Big Brother

JohnnyPool's Avatar
Not that I quote AP much:

"US would make Internet wiretaps easier"

And I'm sure they'll just be watching terrorists..................NO T
It just keeps getting worse and worse! How's a girl supposed to be able to have any fun???

As horrible as it sounds...even though we are allowed more freedoms than most other countries, they are slowly disappearing one by one. Privacy is almost null and void with cameras and watchful eyes everywhere. It it really in the name of security or is is it a power issue?
As horrible as it sounds...even though we are allowed more freedoms than most other countries, they are slowly disappearing one by one. Privacy is almost null and void with cameras and watchful eyes everywhere. It it really in the name of security or is is it a power issue? Originally Posted by Ashlyn Allure
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. - H. L. Mencken