Can mods be a mod on competitors site

Can a mod be a mod on Eccie and on a competitors website? Wouldn't this be a conflict of interest for eccie? Can the mod in question use eccie information on his competitors site?
False allegations of mod using this boards information on another site.
Stop with the bullshit already
So there are no eccie handles being used on a competitors website that is owned by an ECCIE mod? FYI I was asking eccie admin not the mod"s he wanna be.
He is NOT a board owner.
guest071618-1's Avatar
I sent this to a lady who has been on Ave for long time and respond I got back from her is.

The website belong to a fake co in Canada. Kyngsley and RL bragged about how they are from eccie and MOD and they can bring in member to get AVE recover. They bragged that they are co-owner/Mod of Ave .

let truth be out there... and ENJOY
My eccie handle and others showed up on this competitors website how can that be when i wasn't even a member of competitor's website. And the mod in question does co owner competitors site in question and he is a Moderator on this other competitors/shit website. Admin: is this allowed?
Drama never ends
Yes I can be a moderator here until further notice.

Have a great night!

Can i get an answer to original question from Admin who is not the super mod in question? If eccie allows there staff to take eccie handles to their website how is eccie protecting my interests? Is that all that roadlizard took to his and KM shit competitors website? My guess no.