Bed Bugs

this has been a very talked about topic over the course of the past few months. Obviously, i think that thos e of us in this hobboy ought be more concerned with this scourge of these little vermin that we are seeing.
Has anyone had to deal with this at this point in time? Ladies, do you check out your incalls when you get there? Guys do you check out your rooms when you get them?
For the most part these little bastards are harmless like mosquitos, but there is that whole issue of bring something home with you that could create a problem...

lets hear thoughts...
I do check my incall now for them... had an experience with a friend of mine. I picked her up from her incall and she had red welts on her arms and was itching.. said it must have been her soap or something she ate because she has sensitive skin. She went home and the next day I came over, she had more on her arms AND legs.. at this point I'm like WTF. Later that night she starts unpacking her luggage, and I saw one crawling on the inside top of her bag. I'd never seen one before so we took a pic of it on my phone and looked it up online, and sure enough that's what it was. They're a bitch to get rid of once they get in your luggage and home. There's a spray and powder for it, plus you have to launder everything from your carpet, clothes and bedding in very high temperatures and steam. Gross.

They're noctural, so you'll never see them until the wee hours of morning, and so tiny you might not even see them then until they're already full of your blood. So now, I check the cracks around the seams on the top and bottom of the mattress of every hotel I check in, as well as the drawers for droppings. They leave tell tale signs, you just have to know what to look for.
DallasRain's Avatar
I now bring my own extra sheets & blanket...only room in my bed for me & a nekkid man{lol}!!!
pyramider's Avatar
We all have our own preferences of bugs. I prefer . . .
Couple of years ago the a/c went out in my house. Wound up spending the night at a 5-star hotel in downtown Dallas. I thought I had brought along some fleas from my dog, because in the middle of the night I started getting bit. Hard!! And the itching started immediately, as did the large red welts.

Two weeks later I heard the hotel had a full blown infestation; the little bastards were using the walls between the floors to get around. They had 5 whole floors infested. And if I were to tell you what hotel it was, you'd think I was kidding you.

Bedbugs. They travel in style, and bite with a smile.
  • Bliss
  • 09-23-2010, 11:28 PM
My daughter ended up with an infestation. They tried to treat it themselves, called exterminators, and nothing helped. We tossed the sofa and the beds, moved out everything we could out of the house, vacuumed like hell, then had the exterminators come in. I got them new beds and sofa. That's what it took.

I read an article that there is a very resistant strain of lice and bedbugs now. I had a friend who struggled for almost a year with headlice on her daughter. Her pediatrician said the lice now are resistant to almost any shampoo out there. Lice is a problem at hotels too. We got it at a Marriott 5 yrs ago.
Couple of years ago the a/c went out in my house. Wound up spending the night at a 5-star hotel in downtown Dallas. I thought I had brought along some fleas from my dog, because in the middle of the night I started getting bit. Hard!! And the itching started immediately, as did the large red welts.

Two weeks later I heard the hotel had a full blown infestation; the little bastards were using the walls between the floors to get around. They had 5 whole floors infested. And if I were to tell you what hotel it was, you'd think I was kidding you.

Bedbugs. They travel in style, and bite with a smile. Originally Posted by TexasT
Just curious. Since this isd all anonymous, what's the name of the 5 star hotel?? I promise I won't tell them you told me!
I now bring my own extra sheets & blanket...only room in my bed for me & a nekkid man{lol}!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Bringing your own sheets and blanket wont do anything but. ensure that you bring them home. They live in cracks and crevices, then crawl out at night, and lay eggs. I'm getting chills just thinking about it.. they are not harmless like mosquitoes, as they can carry disease, and the sores they leave can become infected.
@Sweet Heather,

First things first. Regarding the quote at the bottom of your post, Joan (Christina) said that to Roger, not Don Draper.

Secondly: The Magnolia. And I trust your lips are sealed.
Does anyone know if insurance can be bought? It would be nice to have an underwriter who will pay in the event of an occurrence. [Note I didn't say infestation. I would want protect against the littlest occurrence.]
tia travels's Avatar

Click and watch the video.

I saw a special recently that said EXTREME HEAT will rid them.

Click and watch the video.

I saw a special recently that said EXTREME HEAT will rid them. Originally Posted by tia travels
I was told today that Extreme Heat will rid them, as well as freezing everything.
tia travels's Avatar
DEPmic05's Avatar
There's a series on, I believe, National Geographic titles "Eaten Alive" (please correct me if I got the title wrong). It's about various parasites that can affect humans. Bedbugs was featured on one of the shows. I saw it around April-May of this year and then a few weeks later I started reading about bedbug infestations in various states.

In the show, an exterminator brought in a Beagle to sniff the bedbugs out. Found that they had hitched a ride in the owner's suitcase. Then he used a canister of frozen gas to clear all the spaces they could hide. Seems that the sudden burst of extreme cold killed them instantly. Nice show.

I remember that last year, around November, the American Airlines Conference Center in DFW had a bedbug problem. They had to move a number of people staying there to various hotels while they dealt with the problem.

Now I'm feeling paranoid and keep checking my luggage, backpage, clothes, shoes, etc when I'm traveling. Maybe I'll put everything into my freezer overnight when I get back home...just to be sure.
DallasRain's Avatar
thanks travels sweety