So, now the Olympics are over...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I asked earlier if you thought the Olympics were going to be a comedy, tragedy, or business as usual? Now that the story has been written and we know the results, what do you think?

At the end the Russians won the medal count with a little creative scoring by some Russian and Ukrainian judges. After a good start both hocky teams went home without golds but they did embarass the Russians. Speaking of embarrasment (I could segue at this point to the accommodations or NBCs coverage) elevators getting stuck, doors getting stuck, unwanted visitors in the rooms, surveillance, empty seats, awkward selfies, required apologies, dogs, renegade uniforms (American speed skaters and Norwegian curlers), opening ceremonies boo-boos, and NBC calling communism an experiment (but failed to mention the millions dead around the world). That doesn't even mention the drama from next door when the people threw out the reformed Bolshevik from office (let's hope it sticks). All in all, I don't think you can call it business as usual and it wasn't a tragedy. So we're left with comedy.

What are your favorite comedy moments? Try to include a photo please.
JCM800's Avatar
did Costas accidently use the toxic water?

JohnnyCap's Avatar
I can see taking pride in earning a silver medal, I encourage it, and I would too. But the satisfaction these women displayed immediately after losing was disappointing.

I B Hankering's Avatar
I asked earlier if you thought the Olympics were going to be a comedy, tragedy, or business as usual? Now that the story has been written and we know the results, what do you think?

At the end the Russians won the medal count with a little creative scoring by some Russian and Ukrainian judges. After a good start both hocky teams went home without golds but they did embarass the Russians. Speaking of embarrasment (I could segue at this point to the accommodations or NBCs coverage) elevators getting stuck, doors getting stuck, unwanted visitors in the rooms, surveillance, empty seats, awkward selfies, required apologies, dogs, renegade uniforms (American speed skaters and Norwegian curlers), opening ceremonies boo-boos, and NBC calling communism an experiment (but failed to mention the millions dead around the world). That doesn't even mention the drama from next door when the people threw out the reformed Bolshevik from office (let's hope it sticks). All in all, I don't think you can call it business as usual and it wasn't a tragedy. So we're left with comedy.

What are your favorite comedy moments? Try to include a photo please. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
When "Bronze" turns "red": Olga Graf forgets she is not wearing underwear.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Are those women? Maybe the offspring of some East German "women" of the 80s?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Okay, lets make this simple. No actors or muscians for any other country especially Justin Bieber. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Shame the U.S. Hockey Team lost to Canada: more than the Gold was on the line. The side bet was that the losing country had to keep the Bieber.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I originally voted "Business as usual" and that's what it was. You can point out minor problems but all-in-all the Olympic Games hosted by Russia were a success. Far from perfect (the unexpected warmth certainly did not help), unexpected failures by the U.S. speed skaters (both long and short), but I think the participants and the spectators have only minor complaints.

On to Rio for the REAL Olympic Games.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I got my order in for a Kate Hansen inflatable doll.

I wore out my Mary Lou Retton.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Did Bob Costas take the red eye home?
TheDaliLama's Avatar

I was waiting for the Bear to catch on fire.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They burned the mascot??? Did they let him get out of the costume first?
Shame the U.S. Hockey Team lost to Canada: more than the Gold was on the line. The side bet was that the losing country had to keep the Bieber. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yeh, their NHL players beat our NHL players.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I got my order in for a Kate Hansen inflatable doll.

I wore out my Mary Lou Retton.

Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Assup has some extras
From a lot of the pictures the Americans brought home more dogs than metals.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Further reason to conclude the entire Olympic process is a debacle and a scam, and the professional athletics are a drain on society: