Why all the bad business?

I've been in this hobby for almost a year, and some of my complaints about it you're probably familiar with. I have a P411 account with loads of Okays, and the providers I see regularly seem to like me. But here's my top Peev's:
1. Getting Stood up. This has happened too many times. Sometimes they call the next day to apologize. Others call at the very last second -- better than nothing. The only good excuse for not calling is you were in jail (got one of those -- turned out to be a great Provider). I just had a provider stand me up both last night and this.
2. Not answering the phone, or responding to appt requests via email. I'm always getting my ear bent by girls who claim they don't make enough dough, but it's hard to feel sorry for them when they don't answer the phone. I've left several voice messages with providers who never returned them. I understand that a few may be very busy, but if they aren't seeing new clients they should do me the courtesy of a brief email saying so.

I spent this entire weekend trying to make a connection, to no avail. A bunch of girls left something on the table.

Had to get this off my chest. Am I the only one getting this kind of treatment?
Guest071315's Avatar
I know alot of girls do not like to return voicemail messages.... Especially after it has been over an hour.... I know some do not even check their messages! Also, some girls do not like to just call a number off the p411 request form... Me, personally, I do not answer if I am in school, after hours, or in session. Although, I do give you the option to text me. If you send me a request through p411, I respond through email. I rarely call someone unless I just missed it. You never know if they can talk at the moment. I prefer being called back... Just throwing stuff out there for ya!!
berkleigh's Avatar
Wtf? The only good excuse is what....? Um yeah...what the providers that have families???
I'm aware of all that. If I get no answer, I call back a couple times over two or three hours. *Most* of the providers will flag you as a stalker (or nuisance) if you do more than that. But why don't they respond to email? I'll request an appt a few days away, and no response. No response to the phone either. Kind of leaves you in a pickle, doesn't it? All I'm saying is, if you've got lots of clients fine, but if you don't and don't answer the phone, it's your fault.
It only takes a couple seconds to send a quick text cancelling. I stand by that -- the only excuse if being in jail (well, maybe a car wreck). Let's put that in context: in fifty years of doing normal business and meeting with friends, no one else has ever stood me up without trying to get in touch with me.
Combustion's Avatar
Call once then ten minutes later, if they don't answer just go to the next girl. Contact girls your interested in and ask them to prescreen you for a later date, if your already screened and you get ncns'd then its np as you have options.

Don't bother leaving a message unless you have seen her before. I used to do the same as you and call and wait when I first started, that just leaves you with a hard dick and a pissy attitude for getting your time wasted. If she does get back to you you've already started with a bad first impression of her.

It's a service industry, if they don't have good tcb skills is it really worth the gamble on their bcd?
gregory_m2003's Avatar
I never had this issue in Dallas so far. It might depend on lot of factors. So far I've only seen providers from p411 and usually during saturdays at day time. So my case might be different from yours.
My experience has varied. Some of the providers are good about answering the phone or replying to emails (rarely both, which is why I try both routes), others are unreachable.
Unfortunately, sometimes when I start going through the p411 listings calling girls, it's on Saturday after someone else has cancelled and I'm ready to go. So I am going to take some advice here, and start contacting them during the week, to get pre-screened and into their phone book's "Yes" list.
Most of my regulars answer my calls or call back quickly.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I usually catch hell trying hook up on a Saturday. I always thought it was the best day to get action. Plan A usually never happens. If I'm lucky I only have to go down to Plan D.

Can't do much during the week because I'm usually exhausted from work.

It wouldn't hurt to send a quick text saying I'm not available or something of the like. Letting a guy know you're unavailable would save a lot of inconvenience. I understand situations where you're with family, but what about the ones who put up an ad saying I'm available on this day or that day, yet don't respond to any calls? I know y'all have lives, but again, a quick text wouldn't hurt.

Just go to the bathroom and pretend you're taking a dump and then send the message.
Unfortunately, cancellations are something that we all seem to deal with. I am starting to think that instead of planing ahead, I should just call girls last minute.
well i can tell u this that i do my best to make sure that if i have a appt that i have nothing come up. now things can and will happen from time to time, thats with hobbiest and providers. Now if there is something that happens all the time with one person either hobbist or provider then its time to move on. If something comes up i at least give a guy 1 hour or 30 mins or so a heads up as soon as something does happen on that note does not happen to offten. I like my guys comeing back to see me not think i am a flake or what ever. I know there is alot of good ladies out there that will take care of u and some just have stuff that happens and cant help it. so dont think that its just u its on both sides. well i typed alot now lol so pm me if u wanna talk more about this.

xoxoxoxoxo lusty
warlock's Avatar
Hit or miss. Some ladies are good about getting back to you and others basically 'flake out.' I wonder if that shouldn't be a category on the reviews? Something along the lines of ease or difficulty in being able to contact her, how many times you had to call/text/pm/email or what have you before she responded. Was the excuse lame or believable...? Ladies with an always available, easy to schedule with, got back to you quickly type of review/rating are going to have a leg up on the competition.
There are some ladies that are notorious for being difficult to contact, or pin down for an appointment, but well worth it in the end if you are willing to put up with the B.S.
George O.'s Avatar
The nature of this hobby requires everybody to be extremely flexible as far as timing is concerned. As the cliche goes; shit happens. The best way around it is to have a few options that you see regular so that if one doesn't pan out plan b. or c. or.....might.
Bestman200600's Avatar
I have been fortunate that I have not had any problems with dates, but I only use well known, established providers and the ladies that I know always treat me right.
The only time I do not return a call is if you DON'T leave me a voicemail. IF you don't leave that voicemail how am I suppose to know who you are?

So guys, please make sure you leave a voicemail and at least leave a name and number where I can call you back. And not because of you, but because it could be someone I don't want to talk too such as bill collectors (they got smart with local #'s).