland committed perjury
berryberry's Avatar
The whistleblower also revealed that the IRS recommended felony charges for Hunter Biden because he failed to pay more than $2.2 million in taxes on $8.3 million of income from foreign entities in Ukraine, China, and Romania.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
This shit is crazy. Trump would be executed for 1% of what these grifters do.
berryberry's Avatar
This shit is crazy. Trump would be executed for 1% of what these grifters do. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
10000% agree

here is more

As IRS criminal investigators prepared an affidavit for a search warrant on a storage unit Hunter Biden used to hide his business records, AUSA Lesley Wolf objected. When U.S. attorney David Weiss overruled her, she alerted Biden's legal team, giving them time to vacate the unit.

matchingmole's Avatar
This shit is crazy. Trump should be executed for 1% of what these grifters do. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
House Ways and Means: US Attorney David Weiss was denied the right to bring charges against Hunter Biden by Biden-appointed US Attorneys in Washington DC and California. When he applied for Special Counsel status to override the obstruction he was denied by Merrick Garland’s DOJ. Under oath, Garland denied the conduct when first questioned by Sen. Chuck Grassley in March

Merrick Garland committed perjury Originally Posted by berryberry
... Too right, mate!

... Just mentioned Garland over in me "Biden Crime"
thread in the other forum... Time to drag Garland's
lying arse back in-front of Congress again.

##### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Yep - change the names in the story from Senile Biden and Hunter Biden to President Trump and Don Jr and you would never hear the end of this on TV. Instead the scum sucking DNC lapdog media basically ignores it.

Imagine being so despicable to ignore the worst corruption committed by a President in Senile Biden in US History.
berryberry's Avatar
OMG, it even gets worse for these disgusting piece of shit Bidens.

The Senile Biden regime knew the submarine exploring the Titanic imploded Sunday.

But the Senile Biden regime used their media propagandists to push the "they're running out of oxygen" story all week to deflect from Hunter’s crimes.

What an utter bunch of fucking scumbags and lowlifes.

rmg_35's Avatar
Bullshit Bullsit Bullshit Bullshit and even more Bullshit. Maga is trying any and everything to deflect with Bullshit conspiracy theories to take attention off of the tangerine turd and focus it on the Bidens. Love watching them wiggle and squirm.
Bullshit Bullsit Bullshit Bullshit and even more Bullshit. Maga is trying any and everything to deflect with Bullshit conspiracy theories to take attention off of the tangerine turd and focus it on the Bidens. Love watching them wiggle and squirm. Originally Posted by rmg_35
... EXPLAIN what's revealed in this thread that is BULLSHIT.

... Please be specific.

#### Salty
Cody69's Avatar
You guys got him now, you have the smoking gun, LOL LOL LOL