Zithromax And Januvia: Two Commonly-Prescribed Drugs Now Shown To Be Killing Patients

SEE3772's Avatar
Recent news again highlights why you’d be well advised to heed early warnings about potentially dangerous drugs.

The first featured article reports that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is now investigating a potential link between a commonly used class of diabetes drugs and pancreatic inflammation and pre-cancerous changes to the pancreas.1

The FDA is also adding a heart-risk warning to the antibiotic Zithromax (azithromycin), better known as the Z-Pak.

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The potential side effects warnings mentioned at double speed toward the end of the commercials always creeps me out..

"Potential side effects iclude ; swelling of the brain, suicidal thoughts, certain types of cancers, bleeding from the eyes.."

" people who have or have had a history of breathing should check with their doctor before starting use."

"Suicidal thought may occur. If you experience these while taking_________, dicontinue use and consult your health care provider."

The shit people risk. I rarely even take asprin. I will resist any man made medicine as long as possible.
I think the shit big pharma is pushing is scary .
I also believe its inappropriate to allow pharma to advertize directly to the end consumer. IMO.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
It is interesting how some drugs can possibly interfere with the electrical impulses that make your heart beat. In some cases it is the interaction with different drugs that can affect the QT. Most people will not take the time to research or even talk to the Pharmacist about drug interactions and their dangers..

A huge hurdle for the drug companies is determining during the clinical trials if the death of a person is related to their drug or to causes that existed prior to the use of the drug. In any case, all deaths during clinical trials are reported and efforts are made to determine the cause. In addition, all patients in the clinical trials are notified of the deaths and informed of the potential risks. These will end up being included as a potential side effect.

The demand of patients that they be given something for their ailments has resulted in the over prescribing of some drugs especially antibiotics and the failure of the people to use them as prescribed has resulted in resistance to the drugs and the need for much more powerful drugs. The end result is drugs that may have more severe side effects in order to have a successful treatment.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The potential side effects warnings mentioned at double speed toward the end of the commercials always creeps me out..

"Potential side effects iclude ; swelling of the brain, suicidal thoughts, certain types of cancers, bleeding from the eyes.."

" people who have or have had a history of breathing should check with their doctor before starting use."

"Suicidal thought may occur. If you experience these while taking_________, dicontinue use and consult your health care provider."

The shit people risk. I rarely even take asprin. I will resist any man made medicine as long as possible.
I think the shit big pharma is pushing is scary .
I also believe its inappropriate to allow pharma to advertize directly to the end consumer. IMO. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
I was having a great day until I read this post. Dammit, UB, you posted something thoughtful, reasonable, and it makes perfect sense. The worst of it is, I completely agree with you!
