Screening & references

AmishGangster's Avatar
I read sexymaid's ad this morning and noticed this...

"You must be a previous client or a well known hobbyist with impeccable references.
You must also be willing to submit to my non invasive screening."

and I had a couple questions.

#1 If you are a well known hobbyist with impeccable references, why would you need additional screening?

#2 What classifies a reference as being impeccable?

Not harping on Jinny at all, not even a little bit and I realize she posted this for a specific and good reason. I'm just curious about the ladies perspective as this may be coming up more often in the near future depending on how current issues on TOS proceed in the coming weeks
I read sexymaid's ad this morning and noticed this...

"You must be a previous client or a well known hobbyist with impeccable references.
You must also be willing to submit to my non invasive screening."

and I had a couple questions.

#1 If you are a well known hobbyist with impeccable references, why would you need additional screening?

#2 What classifies a reference as being impeccable?

Not harping on Jinny at all, not even a little bit and I realize she posted this for a specific and good reason. I'm just curious about the ladies perspective as this may be coming up more often in the near future depending on how current issues on TOS proceed in the coming weeks Originally Posted by amishgangster
I will gladly answer your query with my own opinion.
(Once again, my OWN opinion and not shared by others)

#1 If you are a well known hobbyist with impeccable references, why would you need additional screening?
Some gentlemen do not need additional screening it is true.
If I know them and can verify they are indeed whom they claim to be since we have either communicated extensively already or met in a social situation, then it's not an issue.

However, some gentlemen for one reason or another aren't very active on the boards or in the hobby, Perhaps their reference last saw them 6 months ago....
They're asking for outcall and I want to be sure of where I am going.
I have been given false addresses before by some asshats who thought they would later "talk me in when I'm on my way" (yeahhhhhhh, not happening)

And To be positive that "A" and "B" match up. I don't imagine you'd be surprised at how many times a "gent" will claim to be a well know respected hobbyist when in fact he is a con trying to ride the back of someone else hobby.
I want to be sure that AG is Amish Gangster and not A Goofball.

#2 What classifies a reference as being impeccable?
Do you really need to ask this one?

A lady who has a well known presence, someone with more than a phone number. Someone who isn't known for risky behavior.

Basically, in a nutshell, someone who can give more of a reference than
"well, if he said he saw me he must have......."

And yes, I have heard that answer before.

Let's boil this down.

We are all here to have fun correct?
We are all here to have fun safely, correct?
We all believe in value for our time/money, correct?
None of use wants to end up in a room with someone who is not safe, not clean, not fun or not who they claim to be.

I would honestly hope that most of you gentlemen research who you want to spend your time and money with so that you get what you really want/expect.....

Well I don't want to spend time on flakes. Point blank.

This is a business, no matter how personal it can get. You gentlemen have your reviews, I have my methods of assuring that I won't be wearing a new set of bracelets.

I realize that not everyone does things the way I do and I'm not at all insulted should a gentleman choose to move on. If I'm not within your comfort level I don't mind
because you might not be in mine........

And again.
The preceding message is just the opinion and ramblings of one crazy old hooker and does not represent the feelings of this site, it's management nor it's general membership and is not to be taken as such.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Thanks for the answers Jinny. I would like to hear what other ladies think too, even though there are only like 3 of you here lol.

Very different from what my thought process was. I wouldn't consider someone who is not very active and/or doesnt have a ref less than 6 months old very well known. He may think he's well known tho. If a guy won't PM you from his account on any board he is claiming to be on under any handle he is claiming is his that should be end of discussion right then and there fo sho. I just went through that with a girl from P411 a month or so ago. I texted her and she smartly asked me to PM her from P411. I said no problem give me 5 minutes to log on. I also cant tell you how many girls I have texted my Indys handle to and they never asked me to verify it was really me at all.

You arent the first one I've heard with that remark about another ladies reference...truly sad but it exemplifies the point us guys make about how many girls don't take their business very seriously.

And for the record AG is both AmishGangster AND A Goofball
I wouldn't consider someone who is not very active and/or doesnt have a ref less than 6 months old very well known. Originally Posted by amishgangster
I guess you have no way of knowing that there are quite a few gentlemen on these sites who hobby very infrequently.
Whether it's a financial issue, short leash issue or anything else they just don't. That's not an issue but getting a reliable reference might be.

They do however post frequently.
A lot.
On more than one board.
Therefore, in a sense they do become well known.
AmishGangster's Avatar
I guess you have no way of knowing that there are quite a few gentlemen on these sites who hobby very infrequently.
Whether it's a financial issue, short leash issue or anything else they just don't. That's not an issue but getting a reliable reference might be.

They do however post frequently.
A lot.
On more than one board.
Therefore, in a sense they do become well known. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Chesty has a problem seeing a lot of girls because their incalls aren't Hoveround accessable
The problem I see Is younz guys are TOO well know from all your posts
If I hadn't already met the great and awesome Bambino (and know he will buy) I sure wouldn't want to meet him after reading what BSer has to say about him
Alyssa Preston's Avatar
I guess you have no way of knowing that there are quite a few gentlemen on these sites who hobby very infrequently.
Whether it's a financial issue, short leash issue or anything else they just don't. That's not an issue but getting a reliable reference might be.

They do however post frequently.
A lot.
On more than one board.
Therefore, in a sense they do become well known. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Some have financial issues attached ect. My first told me that, however because of how much he enjoyed our time now its not an issue. Idk.
FFH's Avatar
  • FFH
  • 11-04-2013, 04:51 PM
I scheduled with a lovely young lady for this week.
She said she needed references.
I said" but I'm farfromhappy"
She wasn't impressed

So I guess I'm not well known.
Maybe she thought you were expressing your mood.....
  • BSer
  • 11-04-2013, 05:09 PM
I scheduled with a lovely young lady for this week.
She said she needed references.
I said" but I'm farfromhappy"
She wasn't impressed

So I guess I'm not well known. Originally Posted by FFH
You know there are actually douche bags out there that think it's to their benefit when booking to claim they are BSer
FFH's Avatar
  • FFH
  • 11-04-2013, 05:10 PM
I used to say I was odd_thomas, whew, that was a fuckin mistake
  • BSer
  • 11-04-2013, 05:15 PM
I use to claim to be putem, took me two years to get my first vouch

Put em in yo mouth
bambino's Avatar
I will gladly answer your query with my own opinion.
(Once again, my OWN opinion and not shared by others)

#1 If you are a well known hobbyist with impeccable references, why would you need additional screening?
Some gentlemen do not need additional screening it is true.
If I know them and can verify they are indeed whom they claim to be since we have either communicated extensively already or met in a social situation, then it's not an issue.

However, some gentlemen for one reason or another aren't very active on the boards or in the hobby, Perhaps their reference last saw them 6 months ago....
They're asking for outcall and I want to be sure of where I am going.
I have been given false addresses before by some asshats who thought they would later "talk me in when I'm on my way" (yeahhhhhhh, not happening)

And To be positive that "A" and "B" match up. I don't imagine you'd be surprised at how many times a "gent" will claim to be a well know respected hobbyist when in fact he is a con trying to ride the back of someone else hobby.
I want to be sure that AG is Amish Gangster and not A Goofball.

#2 What classifies a reference as being impeccable?
Do you really need to ask this one?

A lady who has a well known presence, someone with more than a phone number. Someone who isn't known for risky behavior.

Basically, in a nutshell, someone who can give more of a reference than
"well, if he said he saw me he must have......."

And yes, I have heard that answer before.

Let's boil this down.

We are all here to have fun correct?
We are all here to have fun safely, correct?
We all believe in value for our time/money, correct?
None of use wants to end up in a room with someone who is not safe, not clean, not fun or not who they claim to be.

I would honestly hope that most of you gentlemen research who you want to spend your time and money with so that you get what you really want/expect.....

Well I don't want to spend time on flakes. Point blank.

This is a business, no matter how personal it can get. You gentlemen have your reviews, I have my methods of assuring that I won't be wearing a new set of bracelets.

I realize that not everyone does things the way I do and I'm not at all insulted should a gentleman choose to move on. If I'm not within your comfort level I don't mind
because you might not be in mine........

And again.
The preceding message is just the opinion and ramblings of one crazy old hooker and does not represent the feelings of this site, it's management nor it's general membership and is not to be taken as such. Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Oh, AG is a huge "goofball" which is better than a "dude". BTW, if a guy is having trouble getting laid on an Escort site, he's a complete DudeBag.
FFH's Avatar
  • FFH
  • 11-04-2013, 06:11 PM
You know there are actually douche bags out there that think it's to their benefit when booking to claim they are BSer Originally Posted by BSer

When I told one I was bser she asked me for a new car and free rent
AmishGangster's Avatar
I just recently discovered if I tell them that I'm Chesty they give me a senior citizen rate