Rep. Comer has his own LLC

VitaMan's Avatar
Rep. James Comer (R-KY) has his own shell companies for business deals that he didn't report in his financial disclosure filings.

Associated Press reporter Brian Slodysko explained land he co-owns with a donor are held through a limited liability company called Farm Team Properties. And that property, because it is held by this company, does not have to reveal what the assets held by it are on his financial disclosures.

Comer told Fox's Trey Gowdy on Sunday that he's going after Biden under the guise of "national security." Comer previously said he was no longer going on the "Fox & Friends" because Steve Doocy fact-checked him.

Comer has been accusing Joe Biden of using an LLC or shell company to accept bribes from international companies.

Over the course of the House Oversight Committee's investigation under Comer's leadership, Republicans uncovered Biden helping his son buy a truck and his son giving him three checks to pay him back.
  • Tiny
  • 12-18-2023, 02:10 PM
Here's the link to the story that broke this,

There's nothing suspicious about putting the land into an LLC. In fact, especially given that he had a partner, that's the most common way a reasonably sophisticated person would hold the property. It protects his partner and him from liability. He did previously disclose the existence and an indication of the value of the LLC, along with his other property holdings.

The article did dig up some other dirt on Comer, but nothing you wouldn't expect from your average Congressman or Senator. Call me a cynic, but most of them use their positions for financial gain and have some unsavory events in their pasts.
VitaMan's Avatar
Just sayin, blimey, maybe there is more to this. There may be more here that hasn't been uncovered.
Why can't he return to"Fox & Friends" after a fact check.....why ?

Let's put some shrimp on the barby while we wait to see.

Shiver me timbers, mate. There's an LLC here.
VitaMan's Avatar
…...blimey, a lot more here under the surface

Comer describes Farm Team Properties, his LLC shell company as his wife’s “land management and real estate speculation” company without providing further details.

Rep. Eric Swalwell of California says, “we should have known this is what’s really been going on."
"After making so many false claims against President Biden, James Comer is the one with the shady finances," said Swalwell, who serves on the House Judiciary Committee.

Comer declined to comment to The Associated Press through a spokesman.

The AP also said Farm Team Properties is co-owned by Darren Cleary, a political donor and construction contractor. Cleary did not respond to an AP interview request.

In 2020, Cleary sold land he owned to Comer for $ 21,000 per acre. It was near new highway construction.

It was sold 2 years later for $ 150,000 per acre.
eyecu2's Avatar
Comer needs to be impeached and removed!! Anyone who has an LLC shouldn't be allowed to be in Congress, or the Whitehouse!!!

What the fuck are you hiding??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Comer Crime Family!

What say ye, stumpers?
VitaMan's Avatar
....Mate, you are so right.

James Comer is Chairman of the House Oversight Committee. He wants to impeach Biden.

Blimey, what Comer did with his LLC are already FACTS ! How did he know a highway would be constructed......right next to his acreage....which be bought from a political donor....and a construction contractor.
  • Tiny
  • 12-19-2023, 12:29 PM
Comer needs to be impeached and removed!! Anyone who has an LLC shouldn't be allowed to be in Congress, or the Whitehouse!!!

What the fuck are you hiding?? Originally Posted by eyecu2
You're kidding, right? Joe Biden has two Delaware Sub S corporations. A Sub S corporation provided Biden all the advantages of an LLC, like providing protection from liability and avoiding the disclosure rules and the double taxation of distributions from the business. And in addition the Sub S's enabled him to avoid Medicare tax on most of his income. If you or I bust our asses and make lots of money, we have to pay the tax. Joe didn't have to.

Adding to the Intercept article about concealing details of Biden's finances, Joe also apparently channeled money through his law firm's trust account instead of just writing a checks to loan money to his brother James. What's up with that? That's CNN's interpretation anyway. An alternate explanation was that Joe was surreptitiously getting a share of the profits from James' business dealings.

Now I don't believe Joe Biden did anything illegal in either instance. The payments from James occurred in 2018, when he wasn't President or Vice President. But there is a double standard here. Comer shouldn't be held to a higher standard than Biden, or vice versa.

And I guess that may be your point.
eyecu2's Avatar
It was sarcasm. I know lots of ppl have LLC's and it's a big hypocritical for Comer to run for his torch and pitchfork for the Bidens' don't ya think?
VitaMan's Avatar

There are plenty of FACTS and PROOF showing what Rep. Comer was up to.

donations, LLC assets with donors, construction contractors, highway and land deals. Plenty to look into for back door deals and Kentucky back slapping

---- yet posters discuss Mr. Biden’s shortcomings, with no proof, and for how long has Rep. Comer been chasing him ?

Shiver me timbers, mates. There is a lot more cooking in Kentucky than fried chicken.
... Though no doubt Comer's company PAYED its TAXES!

But we can't quite say that all the Bidens did! ...

"PAY yer Fair Share!"

#### Salty
The Biden that matters is the one there isn’t an iota of proof of wrongdoing. The Biden hunt is the height of stupidity. We aren’t surprised though.
VitaMan's Avatar
... Though no doubt Comer's company PAYED its TAXES!

But we can't quite say that all the Bidens did! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

.....Blimey !

There's more to come on Rep. Comers financial conduct, and misuse of his office.
Just wait.....
  • Tiny
  • 12-19-2023, 07:20 PM
It was sarcasm. I know lots of ppl have LLC's and it's a big hypocritical for Comer to run for his torch and pitchfork for the Bidens' don't ya think? Originally Posted by eyecu2
I would have agreed with you before I read the FBI Form FD-1023 about Burisma, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden based on interviews with a confidential informant. Now I'm an agnostic. Comer's investigations into a link between Hunter and Joe or James and Joe may or may not be worthwhile. Time will tell.

But yes, based on what we know right now, I don't know whether James Comer or Joe Biden is the bigger crook.
.....Blimey !

There's more to come on Rep. Comers financial conduct, and misuse of his office.
Just wait..... Originally Posted by VitaMan
... Gonna need to be A LOT more!

#### Salty