baseball 3 player pitch

VitaMan's Avatar
Looks like the new rule of requiring a pitcher to face at least 3 batters is going into effect.
Similar to what I have been suggesting / requesting.

So badly is so far behind the "curve".
Vita, just curious about your thoughts on why this is a good rule? If it's to speed up the game... completely understand!

Baseball is a game of strategy, and sometimes I want one pitcher to face a batter and another to pitch to the next batter. This is true especially during the playoffs Requiring the pitcher to pitch to the next three batters and eliminate the strategy game.

Coaches may be Leary about putting a hard throwing young pitcher in to face one batter he feels might be a good matchup, but doesn't want him to face the next three batters.

Just my thoughts.
Pretty good thoughts....I agree
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-13-2020, 06:28 AM
Gotta agree with the Fiz man here, Vita. Baseball is a strategy game, and although this rule might save 5 to 10 minutes a game (whoop-eeee), it would totally change the managers' way of facing a righty-lefty type scenario.
VitaMan's Avatar
If you have ever tried to watch a game where a pitcher comes in, throws 1 or 2 pitches, then mound meeting, then 1 more pitch, then manager puts in another pitcher, then wait for warm up, then maybe get 1 out, then another pitcher, then.......well, you get the idea.

That is why baseball made the new rule.....
I get the idea of the rule change, but dont like it. Baseball will always be about strategy, and this eliminates strategy.

When I lived in San Francisco I used to go to baseball game once a week, usually day game. We used to show up for two or three hours and head back to the office. When we got back to the office the game was still ongoing in the office break room. During the regular season it's rare for me to watch a full game. Even with shaving 30 minutes off the game it still will be rare for me to watch a full game. I come home turn on the TV every evening,go thru the mail, get out my laptop and work, or any number of different chores. Baseball is wonderful as it affords the viewer the ability to complete other things and still see the highlights. With cable TV and streaming service If something happens I can run back five minutes, see the strategy,and see the play.

Come playoffs I am glued to my seat fir nine innings.

I am a strategy guy and like the aspects of different matchup. This is a change I will not like.
boardman's Avatar
Three batters or til the end of a 1/2 inning. So managers can still bring in a pitcher to end an inning like always. Where it gets a little more interesting is bringing a pitcher in to get out of trouble early in an inning. I personally think there will be a lot of strategy because the manager will have to look past the next batter.

It'll just be a different strategy. You certainly won't see managers stretching a starter hoping he has one more inning in him when he's starting to look tired. Starter pitch counts will drop and will be strictly managed. Relievers will have to be capable of managing an inning not just a batter and that's where a new kind of strategy will come into play.

At any rate I doubt it speeds up the game much because they won't be able to pitch situationally for single outs. That's going to mean more offense and more base runners and that also lengthens a game. What MLB realizes is that it doesn't feel like it's longer when there is action going on, runners on base and runs being scored. It does feel longer when there are long delays between pitching changes and runners are being left on base.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-15-2020, 06:06 AM
.....What MLB realizes is that it doesn't feel like it's longer when there is action going on, runners on base and runs being scored. It does feel longer when there are long delays between pitching changes and runners are being left on base. Originally Posted by boardman
A most excellent point. sir! I hadn't looked at that way, and I agree that pitching changes are kinda a waste of time. (Well, other than a few moments to use the binoculars to look at the hottie that sits in Section 114 at MMP)
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
As one who has coached many games, I don't like this rule change. It takes away tactics and strategy.

As one who has umpired many games, I love it. Moves the game along.

As a fan, I love it because it moves the game along and keeps my attention on the game instead of surfing channels during the many commercial breaks.