What happen to the Florida listings ?

I was so happy eccie was back until I see Florida isn’t a posting option? no bueno
Not yet...they are adding more forums everyday. Last night New York wasn't on there now it is. Be patient
  • zales
  • 06-18-2018, 07:33 PM
Let's hope they are back soon!
SkyeRain's Avatar
Kansas city or even Missouri isnt on there either. Hope all our locations get added back soon.i think we can comment on other people's welcome post and some of the other post like announcements etc...for advertisement
Hello northwest Florida!!
Can't wait to see NW florida back up and running.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
Not yet...they are adding more forums everyday. Last night New York wasn't on there now it is. Be patient Originally Posted by Nikkilove91
Not exactly "everyday"; NY was added Monday (to judge from the date-time stamp of your post), and nothing has been added since then.

Nothing to do but be patient.


In hopes that Oregon/Washington states will be re-added.
ReviewBree's Avatar
I know right well everyone in that area I’m here and available.
They were going to do Texas first because that’s home base. Louisiana and New Uork are very active but smaller markets and easier to get back online. Florida and (surprisingly) Kansas City have a lot of providers from what I say before. I really want to visit LC one day. The providers I’ve seen advertised are gorgeous!
Hello northwest Florida!! Originally Posted by laloverboy
Hello my man. Soon we will be swapping stories about our panhandle ladies.
Shooterr12's Avatar
You are amazing Bree!!
Anna Lane's Avatar
I'm still here too!! Xo
You’d think economically speaking that they’d get the largest markets first. This totally makes sense for Texas. After Texas, I don’t know who’s 2nd, 3rd, etc. in terms of markets ....but nothing has been added in several days.

Right now, the site is useless to me, but I’m glad it is back online and look forward to seeing TN back up.
jordynkriley's Avatar
In Pcola today... stiill no Alabama???