*yawn* review rebuttal

I see that HECTORSilverman gave me a big no. I just want to say he is angry because he had a dirty uncircumcised penis, and tried to force CIM which I don’t do.

Too bad we weren’t a match.
Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
Double fucking yawn
Gee original had a dirty dick excuse as a rebuttal to getting a NO recommendation.
Hookers need to just shut the mouth and do their job!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
I see that HECTORSilverman gave me a big no. I just want to say he is angry because he had a dirty uncircumcised penis, and tried to force CIM which I don’t do.

Too bad we weren’t a match. Originally Posted by DallasBella
Yes, Hectorsilverman did a "No" review of you. While most providers are going to rebut a negative review, you can also see the multiple guys posting below the review also had a below average session with you, just did not have the balls to write a review after they say they saw you.
Hectorsilverman's Avatar
I see that HECTORSilverman gave me a big no. I just want to say he is angry because he had a dirty uncircumcised penis, and tried to force CIM which I don’t do.

Too bad we weren’t a match. Originally Posted by DallasBella
Fist off, I wouldn’t call it a big No, as I simply described exactly how the encounter went. I even went as fas as asking other providers if I was being harsh, and they all said no.

Secondly, you felt the need to lie about me having a dirty penis, in spite of never hearing this from the other 100 plus ladies I’ve seen ( but then again, they didn’t get a No did they?)

Lastly, if any ladies have doubts, I would encourage you to go read all of the other comments made on my review, who had “very similar” experiences like mine, so those guys probably had dirty dicks too. I’m not naïve enough to think I wouldn’t get blowback from my review, but sometimes you just have to stand up for what you believe in, which in my case was simply telling the truth.

I’ll go on the record by saying I never intended to hurt you personally, which is why I was very selective in the words I used in the rest of the story. I guess constructive criticism is not in your vocabulary, and again for that I apologize.
I have immaculate hygiene and yes: if someone is dirty or smelly they are not going to get a good experience.

Men have to understand that just because they use hot water they are not clean. You need a washcloth with soap and you have to scrub EVERYWHERE.

Men also think that if they’ve taken a shower that morning they are good for the day, but forget that they have “used the restroom” since then. A grown adult needs to know how to wipe his ass! At least use a baby wipe (still does not replace a shower.)

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had people come with literal crap in their crack. The last guy was a neurosurgeon! *gag*

Lester Krinklesac's Avatar
You’ve encountered all these guys with crap in their cracks and didn’t write a bitchy thread about it?
I’m gonna call a big fucking bullshit on you!
Do your job or find another line of work prima donna.
NovTel's Avatar
This wouldn't be the first a provider got butt hurt over someone writing an honest "no" review about them.
I think I've seen another one where said provider was called on the carpet about upselling and terrible services, got butt hurt, and started a "smear campaign" against the reviewer.
Ghostrider's Avatar
Dirty Dicks...Done Dirt Cheap!
Dirty Dicks..Done Dirt Cheap!

ACDC anyone?

Dirt cheap is not the price paid however was there not "cleaning supplies" available so that this doesn't happen....Love the AMPS...Shower before play...all day
Yeah, pretty much exactly the response and attitude I suspected we'd see.
Jayven's Avatar
Darn DallasBella was next on my TDL...
Brandofan's Avatar
And yet the review isn't even linked to her profile.
yohollyrock's Avatar
Obviously this girl can't accept the fact that her sessions and most important--her attitude is not up to par with other ladies on this site! You are not that special honey--wise up!
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
This wouldn't be the first a provider got butt hurt over someone writing an honest "no" review about them.
I think I've seen another one where said provider was called on the carpet about upselling and terrible services, got butt hurt, and started a "smear campaign" against the reviewer.
Originally Posted by NovTel
That is the main reason most guys refuse to write negative reviews, yet if one guy is so bold, those guys that were afraid will usually post a comment that they also had a bad experience. I have no doubt that the OP of the review did not have a dirty dick until a few days AFTER his review was written, submitted and noticed by the provider.

Also, the review is not attached to the provider's profile like it should be.
Nina the Dicknapper's Avatar
These never go well.. take that "no" and learn from it.

From my experience, As many times I done gobbled hectorsilverman and not once was there an issue.

Bella I have seriously thought many times over the last few years about scheduling something with you because I think you are beautiful. But over that same period of time I have seen so many comments about your poor attitude and how bitchy you can be to even schedule with that I have stayed away. Maybe the comments in this thread concerning your overall attitude will help you change some things.