Do the Republicans have a Future?

pussycat's Avatar
I never thought I'd say this but I'm voting for whoever the Democratic candidate is for Governor, even if it's Beto.

I dislike Beto about as much as a person can dislike a politician, but if voting Republican means that abortion will remain illegal in Texas there's no way I can vote for them. That applies also for all national candidates.

The true consequences of abortion restrictions have not settled in yet with the voters. But when it does opposing abortion will be even less tolerable than opposing gay marriage. This is the 21st century, and public opinion on matters of basic Constitutional rights is not what is was in the past. The gay marriage issue turned in a matter of five years or less. It went from apathy to a majority public support overnight because public values have changed.

When it sinks in that a personal right that two generations took for granted has now been criminalized a large majority, and I mean LARGE, will make it impossible for Republicans to get elected to anything. Republicans cannot win their primaries without opposing abortion rights, so they are trapped.

I think they are finished for a generation because it will take that long for the remaining Republican primary voters who zealously oppose abortion rights to fade away.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The RWW media narrative continues to sweep this reality under the carpet, so the unsuspecting Trumpists and religious zealots will scream “rigged” when the people rise up be vote their self interest, as it always does.

Exclusionary, oppressive policies that affect generations will prove their undoing. And they don’t believe it’s coming.

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of politicians.
Passion2015's Avatar
And just think if you were aborted you wouldn’t be talking about it today, I’m neither for or against and at this point and time it’s all about politics and November.
The media knows how to get the voters riled up.

Also, abortion’s are not illegal, they are given a time frame to get abortions just like it’s always been a time limit for a safe abortion.

The time frame maybe shorter but it’s a time frame that we all have used including me for a girl I knocked up and we were smart enough to check as soon as she missed her first period and we acted early and were responsible in that sense., not like people today.

So if you have been in that situation before you should be knowledgeable enough to understand how abortions should be taken care of and not just follow other opinions.
winn dixie's Avatar
Republicans are the future. Without Republicans, there is no future!
princeclubhopper's Avatar
One illustrates their intellectual capacity if they identify as a single-issue voter, especially after the last 2 years.
The two-party system of course has a future, there is no pillar of principles that they operate under, excepting to maintain power.

The Republican party basically is a 10-year-old shadow of the Democrat party in terms of their policies. That is how Republicans maintain any following they just keep changing and tuning themselves to follow in the wake of the Democrats.

Republicans are not going anywhere. And they would just keep changing to fit the new demographics.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Hard to hAve a future when you’re obsessed with preserving the last.
Precious_b's Avatar
The two-party system of course has a future, there is no pillar of principles that they operate under, excepting to maintain power.

The Republican party basically is a 10-year-old shadow of the Democrat party in terms of their policies. That is how Republicans maintain any following they just keep changing and tuning themselves to follow in the wake of the Democrats.

Republicans are not going anywhere. And they would just keep changing to fit the new demographics. Originally Posted by oldphone14
Hard to hAve a future when you’re obsessed with preserving the last. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup, i'd love to hear the hardcore in the Political Section respond to his statement.
Hard to hAve a future when you’re obsessed with preserving the last. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

A canard. There is no group obsessed with preserving the past. Conservatives conserve nothing. Like I said, they are merely a reactionary group who feeds off whatever the democrats are doing. Democrats have a direction and leadership and get things done, republicans just say "hey dont change", and then they compromise and change happens just slightly slower than democrats want.

Change happens. republicans dont stop it, just make a commodity out of complaining and crying about it.

Politics is downstream from culture, and the culture is and has been run by the progressive left for 100+ years.

If you dont change the trillion dollar river of pro-left culture via Hollywood, TV, Education, government programs, Big Business, you will just keep getting incremental progressivism for infinity.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That wouldn’t be a bad thing.
"Those who don't study the past are doomed to repeat it"

- George Santayana

Of course the Taliban Party has a future! Hate groups have always flourished in the US, hiding behind specious 1st Amendment "rights".

How long has the KKK been operating in the US?

Ditto for the American Nazi Party. (Bonus points if you know where the Texas headquarters is located!)

The Proud Boyz, The Three Percenters, the Oath Keepers, the Boogaloo Bois, are all just recent manifestations of a very old narrative based on hate, terrorist acts, and white supremacy.

The only thing that's new is how ready the Taliban party was to be "converted" from an established political party to a full on domestic terrorist organization.

The good side is that the self-radicalization has allowed some people to think and realize that there is no other democratically based republic in the world that has been entirely controlled by TWO political parties since the Civil War (1865, not 2021). There's a lot of talk and some action on founding a viable third party of centrist / moderates that actually appeals to the vast majority of Americans across race / class / geographic areas.

People mistakenly think that a third party could never win a national election. That's not the goal. The goal is to have enough elected positions filled at local, state, and national levels so that neither "major" party can run off the rails with a majority vote. Both of the major parties would have to reach a consensus to have legislation pass. That's how it works in the rest of the democratically representative free republics on the planet, some of which have over a dozen registered parties.

True democracy is messy, and only works as intended if everyone gets involved. But we are seeing and living the alternative - autocracy through force or threat of force - take over our country now. Much, much messier.

Just my $0.02, worth everything you paid for it.
Giving everyone the right to vote was a horrible idea
As long as there are people dumb enough to continue to believe the insane lies the republicans put out they will have a future - and if Wyoming is any indication, the future is strong when you count on stupidity.

Only a matter of time before the republicans manage to take control, turn us into the new Russia, take away Soc Sec and Medicare, and take away our freedom of speech.
Giving everyone the right to vote was a horrible idea Originally Posted by oldphone14

Only Black and Latina women should be able to vote!
winn dixie's Avatar
As long as there are people dumb enough to continue to believe the insane lies the republicans put out they will have a future - and if Wyoming is any indication, the future is strong when you count on stupidity.

Only a matter of time before the republicans manage to take control, turn us into the new Russia, take away Soc Sec and Medicare, and take away our freedom of speech. Originally Posted by rich3171
Ya'll believe that up there ? smh