Dominican Republic... 3rd. trip

DRSlut's Avatar
Good morning Eccie!

I am taking my 3rd trip, in as many years to the Dominican Republic and will be staying at Oxygen Retreat, This place is for real and even though it’s a little more expensive than Costa Rica, it is ALL-inclusive and you never need to leave the resort.

I always stay in a Standard Room and with that you get 2 daytime companions + 1 overnight companion per night of stay.

The resort has 2 pools, open bar, GREAT food… Lobster, steak, fish... etc. AND a fantastic selection of hot Chica's!

Feel free to pm me for any additional information on/about it.

Enjoy the Hobby!
Hornygi's Avatar
Very jealous
These trips call for a diary as opposed to a review. I am looking forward to reading the extended reports.
ICU 812's Avatar
Oh yes . . .an exaustive extended report is a must!
Wow i heard so much about that place and i know its all inclusive but for the price u pay there you can have like 3 trips for the price of one at Blackbeards