Travel nightmares

I'm having a travel nightmare right now. Not the first time, pretty sure it won't be the last. Especially if I keep traveling to the Northeast in the! I often think of John Candy in Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Lady's...give me comfort that I'm not alone, tell me your travel nightmares while touring.
DallasRain's Avatar
I hate traveling to cold climates with snow so I try to schedule accordingly

I had gone to Omaha last September and was making a months tour up midwest way after.I had NO warm got cold as heck so i had to go buy a coat and sweaters and tennis shoes!

stay warm sugar!!
Yeah, it's a real nightmare for us up north when it gets too cold for Dallas.
joesmo888's Avatar
don't go to the carib during hurricane season and don't go to the northeast during Dec-Feb.

I once got stranded in the carib during a tropical system and had to wait 4 days to get a flight out, sounds great but unfortunately there were no rooms available cause everyone else was stranded too so we had to sleep in the lobby of the resort !!
DallasRain's Avatar
lol Boris--I miss you

It is in 40's here in Nola and its drizzly...but business is great this time of year here!
Roothead's Avatar

Hope things are finally working out for you on the travel side - DFW was a true spectacle of insanity and foolishness these last 5 days....

As a 150k AA air miles /yr road warrior, I'd welcome the chance to help out, (as long as you fit me in on your DFW appt list next week) LOL