Interesting study

I stumbled across this study tonight while doing research for an essay:

I was familiar with this statistic and in fact was looking for it when I found the article, but this paper summarizes a number of findings in one place. For those who would rather not wade through scholarly circumlocution and dry statistics (and I certainly don't blame you), it examines a number of cross-cultural studies which demonstrate that in every culture where prostitution is legalized, the rape rate dramatically decreases; the author of the linked paper predicts a 25% decrease in rape in the US if prostitution were legalized.

You read that correctly: the politicians and radical feminists know what’s best for women, so they allow an extra 25,000 of us to be raped every year rather than put away their opposition to a venerable institution which also provides income for many tens of thousands of other women. But I’m sure all the women who were raped by sex-mad men this year can rest assured in the knowledge that their torture was not in vain; after all, it was necessary to advance the holy feminist cause of preventing heterosexual males from having convenient access to sex.
pyramider's Avatar
Throughout history old men have known whats better for women than the women.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 09-23-2010, 09:29 PM
I am all for decriminalization of prostitution and the aggressive prosecution of rape; however, what is up with the lack of formalized dating that is going on in civilized countries? Why are women settling for hook-ups instead of dates?

If a family knows the family of the daters it seems to reduce the problem.

Bye the way, gang rapes by groups of men in third world countries that have prostitutes that will give it up for a bottle still lead the world in aids and just about every other social ill.
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 09-23-2010, 09:40 PM
That shouldn't come a surprise, IMO.

If you don't mind my asking....what essay are you writing, Angel?

I write essays all the time; I'm silly that way.

That shouldn't come a surprise, IMO.

If you don't mind my asking....what essay are you writing, Angel?

PSD Originally Posted by PSD
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 09-23-2010, 10:12 PM
Soooo...what's the essay about? You've got my curiosity peaked....

The radical feminists typically argue that it is impossible for you to give informed consent to sex for pay because it is a form of economic duress; and that every time you see a client you are thereby a victim of sexual assault. Of course, many of these same feminists argue that *all* hetero sex is rape; so their ideas aren't exactly credible.

For the record, if you look at the history of prostitution laws in the U.S., you will find it was widely legal until female activist groups mainly composed of married women such as the WCTU (Women's Christian Temperance Union) successfully lobbied for criminalization.

Even up until the 1920's in this country, as much as 1/4th of men had their first sexual experience with a provider. But the powerful women's groups who also brought women the right to vote and were instrumental in outlawing alcohol were equally successful in outlawing prostitution.

You have to cut the guys who were politicians some slack. When their wives asked them how they were going to vote, how would they have justified leaving it legal without getting hit in the head with a frying pan?

As long as marriage gives legal sexual monopolies, married women who, by nature, have a lower sex drive than their husbands will consistently vote to keep prostitution illegal thereby protecting their monopoly.

Now to another topic.

Comparisons across cultures are interesting, but don't necessarily speak to American culture. American culture is quite unique in a number of ways. What would be more useful, IMHO, would be a comparison of the rape rate in that county where prostitution is legal with that of a county with similarly sparse population in, a neighboring state with similar demography.
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 09-23-2010, 10:22 PM
I think you'll find Angel herself is a feminist, just not of that genre.

There's a great show playing on the History Channel this month: Sex during WWII. The episode I saw the other night was about prostitution in Honolulu. Very good documentary indeed and worth watching...

The radical feminists typically argue that it is impossible for you to give informed consent to sex for pay because it is a form of economic duress; and that every time you see a client you are thereby a victim of sexual assault. Of course, many of these same feminists argue that *all* hetero sex is rape; so their ideas aren't exactly credible.

For the record, if you look at the history of prostitution laws in the U.S., you will find it was widely legal until female activist groups mainly composed of married women such as the WCTU (Women's Christian Temperance Union) successfully lobbied for criminalization.

Even up until the 1920's in this country, as much as 1/4th of men had their first sexual experience with a provider. But the powerful women's groups who also brought women the right to vote and were instrumental in outlawing alcohol were equally successful in outlawing prostitution. Originally Posted by Laurentius
I've been quoting that stuff at people for years.
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 09-23-2010, 10:32 PM
AngelOK for President!

Soooo...what's the essay about? You've got my curiosity peaked....

PSD Originally Posted by PSD
Oh, it's just about how the radical feminists and politicians promote the myth that "rape is only a crime of violence, not of sex" because if amateur women realized that prostitution could lower their chances of being raped many of them would side with sex workers and that would ruin the politicians' sadistic little suppression and rape-the-whore games and the radical feminists' jihad to deny men easy access to sex.

Just typical stuff for me, really. You can take the girl out of the library, but you can't take the librarian out of the girl.
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 09-23-2010, 10:46 PM
Remind me not to debate you...ever...

gooose's Avatar
The study has too many flaws and unproven assumptions to be taken seriously. He basically cherry picked some data and made several unproven assumptions to come up with numbers that support his hypothesis.
The study has too many flaws and unproven assumptions to be taken seriously. He basically cherry picked some data and made several unproven assumptions to come up with numbers that support his hypothesis. Originally Posted by gooose
I've seen plenty of other studies which came to precisely the same conclusions, the earliest of which was conducted in Denmark in the 1950s; that one found that after the decriminalization of pornography and the official tolerance of prostitution, the number of rapes in all of Denmark for the following decade was roughly similar to the number of rapes in Copenhagen alone for the previous year. In fact, I was looking for that study when I found this one.

This study's flaws aren't nearly as egregious as the garbage "studies" the radical feminists and gay rights lobby get the public to eat every year.
Remind me not to debate you...ever...

Originally Posted by PSD
I'm not a good debater; I get too flustered when my opponent starts flinging ad hominems around. But I'm a half-decent essayist; in fact I'm exactly good enough at it to keep me escorting.