Even FAUX News has had a belly full of Ted Nugent!

By paying close attention to the ignorant Far Right-Wing, hate-filled rhetoric in this forum, I am convinced that Ted Nugent is either Trendy Trendaway, JD Idiot, JD's Twin Brother (or Sister) IB, Hating Kayla, Hanoi COG's ATF "Sweet Ass" IIffy, Marshall, The Jewish Defector, Gonad the Turdfly.....................

or a combination of all of the Dipshit's listed above.

From FAUX:

Ted Nugent, Wendy Davis and CNN: The politics of inflammatory speech

By Howard Kurtz
Published February 21, 2014 FoxNews.com

There’s no shortage of manufactured outrage in the political world, but sometimes the outrage is utterly warranted.

What Ted Nugent said about President Obama is so far beyond the pale that it needs to be called out. The more interesting question is whether a candidate who allies himself with Nugent should be held responsible for the incendiary language.

Nugent, after all, is an aging rock-n-roller who traffics in over-the-top talk. That makes him something of a media magnet, even though his role is basically that of celebrity provocateur.

It was at a gun show a few weeks ago that Nugent called Obama not just a “chimpanzee,” but “a Chicago, Communist- raised, Communist-educated, Communist-nurtured, subhuman mongrel.”

He can brand the president a commie if he wants, but such phrases as chimp and subhuman mongrel are truly offensive.

[UPDATE: Nugent apologized Friday morning on the Ben Ferguson radio show. According to Mediaite, "the rocker branded his words as 'street fighter terminology,' and vowed to 'elevate his vernacular' to the level of prominent Texas Republicans like Abbott and Rick Perry."]

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer teed off on Greg Abbott, the Republican running for Texas governor with Nugent’s highly visible support. “Nugent's presence hit a sour note with a lot of people,” Blitzer said. “They say Texans deserve better than a candidate who would align himself with someone like Nugent who offered a hate-filled assessment of the president.” He added that the phrase subhuman mongrel is similar to a German word that is "what the Nazis called Jews ... to justify the genocide of the Jewish community."

Nugent took to Twitter to liken CNN to the Nazis’ propaganda chief: “CNN Joseph Goebbells [sic] Saul Alinsky propaganda ministry mongrels.” Nugent later cancelled a planned appearance on Erin Burnett’s CNN show. Blitzer followed up on his program by questioning Nugent’s use of the phrase “blood brother” when he introduced Abbott.

But is it fair to hold Abbott accountable for a supporter’s rant? This is an old game in politics, where critics demand that the politician condemn something that an ally said. John McCain repeatedly apologized in 2008 when he was introduced by radio talker Bill Cunningham, who referred to “Barack Hussein Obama.”

Abbott, for his part, hasn’t distanced himself from the singer. He says Nugent is campaigning with him to expose his opponent Wendy Davis’s weak stance on gun rights. He told reporters he wasn’t aware of Nugent’s past statements, according to the Dallas Morning News—a bit of a dodge since he obviously must be aware of them now.

Davis is also getting in on the action. In a fundraising letter reported by Politico, he says: “Ted Nugent calls Greg Abbott his ‘blood brother.’ I call their alliance repulsive. I find Ted Nugent disgusting, and I find it disgusting that Greg Abbott is sharing a stage with him.”

So both candidates are making hay over Ted Nugent.

Meanwhile, one voice on the right is speaking out. Republican Sen. Rand Paul tweeted: "Ted Nugent's derogatory description of President Obama is offensive and has no place in politics. He should apologize."

And On Guns.com, S.H. Blannelberry defends Nugent:
“I’m willing to bet that Nugent used the historically-embedded phrase to do what he does best: raise hell!

“Remember, Nugent is a performer first and foremost. That’s what he does best. And in the political arena, with the cameras rolling and the lights on, he’s going to put on a show. He’s going to be outrageous. He’s going to use words and phrases that purposely rattle the cages of liberals and progressives.”

Well, I look forward to Nugent's next appearance on CNN.

JCM800's Avatar
It was at a gun show a few weeks ago that Nugent called Obama not just a “chimpanzee,” but “a Chicago, Communist- raised, Communist-educated, Communist-nurtured, subhuman mongrel.”
you can almost expect something like that coming from Nugent.

UPDATE: Nugent apologized Friday morning on the Ben Ferguson radio show
...he should also apologize for the Damn Yankees while he's at it.
Abbot might give a little lip service "distancing" from "The Nuge", but he knows that there is a shit load of Texans who see nothing wrong with what was said, and even agree with it.

Abbot has a primary to win, and then a general election. He's not running for Governor of New York. He is running for Governor of Texas, where you will hear the same comments around every water cooler and lunch break table.

I think what irks the Media so much about Nugent is he doesn't give a shit what they think.
Abbot might give a little lip service "distancing" from "The Nuge", but he knows that there is a shit load of Texans who see nothing wrong with what was said, and even agree with it.

Abbot has a primary to win, and then a general election. He's not running for Governor of New York. He is running for Governor of Texas, where you will hear the same comments around every water cooler and lunch break table.

I think what irks the Media so much about Nugent is he doesn't give a shit what they think. Originally Posted by Jackie S
With that said, do you believe that FAUX News and the Republican candidate for Governor (Greg Abbott) that Nugent was appearing with, are both doing their best to distance themselves from Nugent's idiotic remarks is of any consequence? Personally, I do!

Remember, the last "good ol' boy" Republican candidate for Texas Governor (Clayton Williams) to lose to a Democrat (Ann Richards) once made an equally idiotic remark while preparing for a cattle roundup at his West Texas ranch. He compared the cold, foggy weather spoiling the event to a rape, telling ranch hands, campaign workers and reporters around a campfire, ''If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it.'' Oops!!!!!


Clayton Williams idiotic remark offered living proof. It doesn't pay to piss off Texas women, especially on the campaign trail!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
So now we've had our morning stupidity...

Fox News had made is part of their policy to not level insults like you describe against any elected official but you won't know that if you don't watch it. Of course, if you don't watch it (which is pretty obvioius) then you probably shouldn't comment on content. (Ignorance isn't pretty) If fact, Bill O'Reilly has on numerous times called out his own colleagues from some borderline inflammatory langauge.

Another thread has already discussed Nugent's remarks so I guess we can rehash; Nugent is not a news person, he is a celebrity. A celebrity known for his comments like Lindsay Lohan is known for drinking, drugging, and personal turmoil. Why is anyone surprised that either of these celebrities live up to their hype? Why the left is surprised...really? There is no surprise, only a desire to find something that will distract from reality and some of here have bought into that distraction. I have yet to see someone from the left demand that Alan Grayson apologize for saying that republicans want people to die and die quickly. Or James Clyburn putting swasitikas on his own campaign headquarters for publicity when he blamed it on the Tea Party.

How about we get back to reality (or at least stop being so hypocritical) and concentrate on the failure of Obamacare, the teetering economy, failed overseas policies (or lack thereof), the Iranian nuclear threat, the belligerence of China, or maybe even the weather (so much for the global warming theory as the US government called for a mild winter).

"good ol' boy" isn't there right up there with "you people" or "them". Smacks a little bit of bigotry to me. Wah! I lost my welfare check, it must be the fault of the "good ol' boys". My daughter is more educated than me, it must be because of the "good ol' boys".
With that said, do you believe that FAUX News trying to distance themselves from Nugent's idiotic remarks is of any consequence? Personally, I do!

Remember, it was in Texas that the last "good ol' boy" Republican candidate for Governor (Clayton Williams) to lose to a Democrat (Ann Richards) once made an idiotic remark while preparing for a cattle roundup at his West Texas ranch. He compared the cold, foggy weather spoiling the event to a rape, telling ranch hands, campaign workers and reporters around a campfire, ''If it's inevitable, just relax and enjoy it.'' Oops!!!!!


Clayton Williams idiotic remark offers proof, that it doesn't pay to piss off Texas women. Especially on the campaign trail! Originally Posted by bigtex
bigtits feminine sensibilities got offended...
I B Hankering's Avatar
Funny how it is that BigKoTex is put out by the remarks made by a conservative celebrity who doesn't work for a network, but defended or remained mute about ignorant remarks made by the lib-retarded talking-heads of the lame-stream media: Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, Al Sharpton, etc.
Now that we have heard from both of the Idiot Twins (JD and IB) as well as Hanoi COG's personal ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY, the remainder of the reach around crew (Trendy Trendaway, Hating Kayla, The Jewish Defector and last but not least, Gonad the Turdfly) will soon follow! Perhaps Marshy will also weigh in under yet another of his dozen or more assumed names.

The more the merrier!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Now that we have heard from both of the Idiot Twins (JD and IB) as well as Hanoi COG's ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY, the rest of the reach around crew (Trendy Trendaway, Hating Kayla, The Jewish Defector and Gonad the Turdfly) will soon follow! Perhaps Marshy will also weigh in under another of his assumed names. Originally Posted by bigtex
You start a fucking flame thread and then disingenuously try to act surprised when the individuals take you to task, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat? You are an enormous ignoramus, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat! Cite where where your hypocritical ass criticized Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their racists, non-PC remarks, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.

You start a fucking flame thread and then disingenuously try to act surprised
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Surprised? Who me?

Not on your life!

Hell, I can't wait to hear from the rest of your fellow imbeciles!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Surprised? Who me?

Not on your life! Originally Posted by bigtex
You're a true lib-retarded dullard, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, in addition to being an enormous ignoramus. BTW, you still haven't cited where you criticized Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their racists, non-PC remarks, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
You're a true lib-retarded dullard, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, in addition to being an enormous ignoramus. BTW, you still haven't cited where you criticized Melissa Harris-Perry, Pia Glenn, Alec Baldwin, Martin Bashir, and Al Sharpton for their racists, non-PC remarks, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I will make a note of the referenced names and reserve the right to criticize any or perhaps all of them. If and when they make the decision to run for and/or campaign with a candidate for Governor of Texas.

How's that for a deal?
I B Hankering's Avatar
I will make a note of the referenced names and reserve the right to criticize any or perhaps all of them, if and when they decide to run for Governor of Texas.

How's that for a deal? Originally Posted by bigtex
So when did Nugent declare that he was a candidate for governor of Texas, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat? Please cite, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Now that we have heard from both of the Idiot Twins (JD and IB) as well as Hanoi COG's personal ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY, the remainder of the reach around crew (Trendy Trendaway, Hating Kayla, The Jewish Defector and last but not least, Gonad the Turdfly) will soon follow! Perhaps Marshy will also weigh in under yet another of his dozen or more assumed names.

The more the merrier! Originally Posted by bigtex

Another homophobic reference!!! Anything you're not telling us. Of course I noticed you offered no defense of your idiot comments...to hard to justify?
So when did Nugent declare that he was a candidate for governor of Texas, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat? Please cite, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Abbott agreed to hit the campaign trail with Nugent. That's more than enough for me!

If Wendy Davis agrees to campaign with Nugent, I will also criticize her!

How's that for another deal?