"Moyers & Company Show 141:Plutocracy Rising"

Please see this video for more information. It relates to the increasing gap between rich and poor. All you have to do is go to New York City, which is similiar to a third world economy.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This is a natural and intended outcome of crony capitalism.
I started seeing the big picture awhile back when it affected my life, as well as millions of other Americans, except those at the very top, of course. I was aghast when I saw the level of inequality in New York! There is no growth without change, and change is painful.

Oh, by the way, thanks for your support CuteOldGuy. I mostly ignore negative comments about others who don't really care, so don't worry about it. Actually, I am getting lots of private messages from other members who thank me for my posts! It's quite a compliment.