Meanwhile, in Texas II

Texas state Senator Dan Patrick, currently running in the GOP primary for Lt. Governor, and who has made stopping illegal immigration a centerpiece of his campaign, hired and utilized multiple illegal immigrants at the sports bars he used to own and run in Texas in the 1980's.

You can't make this shit up. Patrick, who is generally viewed as a nut and is loathed, even by members of the Texas GOP, has been running TV advertisements in Texas virtually nonstop, touting his plans to stop illegal immigrants from entering Texas. Turns out that back when he was running a business trying to line his pockets with money, guess who he hired to work there? Yep....

More incredible Republican hypocrisy....

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- There are explosive allegations in the hard fought increasingly bitter campaign for Texas lieutenant governor. One candidate claims State Senator Dan Patrick employed illegal immigrants in a restaurant he owned before getting into politics. Now years later, Patrick's opposition to illegal immigrants is a cornerstone of his campaign.

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Miguel Andrade is a proud American. At least he is now, but decades ago he was here in this country illegally and claims to remember his days working for Patrick very well. Tonight with Texans considering a vote for Patrick, his opponent, Jerry Patterson, wants voters to hear from Andrade.

"Voters will disagree with those of us who seek public office, but what they really detest is someone who won't be straight with them, who changes their story based on the venue or the time," Patterson said.

Lt. Governor Candidate Jerry Patterson hired a private investigator to track Andrade down in Houston.

"I met Mr. Dan Patrick the first day when I start working," said Andrade.
In the mid-1980s, Mike Andrade says he went to work at Patrick's brand new Houston sports bar.

"Dan Patrick & Nick's Sportsmarket," said Andrade.
Andrade claims Patrick was a good boss.

"He said he will do anything he can do to help us in this country at a time when it was very difficult," said Andrade.

Andrade claims he was one of four undocumented workers at the Sportsmarket, one of whom is now dead. Two others we couldn't track down.

Patrick says every employee filled out federal employment paperwork and was hired and supervised by managers, not directly by him. He adds that, "Employees were hired and paid in accordance with regularly accepted business practices of the time."
Andrade admits he used a Ssocial Security number and green card from a Houston flea market to get the job. But over months of working for Patrick in the mid-1980s, Andrade says he told Patrick he was undocumented.

"Did Dan Patrick know you were illegal?" we asked.
Andrade said, "Yes, that's why I was telling him that."
"You told him many times? It wasn't a secret?" we asked.
"Yes," Andrade responded.

In a statement today, Patrick called this a last minute attack and a political smear but admitted, "I do vaguely remember Mike Andrade. As I recall he was an affable young man and seemed to be a good and conscientious worker. I do not recall his relatives or friends."

In 1986, Ronald Reagan signed a law that helped Andrade and millions more undocumented immigrants become citizens. As part of the application process, Andrade says Patrick wrote a letter in support of Andrade's application. When we asked to see the letter, Andrade could not produce a copy, but recalls it.
"How proud he was with us to be working for him," said Andrade.

Patrick says he has no recollection of ever writing such a letter.
"The man I knew changed completely, you know? Change completely now he's talking bad about us and I don't know why," Andrade said.

"The first question is -- stop the invasion," said Patrick from KERE debate earlier this year.

In this year's race, Patrick has made closing the border and opposition to illegal immigration a cornerstone of his campaign. In TV ads, online and in person, Patrick rattles off a list of crimes tracable to the undocumented.

It isn't all new. In 2006 Patrick was quoted on the Texas Observer website saying "(illegal immigrants) are bringing third world diseases with them." According to the article singling out, "tuberculosis, malaria, polio and leprosy."

"When I see how he was talking bad things about us, I was real surprised, real surprised," said Andrade.

Andrade claims he was willing to speak out then, but didn't know how and didn't find a way until Patterson's private eye found him.

"This feels like a hit?" we asked.

"It is and it's well deserved. Hypocrisy, double dealing, different stories at different times," said Patterson.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-19-2014, 09:19 PM
I'm in favor of immigration. Thank you for this article, Tim. Once we get enough non-white people into Texas, we can break the hold of those idiots who run it now, and pay them back for their transgressions.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm in favor of immigration. Thank you for this article, Tim. Once we get enough non-white people into Texas, we can break the hold of those idiots who run it now, and pay them back for their transgressions. Originally Posted by BJerk
What a great Christian you are, BJesus! Just exactly what would you do to "pay them back for their transgressions", BJesus?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm in favor of immigration. Thank you for this article, Tim. Once we get enough non-white people into Texas, we can break the hold of those idiots who run it now, and pay them back for their transgressions. Originally Posted by BJerk

Yes, that phrase "pay them back". What does that mean?

A few years ago I was doing some geneology research and I found the fate of a distant relative. She was raped and murdered by three black men in Tennessee back in the 90s. Her murderers are in prison but I found an editorial in the "Root" racist magazine where it said that they should be freed because they were just paying her back. You had to read the entire nauseating column to find that she had never met them. The payback was for black people to hurt and kill white people and she was convenient.

Should I pay you back Bjerk for what happened to her?

As for the OP, I don't know this guy. All I can go by is the story that was pasted. From the article it seems the GOP doesn't like him either so how is this GOP hypocrisy? Sounds like he is like Wendy Davis. He is just an opportunist like David Duke and not a real republican (or worse a conservative). However, I can make this observation. Someone who supported amnesty in 1986 when we were talking about a one time deal for six million people can be understandably opposed to a continuing program to pardon 11, 13, 15 million more people without screening for criminal activity, terrorism, drugs, mental problems or emotional issues. This is not 1986 and this not your father's amnesty.
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-20-2014, 06:24 AM
What a great Christian you are, BJesus! Just exactly what would you do to "pay them back for their transgressions", BJesus? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Obviously, those white people who ask for forgiveness and truly repent are to be forgiven. I'm talking about the rest of the lot who do not repent. They shall get their just rewards here on earth - forced labor, rape, lynchings, etc. would be fair payback but I will settle for political patronage, voting restrictions, all contracts awarded to black firms for 50 years, and all the good jobs go to black people at a high rate of pay. Incarceration would be appropriate in your case.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm in favor of immigration. Thank you for this article, Tim. Once we get enough non-white people into Texas, we can break the hold of those idiots who run it now, and pay them back for their transgressions. Originally Posted by BJerk
Starting a race war?
1980s ?????????????



How about getting outraged from something that happened in 2009 or later ?

Question: Why are you such a loser TrannyTim?
Dan Patrick's illegal immigration agenda:

Radical ? Nope !
Wendy Davis' illegal immigration agenda ?

-Driver's licenses and amnesty.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obviously, those white people who ask for forgiveness and truly repent are to be forgiven. I'm talking about the rest of the lot who do not repent. They shall get their just rewards here on earth - forced labor, rape, lynchings, etc. would be fair payback but I will settle for political patronage, voting restrictions, all contracts awarded to black firms for 50 years, and all the good jobs go to black people at a high rate of pay. Incarceration would be appropriate in your case. Originally Posted by BJerk
What about you? Do you need to repent of your wholesale hatred of all things white? What did Jesus say about how to treat those who persecute you? Why are you unwilling to follow Jesus?

Oh, yeah. You're a phony. Never mind.
Obviously, those white people who ask for forgiveness and truly repent are to be forgiven. I'm talking about the rest of the lot who do not repent. They shall get their just rewards here on earth - forced labor, rape, lynchings, etc. would be fair payback but I will settle for political patronage, voting restrictions, all contracts awarded to black firms for 50 years, and all the good jobs go to black people at a high rate of pay. Incarceration would be appropriate in your case. Originally Posted by BJerk

Fucking idiot, you still don't get it, do you? Google "voter demographic" you dumb motherfucker and try to figure out how the GOP's utter alienation of Hispanic voters is going to play out over the next ten years.

Dan Patrick's illegal immigration agenda:

Radical ? Nope ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did I neglect to mention...or, are you so stupid that you were unable to figure out.....that the allegations regarding his use of illegal immigrants came from a fellow Republican?

So...somebody who has the same bent, twisted ideology as you thinks it is a relevant campaign topic.

By the way, fuck you.

1980s ?????????????



How about getting outraged from something that happened in 2009 or later ?

Question: Why are you such a loser TrannyTim? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 02-20-2014, 10:16 PM
Starting a race war? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Just hoping for justice in our time.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You aren't seeking justice, you are seeking revenge, BJesus. Revenge for wrongs, most of which occurred before we were born.

What would Jesus say? C'mon, BJesus. Just admit you have no intention of following Jesus, and drop the charade.