What Bernie supports don’t get

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  • 12-27-2017, 07:58 AM
The Comical Conservative.

bambino's Avatar
Sanders actually said the new tax cuts would help Americans.
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  • 12-27-2017, 08:07 AM
Sanders actually said the new tax cuts would help Americans. Originally Posted by bambino
It is our kids and grandkids it will hurt dipshit.

If that what you do in your personal life? Pile up debt and tell your kids what a great parent you are? That they get to pay off your excesses?

bambino's Avatar
It is our kids and grandkids it will hurt dipshit.

If that what you do in your personal life? Pile up debt and tell your kids what a great parent you are? That they get to pay off your excesses?

Originally Posted by WTF
You don’t have any kids limp dick. Sanders said they should have been permanent. They would have have if not for the Byrd rule dipshit.

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  • 12-27-2017, 08:16 AM
You don’t have any kids limp dick. Sanders said they should have been permanent. They would have have if not for the Byrd rule dipshit.

http://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-t...thing-that?amp Originally Posted by bambino
If you could understand wtf you read....you'd know sanders (along with me) was for a tax cut for the middle class and poor , not one mainly for the rich that is paid for long term by the poor and middle class.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Sunday agreed the tax cuts for the middle class in the GOP tax bill are a "very good thing" - but added they should have been made permanent.
"That's why we should've made the tax breaks for the middle class permanent. But what the Republicans did is made the tax breaks for corporations permanent, the tax breaks for the middle class temporary," Sanders told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union."
"Meanwhile, at the end of 10 years,well over 80 billion Americans are paying more in taxes. Thirteen million Americans, as a result of this legislation, lose their health insurance. Health premiums are going up. You've got a $1.4 trillion deficit as a result of this bill. And [Speaker] Paul Ryan [R-Wis.] is going around saying 'Oh, we have to offset that deficit by cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid,' " he continued.
"To answer your question, should we have focused on the needs of the middle class? We should have," he said.
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  • 12-27-2017, 08:21 AM
You. They would have have if not for the Byrd rule dipshit.

Originally Posted by bambino
And do you know wtf the Bryd rule is Mr. Mental Midget?

bambino's Avatar
And do you know wtf the Bryd rule is Mr. Mental Midget?

Originally Posted by WTF
Yes I do midget dick, do you?


You do know that the the economy has to average 2.4 GDP growth to make it revenue neutral. Or do you? Looks like that issue is solved. Sanders knows they couldn’t extend it past 10years because of the Byrd rule you fucking idiot. But the “poor” don’t pay taxes you moron. It’s the middle and upper classes that do. But everyone will see their taxes go down. Now your worried about the children? You don’t mind them being gassed in Syria tho? What a dumb motherfucker.
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  • 12-27-2017, 08:58 AM
But the “poor” don’t pay taxes you moron. It’s the middle and upper classes that do.

. Originally Posted by bambino
You keep telling that lie dipshit....the poor pay the majority of their Federal taxes in the form of payroll.

After wars , the country used to increase the inheritance tax to pay for that war. Yet dipshits like you thought that a bad idea and the National Debt has exploded because of that ignorance.

Now your worried about the children? You don’t mind them being gassed in Syria tho? What a dumb motherfucker. Originally Posted by bambino
I did not know any American children were gassed in Syria.

Could you provide a link.

Trumps buddy Putin had a hand in gassing children in a Civil War in Syria but then innocent people get killed in wars all the fucking time. Do you only care about the ones that are gassed....and at that the kids that are gasses? Do you not care about all the innocent children killed by bombs in Iraq?

bambino's Avatar
You keep telling that lie dipshit....the poor pay the majority of their Federal taxes in the form of payroll.

After wars , the country used to increase the inheritance tax to pay for that war. Yet dipshits like you thought that a bad idea and the National Debt has exploded because of that ignorance.

I did not know any American children were gassed in Syria.

Could you provide a link.

Trumps buddy Putin had a hand in gassing children in a Civil War in Syria but then innocent people get killed in wars all the fucking time. Do you only care about the ones that are gassed....and at that the kids that are gasses? Do you not care about all the innocent children killed by bombs in Iraq?

Originally Posted by WTF
The Rubio/Lee amendment increases the CTC for the working poor making what they pay in payroll taxes a push.


So, you don’t treat all babies the same? If there from Syria it’s okay to gas them? Good thing Trump came to the rescue. Under Obama they would have continued to be gassed.
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  • 12-27-2017, 11:31 AM
The Rubio/Lee amendment increases the CTC for the working poor making what they pay in payroll taxes a push.


. Originally Posted by bambino
Your lack of comprehension skills never cease to amaze me. This from your own link! Also that is just if you have kids dipshit!

Adopting the Rubio-Lee amendment wouldn’t fix either the Republican tax bill’s extreme tilt to the top or its fiscal profligacy, nor would it change the fact that key congressional Republicans are already saying they will seek to pay for their tax cuts next year by cutting programs that support low-income working families. But this modest change working poor making what they pay in payroll taxes a push.

So, you don’t treat all babies the same?All babies the same? wtf is wrong with you? you want those little babies to grow up to be terrorist? Killing Americans! Trump says we look after out interests first and foremost. MAGA! If there from Syria it’s okay to gas them? Trumps buddy Putin gasses them! Kept us from killing them in another 15-20 years! Good thing Trump came to the rescue. rescue????wtf, he called Putin and told him where he was going to bomb him. Under Obama they would have continued to be gassed. Originally Posted by bambino
Obama should have armed Assad before Putin! Now stfu with your god damn baby nonsense.... Take Joel's advice for now, until Syrian baby loving lustylad gets back, you have no shoulder to BooHoo on.

bambino's Avatar
Your lack of comprehension skills never cease to amaze me. This from your own link! Also that is just if you have kids dipshit!

Adopting the Rubio-Lee amendment wouldn’t fix either the Republican tax bill’s extreme tilt to the top or its fiscal profligacy, nor would it change the fact that key congressional Republicans are already saying they will seek to pay for their tax cuts next year by cutting programs that support low-income working families. But this modest change working poor making what they pay in payroll taxes a push.

Obama should have armed Assad before Putin! Now stfu with your god damn baby nonsense.... Take Joel's advice for now, until Syrian baby loving lustylad gets back, you have no shoulder to BooHoo on.

Originally Posted by WTF
Did read read the last part of the link? The amendment increases the CTC to nullify payroll taxes you fucking idiot. So it helps them. Now you can Praddle about state and local taxes, but Trump doesn’t control those. Since the upper and middle classes pay 98% of federal taxes, they should get the most benefits you slap dick. And Obama should have armed the Anti Assad rebels you stupid cumstain, not Assad. God your stupid. Since Olsteen is in Houston, pay a visit. You need help anywhere you can find it.


You dumbfuck
lustylad's Avatar
After wars, the country used to increase the inheritance tax to pay for that war. Yet dipshits like you thought that a bad idea and the National Debt has exploded because of that ignorance. Originally Posted by WTF
Where did you hear that ridiculous story, jackass?

The federal inheritance tax has never, ever, ever come close to raising the kind of revenues needed to "pay for a war".

The tax has been on the books for a century now. During most of that time, it has contributed between 1% and 2% of total federal revenues. Currently it generates a measly 0.6%. Can you say "a drop in the bucket"?


The federal deficit has exploded because federal SPENDING has exploded, not because anyone was insufficiently taxed at death.

Who's the dipshit again?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Death tax is theft.
lustylad's Avatar
Trump's buddy Putin had a hand in gassing children in a Civil War in Syria but then innocent people get killed in wars all the fucking time. Do you only care about the ones that are gassed....and at that the kids that are gasses? Do you not care about all the innocent children killed by bombs in Iraq? Originally Posted by WTF
Do you even know how bad your argument is? If so, why do you keep making it?

You are saying unless we can save ALL of the Syrian kids, we shouldn't bother to save ANY of them!!!

Try that logic on the families of the 850+ Jews who were saved by Oskar Schindler during WWII, ok? Then come back here and tell us whether or not they agree with you.