Hazard pay? Not been around much as of late but some thoughts ...

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I've really been missing the pleasures of the flesh.

Haven't had sex since February (only twice that month and about to go nuts) but I'm sincerely concerned about intimate contact with strangers although knowingly, sometimes that's just the best experience!

What are your thoughts on this? Wish to hear from the females and guys on this board.

Know that many in Dallas do not seem to be concerned as evident by the few trips outside, to the grocery store, etc., that I've observed.

One of my dear friends gifted me with a Lowe's card and damn, I haven't used it yet because every time I've driven by the parking lot is as full as one would see it during the holidays!!!


I MISS working. But pretty unsure about the future of not only the demimonde but my ability to function in it at this time.

Alright ... once again, I've yawned on. But would sincerely appreciate your advice and outlooks. Linking other topics that have (maybe?) addressed this issue would be much appreciated!

This is where I miss my fwb. Wish she didn't move I could then have the sex and fun part fixed with out any covid 19 worry