Poverty Rate

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Ladies, if business has been slow for you in the hobby, it has to do with the dismal state of the economy.

Things have been bad for so long that good times are long overdue!


Damn! It does hit you in the gut!

After seeing that chart, I think I need a stiff drink!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-16-2010, 05:56 PM
Old news.

Things will start to change for the better in November.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You are egregiously misinformed.

But we can only see with the light we are given.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-16-2010, 11:11 PM
We will see in a couple of months.
what happens in november? xmas shopping? dont see how that helps
burkalini's Avatar
I agree that things will be better in November after the elections. But it won't happen right away. I think it will take into next summer b4 we see the gross nat product rise with some significance. Until then keep looking on the boards for some good specials. The girls need to eat too
Cpalmson's Avatar
Old news.

Things will start to change for the better in November. Originally Posted by Mokoa
Yeah November of 2012 when Barry gets kicked to the curb.
Lil'Whiskey's Avatar
The economic forecasts signal for a slow down in the recovery for the US while Europe and commodity producing countries will see growth. The US is laden with too much debt and many of it's middle income service sector jobs and remaining manufacturing jobs are being outsourced to China and India. Last year a new record of reported income for the top 1% of the US households reached almost 40% of the incone. As the income shifts to the wealthy more investment is made (unfortunatly too much overseas) but less durable goods are purchased.

Bottom line stagnation.
The problem with trying to predict elections is that you occasionally have to eat your words. "Dewey Defeats Truman." Headline in the Chicago paper.
that outsourcing is killing us!