Sorry for the mix up..

I hope this is the right place for this..But anyway i have a review the person put that i done an outcall for 200 an hour..Now i have people calling and pming me asking way i didnt do it with them..I did see this man but he says after i ask that he really didnt want to put how much he gave WELL if that is the case i feel that HE SHOULDN'T have done the review AT All..I never ask for it anyway..I ask a mod they said it couldnt be took down but they could maybe change the rate but i dont know noone has got back to me..When i looked at it, it said one time only special..Let it be known I didn't see him for what he said..So please guys just stop its the price on the website unless we have said other wise ty..I never have really just wrote anything but i am alittle upset cuase of what men have been saying to me in pms..ty for letting me vent hope it doesnt happen often muah...
EBG the gent in question can RTM ( hit the white triangle ) on the review and have the fee adjusted accordingly.
Say What's Avatar

I put the wrong rate in a review once and the provider sent me a text. I put 250 when it was actually 300. The rate slipped my mind for a number of reasons...I gave a tip that amounted to 400 and she blew my frikkin' mind!

Anyway, the mods changed the amount at my request rather quickly. I know that this situation is different, but it does happen. Hope it all gets worked out for you.
Hey thatdude ty didnt know that..and say what I never they to write anything about anyone without the facts i called him and asked him about it he said "he really didnt want anyone to know what he gave and i do understand but he shouldnt have done it if he didnt like anyone to know..and ty its always better..long as i suck a good cock lol Im HAPPY!!just didnt like the pms
OldGrump's Avatar
Sorry his review caused you grief.

We know a visit with you is priceless.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 07-26-2012, 01:40 PM
Are you referring to this review which quoted an outcall special?
EBG, tell the crybabies to quit bugging you about the fee written on review. You can charge whatever you want to whoever you want... Isn't that why I get such a good discount.... Just kidding Babygirl, I hope it gets fixed ASAP for you..

That's why I don't write reviews. I don't want all the other hobbyists getting pissed at the awesome discounts I get for being so good looking, charming, and of course so cool... I'm leave out the rest cause they might start hating on me.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
Hello Eeveryone,

This was totally my fault and as a man I will step up to the plate and take the blame for it.....The fee for the outcall to my place was $$.5...I am still new at this and we all make mistakes...EBL I apolize to you for any headaches that this may have caused....You are a beautiful woman with such as excellent personality and demeanor.

Have asked the Mods to adjust the rate to reflect the correct amount of $$.5


Texascowboy ty so much as i women and friend Nothing lost still love ya and cant wait to meet again muah!!!
Say What's Avatar
See? All's well that ends well.
dammit say what! that avatar did it again! theres goes another 2 min of my life!
Gotta love it when the system works. Thx TxCowboy for taking the time to pony-up and resolve the headache for the girl. Good form!