Hypothetically if the Boycott work(s)/worked

I’m just throwing this out there as we are entering into week 3 of this now.

We all have different rankings/preferences on studio order. With that being said, I’m just tossing this out there to see what the bulk of people would do. We had 5 notable studios rise prices, and let’s say if your 3rd/4th/5th studio decided they had to much of this and we’re willing to do a grandfather deal for those verified before OCt1, new fee would be for anyone OCt1 and after. (Likely scenario as well is if this were to happen, once it did then other studios would do something similar shortly after).

Are you willing to semi end it, and go support this 3-4-5th placed studio? Does said studio get a boost because of it in the long run or does it say in mid/bottom tier?
With that being said, if studios want to Jack up rates multiple times in a year (even if it’s stay competitive with pay), then talent needs to stay at top tier levels, along with guys the ability to see semi accurate or reliable photos. If you want to use photoshop, guys have the ability to leave. What other reasonable “demands” would you want from them..
I maybe in. I have multiple indys still see me at grandfathered in rate. I have multiple agencies ladies who don’t upcharge.
But who is suggesting this?
HenrySwanson's Avatar
They are never going to do the grandfathering thing, it's too much to keep track of...if each girl is told, "This amount for this guy, this amount for THIS guy," they would not be able to keep what they are earning and giving to the studio straight.
Ghostrider's Avatar
I maybe in. I have multiple indys still see me at grandfathered in rate. I have multiple agencies ladies who don’t upcharge.
But who is suggesting this? Originally Posted by AsianP
I think that would be reasonable. The main issue for me at least has been being a regular that goes weekly and to get a 2nd price hike at the amount they raised it was unacceptable. Grandfather in the old regular like us would be perfect and easy for them to do...just put a star or something by our contact info is easy enough to track.

Second issue was the catfish photos...so if a provider is not even close to what they are advertising they should know we will walk or want to see another option there. Basically get more realistic representation of the lady's knowing that if they have a dud, it doesn't reflect good on them and may only get 1 visit for that lady once we see the real provider.

Lastly they should know the fake handles and reviewers do not help when they are giving deceptive reviews. I understand that these maybe the best option they think they have but maybe get rid of the over the top lying, manipulative reviews that are just straight up false. Maybe clean up the stable of handles and if they use them it shouldn't be the obvious fake "she is the girl in the pic, 20, pornstar" type reviews. There is no need for that and as stated we will eventually see the provider and know the truth.
Why quote what I posted and write in hidden/secret? With your status, you know I can’t see what you wrote.
They are never going to do the grandfathering thing, it's too much to keep track of...if each girl is told, "This amount for this guy, this amount for THIS guy," they would not be able to keep what they are earning and giving to the studio straight. Originally Posted by HenrySwanson
I want to point out 2 things from Henry’s post.. one on each side of the argument. If you are on the side of Henry that it is to difficult to manage/work out, then y’all need to start to come to Jesus knowing that a flat rate is the only likely cure. With that being said, let’s home some weakness shows within the studio market as rent is due in a couple of weeks.

Other side of the argument that I have.. if they do grandfather rules then the base rates of around 220 for girl, 30 to Booker, 50 to owner is semi fluid in how it works, in this case it’s likely best since girl/Booker get flat locked in rates, rhe owner meanwhile is in line to get a bonus 20 depending on when the person joined.
I think that would be reasonable. The main issue for me at least has been being a regular that goes weekly and to get a 2nd price hike at the amount they raised it was unacceptable. Grandfather in the old regular like us would be perfect and easy for them to do...just put a star or something by our contact info is easy enough to track.

Second issue was the catfish photos...so if a provider is not even close to what they are advertising they should know we will walk or want to see another option there. Basically get more realistic representation of the lady's knowing that if they have a dud, it doesn't reflect good on them and may only get 1 visit for that lady once we see the real provider.

Lastly they should know the fake handles and reviewers do not help when they are giving deceptive reviews. I understand that these maybe the best option they think they have but maybe get rid of the over the top lying, manipulative reviews that are just straight up false. Maybe clean up the stable of handles and if they use them it shouldn't be the obvious fake "she is the girl in the pic, 20, pornstar" type reviews. There is no need for that and as stated we will eventually see the provider and know the truth. Originally Posted by txcasper
TXC solid points, with the easy to mark who gets what rate, such as a star.

The comments about catfishing, is something that I have tried to bring up and have in the past told studios I will leave if they do not match. How can girls in a city before Dallas have “normal” looking pics then come here and it’s PS/AI.. there has to be some type of median and with that being said. Guys do not be afraid to voice your worses before hand then leave if it’s a catfish. Then post it to the world. I just found out today, I’m likely BL from AS and it’s because I posted a negative review about waiting 30 minutes for a session. (Childish reason to BL someone but hey it was honest).

The owners of these handles. If it’s a studio/promoter etc, they need to realize it hurts the product. But it will be around till end of time. I have come to realization that blocking and looking for people who not ignored here make it hard to find reviews, so I have looked for trends now
GoodTyme's Avatar
The "grandfather" clause is what I have been wanting. Let the new customers foot the bills. It's very easy to star numbers that have been active. New verified customers get new rate. Customers that have not reached out in Xx months get new rate.

This scenario will do 3 things:

1)streamline your current customers. If you were already a particular studio frequent flyer, you will return.

2)If you are EOM (Equal opportunity Monger), like myself, I am verified with all studios. The Studios that show me love will get MORE of my business.

3) New Mongers will provide you extra revenue as they get on board.


The pics have always been an issue. I wish they would go back to the old way of blur out faces with real pictures with touch ups/tattoo removal. Back then the worst you dealt with was bad teeth and a butter face. With AI now sometimes it's like your getting a totally different gal. Which may or may not be your type. Korean vs Chinese features, etc.

I like this dialogue.

Yep agreed, AD this is a solid solution....would keep the regular loyal customers happy and also allow the studios to do whatever they do....maybe need less "marketing" lol; we know how that goes!
Karimhunta458's Avatar
I should have stayed gf in at 240, shit was amazing 👏
Something to take note of is the fact that the majority of AAMP clients don’t post. I often wondered at other cities why really popular girls who were eight to ten dicks a day only had a few reviews per week. Most of us in this game simply don’t post whether its the first or fifteenth visit. The AMPs are still getting their money from that mostly silent majority. Boycotting was something proposed/tried in the bay area and So Cal for the same reason. In the end it changed nothing. The dynamics of the Dallas AAMP scene are a bit different so who knows whether it will work or not. We on this forum are the vocal minority. Some AAMPs monitor these forums. If they were hurting, you’d see it by now. Still this is the most focused effort I’ve seen. I’m not boycotting personally but am curious to see the outcome of this effort.
Yep agreed, AD this is a solid solution....would keep the regular loyal customers happy and also allow the studios to do whatever they do....maybe need less "marketing" lol; we know how that goes! Originally Posted by txcasper
Thanks for the input TXC, with that being said I’d like to know, if it was a studio that isn’t your top 1 or 2, and let’s say it’s 4/5th go to place… How would it impact you? Would you start to visit 4/5 studio right away? Would you hold off hoping your favorite follows suit soon? Or would you message studio 1 and say studio 4/5 is doing X, will you match?

I ask this and post this hoping that studios and owners will see this information that some type of movement and/or compromise can be made. We have seen an influx of talent that this could potentially spoil them on DFW (yes I get it’s the cost of business, but it could/will drive away others in future as well). The sooner this is figured out, the better for everyone.
Atmydude sounds like a pimp working for an agency to score points. Us normal guys look for few good ladies. We don't give a shit which agency she work for. We are not royal to certain agency. Only pimps will care about that
TheTopG655's Avatar
Ya'll are making this more complicated than it needs to be. Just decrease it by 20 dollars. I've been in this a few years now, I think I came in when it was either 240 or 260, but regardless it's getting out of hand. The only gal of note right now is Lani. I'm not sure what this influx of talent ya'll keep braging about is.