Wing Women?

I know when I have a smart and beautiful woman in my presence talking to me, I feel like I could have any other lady in the place and suddenly my approach anxiety seem to disappear.

Considering the standard disclosure about money being for time, has anyone thought of or tried some kind of wing woman deal.

Just shooting from the hip it would sound something like provider and client plan to meet, maybe on a slow night of while their "visitor" is in town, at a bar or other location chosen to as a good hunting ground for civie action. They agree on some kind of rate, like 100 for an hour or or so, but drinks are on the client. The whole meeting is to have a good time, but mainly to work on ways the client could pickup an attractive civie. Perhaps add a sizable 100-200 tip to the provider to motivate her to motivate and encourage him, should the client take home an attractive civie.

There could also be some kind of provision put in place for further client/provider activity should the hunt come up dry at a pre agreed rate.

It seems if both parties were smart about this, they could come out ahead. Turn down time into money, and invest in pickup skills instead of a one time nut.

Or maybe I'm crazy I had a few drinks.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 07-28-2012, 09:05 AM
I recall years ago about a local company who would hire out wing women. I believe their rate was $50 an hour.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
I recall years ago about a local company who would hire out wing women. I believe their rate was $50 an hour. Originally Posted by S-Man
I saw those girls in action. Didn't work for the guys at all.
Now that I'm little more clear headed, I see how it could workbut there could be some problems. However, I think a smart client/provider could work around some of these issues.

I did some research last night after posting and found there actually is a service kinda like this, but it seems horrible. The rules they place on the situation and the harsh penalty read like they are out to scam the guy. The difference I think is that I think a provider is more apt to care about whether a client is enjoying his time. I also believe that being able to pick a particular provider to help you, maybe one that you've already had good convo and rapport which would give her better insight as to how to help her client, since it seems most wingwoman services assign a girl to you.

I think the biggest part though is that they don't have a provision for a success bonus.

I'm also not so sure that the regular wing woman really has the clients best interests at heart, unless she used to be a provider. I imagine they see it as a way to get paid to goto a bar and have free drinks with getting hit on and the idea of helping a guy pickup a girl like them could easily twist the mind of a weaker woman, causing her to resent the client she is supposed to be helping. Then where is the motivation to really help, instead of sabotaging the client?

Maybe I'm paranoid but i figure a provider has a more mature view of the casual sex game, and since they seem to be more attentive to their client's desires, and are more used to trying to make them happy.
Well that explains why I didn't get any reply notifications, it appears I was still logged into my buddies account when I showed him this place last night.
I've always picked up more HOT chicks when I've had HOT chicks with me, period... Hot strippers always attract other hot chicks or it offends them. I'm not too sure about providers though.

I used to only hang out with strippers when I lived in Austin and it brought tons of constant attention.
That's a good part of my thinking, but do you think the other girls know the difference between another civie, stripper or a provider? Plus I think it would help to have a bubbly relaxing coach to boost your mood. My biggest problem has always been approach, since I never went to a party school, and my wingmen are as bad as I am.

I just like to solve problems and this seems like a different way.
Imagine this scenario.

You're at a nice bar you haven't been to before, three quarters through your first drink. You notice three ladies walk in dressed in business casual. You notice a stolen glance from the most attractive of the group. The lady sitting next to you notices. Shaken, you feign disinterest, but its too late. The lady next to you leans in close, barely exposing the lacey top to her dark stockings, through the slit down the side of her scarlet red dress. She is so close to your ear, you can feel the heat from her lips long before her breath, but that's when she says it. "You look great, you are the sexiest man in here tonight, so go get her," she hisses. "Now" she adds, adding emphasis to her demand. You stand from your stool and turn to the young business woman, when you hear her voice again, this time in your other ear but slightly from behind. She runs one arm behind you caressing you until her hand finds your butt where it rests just for the shortest moment, while her other hand runs up your front pulling you closer for the point she is about to make. You almost miss what she says this time, which would've been a tragedy, because in this moment coiled around you is when she delivers the ultimatum in a voice so low its almost inaudible. "You better fuck her good tonight," her hand grabs your ass very firmly before she continues, "or you will have to answer to me." In a swift move she uncoils and turns back to her drink, or maybe to the sexy bartender as if you were never there. It doesn't matter, you've gotten your mission, and you won't fail.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
You think women don't notice the hot woman who is way out of place with the guy she's with?

Wing women work but they have to actually know you.
berkleigh's Avatar
My References include the Legendary Surge

...and Apollo

Good Times !
Of course FWP, That is a very real very valid point. I was just kicking the idea around, and seeing what came of it. I by no means have all the answers, but that doesn't mean there are none. I don't think the "real" wing woman companies would be much better at getting to know you well enough to help, in the amount of time avail. I don't know exactly why but I don't really trust them. Please forgive my attempt to overly romanticize the idea, I'm just trying to stir discussion.

dear beautiful Berkleigh, I believe my ignorance is showing. I am new and I don't know those people. Is this something you have experience in? Does it work?
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Of course FWP, That is a very real very valid point. I was just kicking the idea around, and seeing what came of it. I by no means have all the answers, but that doesn't mean there are none. I don't think the "real" wing woman companies would be much better at getting to know you well enough to help, in the amount of time avail. I don't know exactly why but I don't really trust them. Please forgive my attempt to overly romanticize the idea, I'm just trying to stir discussion.

dear beautiful Berkleigh, I believe my ignorance is showing. I am new and I don't know those people. Is this something you have experience in? Does it work? Originally Posted by Kelynt
The real companies had the girl meet the guys for the first time at the bar, probably for safety. It usually ended up with one woman and 3 or 4 guys. They arrived separately and didn't really do much other than sit there looking pretty, and usually bored. Then, when the pre-arranged time was up they left, leaving the guy at the bar, usually alone.

The whole think was so awkward to observe as to be embarrassing.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You think women don't notice the hot woman who is way out of place with the guy she's with?

Wing women work but they have to actually know you. Originally Posted by Fort Worth Punk
Punkster, you nailed it. Women are noticing the woman is intrigued by the man, impressed by him, not just with him. Some men know how to outsmart women socially, but most don't. Women have much more practice at it, and generally have better verbal skills, and enjoy the verbal challenge.
TexTushHog's Avatar
At least it would give you some conversational material to work with on the intended target. But you need to have your response prepared to the question, "Is that your granddaughter that you're drinking with over there?"
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 07-30-2012, 07:01 PM
Here's a 2005 article regarding that Dallas company...

The FAQ from their old site...
How much does the service cost? now offers group rates to accommodate those in
search of the spotlight. If you ever wonder what it's like to be the guy who walks into a club surrounded by a trio of beautiful women, or if you and your friends are going out for a night on the town, we invite you to take advantage of having more than one Hot Bar Buddy. The more women you are seen with, the more credibility you gain. Double your success and maximize your fun while you’re out by taking advantage of our group rates:

2 Buddies ~ $75 an hour
3 Buddies ~ $105 an hour
4 Buddies ~ $135 an hour
5 or more buddies are available upon special request.

What cities do you serve?

Hot Bar Buddy serves Dallas, Addison, Fort Worth, and Denton. We plan on expanding to other cities in the future as well.

Do I get to choose my Hot Bar Buddy?

All of our Hot Bar Buddies possess an outgoing personality and exceptional beauty. We actively recruit women with brand promotions and modeling backgrounds. You can be sure that all of our Hot Bar Buddies are willing and ready to do their job; introducing you to beautiful women and making you look great in the process.

However, we do take steps to make sure you are matched with someone appropriate to your style. Just keep in mind, the Hot Bar Buddy is your promotions professional for your personal life, not your date. We strive to match you with someone that is going to complement your personality in such a way that other women find you extremely attractive.

Can I see a picture of my Hot Bar Buddy?

We respect the privacy of our Buddies and they are in essence working for you under cover. I can assure you that all of our Hot Bar Buddies are attractive women who look and play the part as you would expect. In addition, after payment we will send you information about her so you'll know more about your Hot Bar Buddy before the night begins.

What is the Cancellation or Refund Policy?

You will receive a full refund if cancellation occurs 24 hours prior to the established date and time. In addition, if you are not satisfied with your Bar Buddy in the first 20 minutes, we will refund all payment associated to the remaining time of your appointment.

What if I want to extend my pre-determined length of time?

You can certainly extend your time with your Hot Bar Buddy. Just indicate how many hours you would like to extend your time and give us a call right then. We can make arrangements for further payment.

Do you guarantee results?

Some of our customers are looking to get multiple phone numbers while some of our customers just want an easy alternative to the stress associated with approaching women during a normal night out. The one thing we can guarantee is that your Hot Bar Buddy will do everything in her power to make you look like the man every woman wants to be with. In addition, we offer a full refund if you're not satisfied with your Hot Bar Buddy within the first 20 minutes.

What type of man typically uses this service?

Many different types of men use a Hot Bar Buddy. All of our customers are normal guys who just need a little assistance getting past the initial introduction. They understand how women react to certain social situations and that is part of the reason they use our service. Some of our customers are new to the city or are in town for the weekend and could use a Hot Bar Buddy for the secondary purpose of getting introduced to the city nightlife.

What are the rules or safety measures?

We take the safety of our Hot Bar Buddies very seriously. In the days leading up to your appointment we will establish a public place for you to meet (most likely a bar, club, or lounge). She will call you from a private number once at the pre-determined location. Our Hot Bar Buddies will not accompany you to any non-public area or location where they do not feel 100% safe and secure. If you move locations throughout the night, our Hot Bar Buddies will only accompany you in a taxi cab or by foot. She will not accept transportation in limousine or any other private car service you may have purchased, unless she is working at special event rates (which requires 2 Hot Bar Buddies). Like all of our other customers, we trust that you will be a courteous gentleman, but if you are rude or indecent with your Hot Bar Buddy -- in any way -- the remaining duration of your service will be terminated without a refund.

Do you have a pre-appointment process?

We do prefer to go through a pre-appointment process, if possible. We like to do this for the benefit of both you and your Hot Bar Buddy. This will allow us to understand your personality better and match you with a Hot Bar Buddy that will complement your style appropriately. In addition, the Hot Bar Buddy will know more about you before meeting up at the pre-approved destination. We don't want your Hot Bar Buddy to spend the first 30 minutes getting to know you when she should be identifying the women you want to meet. All information given to us will be completely confidential and only shared with your Hot Bar Buddy for the purpose of making the experience more beneficial.

Of course, this is preferred, but not mandatory. This policy doesn't apply to appointments that occur within 24 hours of the requested time.

How do I pay?

Payment will be made by check or money order through mail or by Pay Pal online. A representative will be contacting you within 24 hours of submitting your application online. You can make plans to pay at that point or any time leading up to two days before the scheduled night. We take VISA, MASTERCARD, and check payment through Pay Pal online. You'll be emailed a receipt.

Can several friends split the service?

Of course, several of our customers have split the cost and shared a Hot Bar Buddy for the night. Obviously, the service works best with multiple buddies, but splitting the cost of one or two can be more economically beneficial for some of our clients. However, both men will still be required to go through the pre-appointment process.