So What About The Rolling Stone Rape Article?

I am sure everybody on this board has been following it. So I picked a link from Fortune that is short, and to the point.

This is Journalism gone a mock. As the article says, Rolling Stone violated just about every tenant of resposible journalism.

I have said this before. Our Constitution grants The Press a special place in our society. They have tremendous power to make things right, or get things wurong.

With this special place, comes responsibility to get it right. In this aspect, Rolling Stone has failed. Miserably.

One note that the article finishes up with.........nobody gets fired. Nobody is called into account.


Simple. The answer is "agenda driven journalism". Everybody at Rolling Stone wanted this story to be true. They wanted to nail those rapist bastards.

They simply forgot the rules.

Perhaps the fitting end will be that the Fraternity brings a lawsuit, and by the judgment, bankrupts Rolling Stone.

They deserve it. And if they don't, then pray tell, who would?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-07-2015, 07:27 AM
While I agree with much of what you say, I do not believe in the death penalty for everything. They should be stung very noticeably, but bankrupting them does little good.

The press, as with politics, has become run by the fringes. Removing one fringe player doesn't fix anything. Changing the mindset, reintroducing responsibility be it in journalism, politics, education, or running a pizza parlor is the only cure. But right now it seems the word "responsible" itself has been hijacked to mean "agree with me on all things". I can see the symptoms of the disease all around, but I do not know how to fix it. I see almost noone seriously believe in responsibility any more--I see them believe that everyone should adopt THEIR morals and then all will be well.
LexusLover's Avatar
Changing the mindset, reintroducing responsibility be it in journalism, politics, education, or running a pizza parlor is the only cure. Originally Posted by Old-T
As long as one isn't running a news media facility like a pizza parlor.

Where is UC when "we" need a strong, well-balanced, ethical commentary on "journalism" and "ethics"!
Isn't it the same old story of not double checking the source?
LexusLover's Avatar
Isn't it the same old story of not double checking the source? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Apparently "they" never checked the "source" in the first place to double check!

Rumor mongering to establish a basis for "social commentary"!

Ala .... Michael Brown vs. Officer Wilson.

Who gives a shit about ruining someone's life, as long as a "point" is made.

Apparently "they" never checked the "source" in the first place to double check!

Rumor mongering to establish a basis for "social commentary"!

Ala .... Michael Brown vs. Officer Wilson.

Who gives a shit about ruining someone's life, as long as a "point" is made. Originally Posted by LexusLover
STFU idiot unless you have something relevant to the comment. Other than increasing your count.Had they checked the source the article would not have been published.
LexusLover's Avatar
STFU idiot unless you have something relevant to the comment. Other than increasing your count.Had they checked the source the article would not have been published. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Really? And how would you know?

Who "checked" the "source" on Michael Brown vs Officer Wilson for you?

BTW: I don't feel like shutting the fuck up ... do you?
  • shanm
  • 04-07-2015, 09:48 AM
BTW: I don't feel like shutting the fuck up ... do you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
We all already knew that you are an idiot. Comparing the Michael Brown case to this one when it has absolutely no relevance. One is a completely fabricated rape case and the other is an actual fucking incident that lead to the death of a person. You really should shut the fuck up because it's obvious you have nothing to contribute.

If Rolling Stone had done their research it's pretty clear they would have found the discrepancies. The author claims she started having doubts when the victim finally told her the name of the rapist, and it turned out he never existed! Shouldn't she have fucking done that before publishing the article?? The entire report is just Rolling Stone trying to save face by pushing their failure onto "social norms", "political correctedness" etc etc....well, YOU did that, own up to it now.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-07-2015, 09:52 AM
While I agree with much of what you say, I do not believe in the death penalty for everything. They should be stung very noticeably, but bankrupting them does little good.

The press, as with politics, has become run by the fringes. Removing one fringe player doesn't fix anything. Changing the mindset, reintroducing responsibility be it in journalism, politics, education, or running a pizza parlor is the only cure. But right now it seems the word "responsible" itself has been hijacked to mean "agree with me on all things". I can see the symptoms of the disease all around, but I do not know how to fix it. I see almost noone seriously believe in responsibility any more--I see them believe that everyone should adopt THEIR morals and then all will be well. Originally Posted by Old-T
I disagree, by making an example of Rolling Stone, and suing the dog shit out of them and forcing them to shut down. Because of blatant lying, and that is what it is. Would put the journalists of the mindset to get it right and factual before putting it to print. They need to be responsible and held accountable for what they say, and print.
LexusLover's Avatar
We all already knew that you are an idiot. Originally Posted by shanm
You mean you and BigTits aka bigtex or all of your personalities?

The media jumping to the conclusion that Wilson murdered a Black child who was raising his hands to surrender is the same as the media jumping to the conclusion that an innocent co-ed got gang rapped at the frat house.

"Victims All"!

The liberal biased media constantly plays the selective victim card.

Just like you consider yourself to be a victim.
LexusLover's Avatar
I disagree, by making an example of Rolling Stone, and suing the dog shit out of them ...... Originally Posted by Seedy

The rag will throw the employees under the bus, a bunch of lawyers will make a bunch of money. More than likely the "errors and omissions" policy covering the employees exempts the carrier from covering "gross negligence" or "intentional acts," and the carrier may provide attorneys for them long enough to insure there will be no hits against the carrier and then bail.

No lessons will be learned in the short or long term.

Some lawyers will get nice pre-paid vacations after some "free" publicity.
Really? And how would you know?
Right, I forgot in your case having checked the source and found out they were lying, you would have ran the piece anyway.
Who "checked" the "source" on Michael Brown vs Officer Wilson for you?

BTW: I don't feel like shutting the fuck up ... do you? Originally Posted by LexusLover
LOL must have hit a nerve lexie lacking. Who besides you thinks the OP is about Michael Brown?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-07-2015, 10:59 AM
The rag will throw the employees under the bus, a bunch of lawyers will make a bunch of money. More than likely the "errors and omissions" policy covering the employees exempts the carrier from covering "gross negligence" or "intentional acts," and the carrier may provide attorneys for them long enough to insure there will be no hits against the carrier and then bail.

No lessons will be learned in the short or long term.

Some lawyers will get nice pre-paid vacations after some "free" publicity. Originally Posted by LexusLover
So in essence Rolling Stone has no accountability for what it prints? That is fucked up and just plain WRONG.
my take on the rolling stone article is its just another example of the left and their predispositions and/or prejudicial nature

its really of a piece with ferguson and any number of other happenings that haven't panned out for them but yet they have turned over America and presented false narratives and miss-taught children in furtherance of ideology

things like affirmative action and or liberals lack of truth concerning some protected class reveals their innate racism (including their obvious racism toward blacks as if they were unable to compete or be accountable) and untruthfulness
Comparing the Michael Brown case to this one when it has absolutely no relevance. One is a completely fabricated rape case and the other is an actual fucking incident that lead to the death of a person. . Originally Posted by shanm

Actually they are quite similar. They both wrote the story for a political outcome, not factual outcome. The biggest lie they did in the Michael Brown story is not show a current picture of a 300 lb 17 or 18 year old bully, but rather a 10 year old boy. Totally misleading to the facts of the story.