What is classiest date you've had?

TravelingGentleman's Avatar
As the subject says, what is the classiest date that you've had?

Ladies and gentlemen both!

Private yachts, and exotic weekend getaways....all the way to the other end of the spectrum of tasteful dinners, fine wine, and finer company?
The experiences are unexplainable. You're lucky when you click with that one client that can literally take you for a whirlwind of exquisiteness.
The experiences are unexplainable. You're lucky when you click with that one client that can literally take you for a whirlwind of exquisiteness. Originally Posted by phoenixfire_
I would have to agree!

Now, I've been on a private plane for a weekend trip to another state. We had a beautiful weekend. He took me to a football game where he had suite. We stayed in an amazing hotel and dined at some wonderful restaurants...

I had another gent shut down a Houston restaurant and had a special prepared meal for us, then took me on a random shopping spree at the Galleria. (Im really not good at shopping on command so I think I left with a couple shirts and a few pairs of pants. lol)

But, I think the most amazing date, the most high class, and the most intimate date I had was a recent overnight. I can't even put into words how wonderful my evening was with him. But, what stood out, is that he purchased a tshirt and a jacket from one of my favorite basketball players.(My fav player is old school and its not as easy to find things with his name on it.) The fact that he thought of me and listened to my likes and interests, blew my mind!
To me classy really depends on the gent. I have had 5 star luxury dates with gents that I have not enjoyed spending time with and a weekend at a rustic outdoor cabin with a wonderful man. "Classy" is such a relative word when describing a gent or a type of date. If I were to think about luxury dates in terms of how expensive it was, then the week I spent in Moscow with a client a few years back in a lavish hotel with lavish sightseeing trips is at the top of my list.
Guest072015-2's Avatar
Oh what a wonderful thread! I can't wait to read the responses.
Solitaire's Avatar
I have had a few wonderful experiences, but there is one that really stands out.

Here in our "scruffy city" we have a restaurant atop the Sunsphere, in Worlds Fair Park. Dining there with my gent was simply magical. You can see the entire city, 180 degrees. And the food and service there are world class. If you travel here, ladies or gents, don't miss it!

The next day we went to the casino, he taught me poker, and I felt like James Bond's sexy femme fatale.
A personal/business acquaintance and I traveled to hike the Milford Track in New Zealand. This hike is regarded by many as "The World's Finest Walk". It was a breathtaking experience as the scenery was majestic yet calming. We had a great time observing the culture and "hanging loose" with the locals. For the first stint, we decided to put our cellphones away and sever our ties to the outside world. We spent the latter half of our trip at the Fiordland Lodge where we wined, dined, sang, and danced the rest of the trip away. It culminated in a single night of unexpected, passionate copulation. To this day, it is still one of our more memorable moments.
skbinks's Avatar
1983, Yokosuka, Japan. There was a very nice restaurant and I paid for them to open up for dinner an hour early so that I could have the place to myself and my date, it was her Birthday dinner. They had a grand piano and they had the pianist there which was a plus that I wasn't expecting for that first hour. They actually had 2 waiters, one for just the wine and one for the rest.

When I was there making the reservations and plans for the date, the Wine steward(?) sat me down and told me how I was supposed to accept the wine before it was served to the lady and myself (I wasn't even 21 at the time). It worked, she was impressed which was good since it was a $100 bottle of wine and we ended up having 3 that night.

I knew what she wanted to eat and she told me that I was supposed to order for her in a restaurant like this one so I did, we both had Steak & Lobster. She had told me about this restaurant and that she had always wanted to go there but could never afford it and ladies weren't supposed to go there alone. They brought out a dozen roses for her and said it was from me. Wow, I didn't ask for that but that was another plus.

People didn't start coming in until 2 hours later so we talked and ate and learned a lot about each other. We ended up staying a total of 8 hours, we had lost track of time talking. The weirdest part of the evening was when I went to pay and they said they wouldn't accept a tip from me that it was there pleasure to have served me. Wow, she thought I was someone special. Maybe it was the $200 I paid them to open early.

After we realized what time it was we left but she said the train back to Tokyo had stopped running a couple hours ago and that she'd have to stay in a hotel. She told me that ladies couldn't stay in hotels by themselves so I stayed with her. We didn't even sleep that night, we just talked, cuddled, talked some more and just held each other until morning when I had to go back to the base. I walked her to the train station and she grabbed hold of me, pulling me in and gave me the longest most passionate kiss that I had ever had and I am not sure if I have had one that good since.

She would have been happy with McDonalds but I wanted to give her the best Birthday she ever had and I accomplished it, she was about 10 years older then me. She wasn't a materialistic type of girl but it was a once in a lifetime thing for her....so she said.

I almost married her a few years later after being engaged for 6 months and I was stupid for not doing it but I got transferred back to the states and we grew apart, my fault.
TravelingGentleman's Avatar
Fantastic responses so far. skbinks, You're a man or woman after my own heart.

I had a couple of once-in-a-lifetime first dates that got me nowhere. I always made a better impression with ladies' parents than with the ladies - there's truth to the adage that girls like bad boys.

There was a gorgeous girl that worked in a chocolate shop once. I didn't really eat candy, but I would make a point of going in to inquire after various sweets, and what she preferred, always in the effort to summon the nerve to ask her on a date.

Eventually I did summon the nerve - I came in uniform one afternoon and said something to the effect of, "Miss, I come in here every week in the guise of asking you about chocolate, but the truth is, I can't stop thinking about you, and I keep coming in trying to summon the courage to ask you on a date. I'm sorry for being so forward, but I can't help it."

She agreed, and I took her to one of my favorite restaurants - an upscale, privately owned steakhouse with a fantastic ambiance. I don't really remember the dinner conversation, but mid-way through our meal an elderly man having dinner with his wife in the table behind me started choking on his food. I administered the Heimlich, and stayed with him until he recovered - his wife was sobbing that I was an angel and that I saved her husband. They even paid for our dinner on their way out!

My second date had equal heroics of a different nature - there was a loud and boisterous (drunk) bully in the restaurant making a scene because it was a no-smoking restaurant and when the staff asked him to put it out, he was quite rude. I went over to his table, took his cigarette out of his mouth, stubbed it out on the palm of my hand, and quietly asked him to leave. Ah...the folly of youth - believing one is immortal. He *did* leave, the restaurant applauded.

We didn't make it past two dates - she said I was too nice. She ended up with her druggie ex-boyfriend.

I've had more exotic /more expensive dates, but those will stand out in my memory for eternity. You couldn't PAY actors to stage a better first impression on a lady...it's a shame that it marked me out as not her type.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... There was a gorgeous girl that worked in a chocolate shop once. I didn't really eat candy, but I would make a point of going in to inquire after various sweets, and what she preferred, always in the effort to summon the nerve to ask her on a date.

Eventually I did summon the nerve - I came in uniform one afternoon and said something to the effect of, "Miss, I come in here every week in the guise of asking you about chocolate, but the truth is, I can't stop thinking about you, and I keep coming in trying to summon the courage to ask you on a date. I'm sorry for being so forward, but I can't help it."

She agreed, and I took her to one of my favorite restaurants - an upscale, privately owned steakhouse with a fantastic ambiance. I don't really remember the dinner conversation, but mid-way through our meal an elderly man having dinner with his wife in the table behind me started choking on his food. I administered the Heimlich, and stayed with him until he recovered - his wife was sobbing that I was an angel and that I saved her husband. They even paid for our dinner on their way out!

My second date had equal heroics of a different nature - there was a loud and boisterous (drunk) bully in the restaurant making a scene because it was a no-smoking restaurant and when the staff asked him to put it out, he was quite rude. I went over to his table, took his cigarette out of his mouth, stubbed it out on the palm of my hand, and quietly asked him to leave. Ah...the folly of youth - believing one is immortal. He *did* leave, the restaurant applauded.

We didn't make it past two dates - she said I was too nice. She ended up with her druggie ex-boyfriend ... Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Sometimes fiction is stranger than fiction.
Fantastic responses so far. skbinks, You're a man or woman after my own heart.

I had a couple of once-in-a-lifetime first dates that got me nowhere. I always made a better impression with ladies' parents than with the ladies - there's truth to the adage that girls like bad boys.

There was a gorgeous girl that worked in a chocolate shop once. I didn't really eat candy, but I would make a point of going in to inquire after various sweets, and what she preferred, always in the effort to summon the nerve to ask her on a date.

Eventually I did summon the nerve - I came in uniform one afternoon and said something to the effect of, "Miss, I come in here every week in the guise of asking you about chocolate, but the truth is, I can't stop thinking about you, and I keep coming in trying to summon the courage to ask you on a date. I'm sorry for being so forward, but I can't help it."

She agreed, and I took her to one of my favorite restaurants - an upscale, privately owned steakhouse with a fantastic ambiance. I don't really remember the dinner conversation, but mid-way through our meal an elderly man having dinner with his wife in the table behind me started choking on his food. I administered the Heimlich, and stayed with him until he recovered - his wife was sobbing that I was an angel and that I saved her husband. They even paid for our dinner on their way out!

My second date had equal heroics of a different nature - there was a loud and boisterous (drunk) bully in the restaurant making a scene because it was a no-smoking restaurant and when the staff asked him to put it out, he was quite rude. I went over to his table, took his cigarette out of his mouth, stubbed it out on the palm of my hand, and quietly asked him to leave. Ah...the folly of youth - believing one is immortal. He *did* leave, the restaurant applauded.

We didn't make it past two dates - she said I was too nice. She ended up with her druggie ex-boyfriend.

I've had more exotic /more expensive dates, but those will stand out in my memory for eternity. You couldn't PAY actors to stage a better first impression on a lady...it's a shame that it marked me out as not her type. Originally Posted by TravelingGentleman
Bumping an oldish post, but my most "heroic" date thus far was when I had an accident occur just in front of me, at the intersection next to the restaurant where I was meeting a new friend. After the cars stopped spinning, I hopped out to check on one of the drivers. Everyone was okay, so I got back in my own vehicle and texted my date to let him know why I was going to be late.

Turns out he was at the intersection at the same time, and had the unprecedented opportunity of seeing me dash into the street in my blouse, skirt, and driving flip-flops (because I hate driving in heels). "I was wondering if that was you!" he said.

Yep. Yep that was me. Dodging broken glass in my pink polka-dot flippies. Hope I didn't ruin the mystique.

Since then I've worn athletic shoes while driving because sharp objects on the ground + flip flops? Incompatible. See: Jimmy Buffet song.
Jessika Sweetz's Avatar
Oh what a wonderful thread! I can't wait to read the responses. Originally Posted by Ana Valentina
Me too
Of all places it was in San Antonio, Texas. I was 20 years old and stationed there briefly for some training. I had been flirting pretty heavily almost since I arrived with a fellow female soldier during our training.

Our final week of training before we returned to our permanent duty stations I asked her out for like the thousandth time and she finally acquiesced. So needless to say I wanted to do it right.

I made reservations at a very nice restaurant that came recommended. It was a pretty nice dining experience. She deferred to me and I ordered a seafood dinner, lobster on the half shell, sparkling water for me because I wasn't 21 and Pouilly-Fuissé for her, because she was older. I do remember the waiter effusively complimenting me on my wine selection, I guess he was surprised that a young black kid with an obvious military haircut would know anything about that, but I was a squared away troop and did my homework.

We talked at length about damn near EVERYTHING. She was wicked smart, poised, gorgeous and saw completely trough me and my false bravado and didn't hesitate to put me in my place.

After dinner we walked, and continued to talk, laughed and made out a little and laughed and talked some more.

We did the corny thing with carving initials in a tree, I'm embarrassed to admit, but she was a little tipsy and I was thoroughly enjoying her company so I went with the flow.

The evening came to a head, to my astonishment with me walking her to her barracks hand in hand and a passionate good night kiss and me astonished that it was as far as I wanted to go. The evening was perfect and I just wanted it to end there and no further.

Mine was 2 nights ago. A gentleman who is a merchant marine invited me to his home. I was his first experience with an escort, and I believe him.
When I arrived, he welcomed me into his home warmly. Definitely a man's home, meticulously neat and clean. He had candles lit in every room, on the dining room table he had a bottle of red wine and a bottle of champagne. He popped the cork on the champagne and poured a glass for me, he drank the red wine. He had cheese and crackers and some of the sweetest, tastiest strawberries I have ever had, and some pips of dark chocolate. A true gentleman, so thoughtful.
We had a wonderful evening together.