Has anyone found a safe way to meet?

Has anyone found a safe way to meet?
...with as little exposure as possible?
I have a preexisting condition (asthma) and I must be very careful...but I miss the ladies...
RustyBalls's Avatar
Suggest setting up a session with a provider via Skype, FaceTime or Zoom.

Otherwise, not safe and especially for someone with preexisting conditions.
casa-nova's Avatar
Unfortunately no. In it's pure form this is the ultimate contact sport!

The more the physical contact the greater the fun!!!
Nope and the only safe solution is already out there for free on Chaturbate.com etc. if watching gets you off.
Tex9401's Avatar
with Hazmat suit....
nuglet's Avatar
Nope and the only safe solution is already out there for free on Chaturbate.com etc. if watching gets you off. Originally Posted by Sirgenerous
I have a fave that does Chaturbate from my place. good times