sophieleediax's Avatar
what do y'all think about the book The art of seduction??
I bought it after my boss suggested I pick up Green's The 48 Laws of Power. I treat 48 Laws, Art of Seduction, 33 Strategies, and Mastery all the same - not as an instruction manual, but more of a framework to understand people.
guy fawkes's Avatar
The art of seduction Its ok and helped pass the time when I was bored a few years ago with no telly or internet..

Learned more from "Changing Minds: The Art and Science of Changing Our Own and Other People’s Minds "
squiretuck's Avatar
Good G-d Sophie -- if this is your real picture, just post it on one page, and publish it as "The Art of Seduction II". Wow!
I own a copy...may reread later on.