The Con is on...

Warning from yours truly. Because of recent changes @ pts/ss I guess the girls aren't making what they are used to. So guess what? You guessed correct! Actual conversation with L (rhymes with juicy) @ pts:

I charge 100 for 3 dances up in Austin.
Uh...this isn't Austin

Some time went by and she was the hottest chick there (it was a monday) so I changed my mind. Then come to find that wasn't the 'quoute' for the vip area.

Good grief...

Moving on to s/s: P (rhymes with leeches) - tried to swindle me for 2 benjis. You figure between 3 and 4 minutes per song we would have been together for half hour or more. Not even.

Not surprised they both owned by the same idiots...
I know they bought new couches at PTs where the dances usually are. Last time I was there it was 20 just to sit where you normally would get a lap at (couches by the dj) plus 20 for a dance so 40 then if you came back with a different girl you'd have to pay 20 again just for the area...and 20 for the dance. Idk if its still like that its such a bad change.
Was at Palazio a week ago. I already knew dances went up so when I saw a lady I wanted I chatted her up a bit then asked what she charges. She said 3 dances for a $100. I smiled and said thank you and walked away. She stopped me and said I can do 2 for $30 each. I said ok, only because she was freaking hot and everyone other dancer was lame. Just going to ask how much going forward because the week prior our a hormone starts the dance and said I do 3 for $100. I’m like whatever, so I went with it.
Travelingbro's Avatar
Same thing @ PT's $30 per after 3 songs she asks for a Benji - wow.
I'm there often that was the 1st time that has happened.
Having the same experience:
Want the first bottom off - extra
Throwing in an extra dance that never happen - check
Need to pay me while we wait for booth to open - check

It’s all very short sighted. Keep me happy and you have a long time patron.
Unless they’re plenty of new gentlemen paying this….SMH.
Might as well stick with hobby girls if I’m going to pay more.
I_Want_They's Avatar
For the guys that posted about their experiences at Perfect 10, were these Cuban dancers that tried charging more? I know they hustle hard. Because of this, I dont mess with them.

I haven't experienced this type of hustle from non-Cuban dancers.
Stay away from the Cubans. They’ll take and advantage of any situation. Saw 2 of them charge over $500 on a drunk guys credit card for dances. It was not $500 worth.
None of these girls were cuban. Besides I don't speak spanish so they know the 'fuck off' look when I give it to them. L used to work at s/s then disappeared. P has been at s/s for some time.
Plus one on noticing things getting crazy expensive. Seems like dances are shorter and cost more at all the venues with fewer extras. Then to top it all off, I had a waitress dress me down for not ordering two drinks "as was clearly posted at the door" at PT's. I told her to fuck off and I left. Going to take a break from there for a while. May be time to visit an AMP.
Travelingbro's Avatar
She wasn't Cuban .... says she is from Corpus(if true).

I've had decent experiences prior to this visit about 2 weeks ago. I let my guard down on this one. I'm going to return and see if things get back to what I'm accustomed to.
NavyManSA2004's Avatar
AMP's are getting to be a better deal. At least that way you KNOW you'll get your nut - and don't have some stupid extra expenditures you have to pay ($$ to keep the waitress away, VIP charge, etc.)....
Travelingbro's Avatar
Similar game @ PT's again met a buddy there. A.A. girl sits with us for awhile we both know her. Bought 2 beers(her choice) and eventually we head over to a back table. I request 3 songs @$20 dances were good. We finish and she states it was 5 songs. LoL OK, $Benji gone but fun... not a home run.

Dropped into PING for the win!
TXatron's Avatar
Man that sucks was planning to stop by pts. Was fun back in the old days. Sweet spot for me then
Similar game @ PT's again met a buddy there. A.A. girl sits with us for awhile we both know her. Bought 2 beers(her choice) and eventually we head over to a back table. I request 3 songs @$20 dances were good. We finish and she states it was 5 songs. LoL OK, $Benji gone but fun... not a home run.

Dropped into PING for the win! Originally Posted by Travelingbro
This right here. I now count out each dance after each song for new girls to avoid this.
That's why I rarely get dances from new chicks and always send the Cuban ladies on their merry way to hustle someone else. To the poster above who wants to know how to identify the Cuban ladies - once approached my friend you will know ... you will know.