sales 101

john_deere's Avatar
i feel the need to rant. it's not going to do a goddamn bit of good, but i'll at least get it off my chest.

some of you girls need to go to sales training.

if you did, you would learn that the first rule of sales is that if you want to GET clients you have to TALK to clients.

they will not all turn into business, but as an old sales manager of mine once said… you don't get what you don't ask for.

if having a simple conversation with a potential client is something you consider a waste of your time, then you should really find a different game to play.

girls, i get that you think your pussy is the only pussy on the planet. i get that you think that your pussy is the tightest and the softest and the prettiest and the most magical of all pussies. i get that you think your milkshake should automatically bring all the boys to the yard.

it doesn't.

pussy is a commodity. don't believe me? just ask the people who make fleshlights.

what is not a commodity is YOU, the person. you are what's unique in this game. if you refuse to communicate with people on normal human level no one will ever know that, though. and, even dudes who're just looking for a place to park their penis for a few minutes would rather do it with a girl who is likable.

so… get over yourselves. learn how to identify and handle the guys who're genuine time wasters. you don't have to put up with unwanted dirty talk or requests for pictures. however, the right way to do that is not to assume every single person who asks you a simple question is wasting your time.

i know you girls are in this to make money. do this and you'll make more.

don't believe me? ask nikki sweets. i'm planning to see her if she ever comes to amarillo even though she is more expensive than what i normally pay and several things i normally enjoy are not her menu. why? because her personality sold me on spending time with her. she understands that a few minutes spent communicating with a potential client can turn into money.
Phrasing's Avatar
Hhr 130, hr 200, every pm sent in reply 2bucks added
+1000 Originally Posted by kami405
^^^^ Yup ^^^^

I wish JD would go on rants more often. Been wanting to rant on this subject myself, so he beat me to it. I've been pretty quiet today due to this exact frustration. Momma always said, if you got nothing good to say, shut the fuck up. I go any damn way....

I can't tell you how many fucking PM's I have that not only go unanswered, but have never even been opened. Some are months fucking old! Ya know what ladies? If you have one from me and its in your inbox un-opened/unanswered, guess what? You go on my Do Not See List! Fuck it!

I have one from yesterday for example. Dumb fuck posts in the Provider section that she's here in Midland. All this talk about availability blah blah fucking blah. First time here or some fucking bullshit. She's got what I'm looking for so PM sent. I see she's been online here since I sent the PM as well as posting all over fucking BP yesterday and today, so it's not like she's been abducted by aliens or anything since my PM. She's a VP on here with several reviews mind you, but evidently still has her BP mentality or some shit cause take one fucking guess? It hasn't been opened! I would have went in last fucking night goddamn it! Have to applaud her and her first time visit to west TX/Midland with her top notch communication skills. Betcha a fucking dime to a dollar she'll post something in Coed that she'll never be back cause she didn't get enough bizz. Wouldn't surprise me in the least....

All this talk from hooktards in their profiles/postings/showcases about Don't Waist My Fucking Time & I Won't Waste Yours. All the bitching they do about Time Wasters. Well wtf! Only the hooktards of the world's time is of value?!?

My rant of the day/week/month! Blame JD...

P.S. kami, just as an FYI, this is in no way shape or form about you, you just happened to be who I posted under

edit: oops, Phrasing beat me to it before I could finish my rant, so I'm under him now, but same still goes kami lol
Hhr 130, hr 200, every pm sent in reply 2bucks added Originally Posted by Phrasing
Did you mean 2 bucks deducted? I think I'm missing something here?
No offense taken...I do my best to answer messages within an hour or two of receiving....this is a turn key business....if responses aren't timely.....clients move on to the next Available product.
I also answer reference requests as soon as they are received because I understand time is of the essence.
regardless of what the product is..good business practices should be the norm and not the exception.
westtexasbrowser's Avatar
This should be a sticky for the ladies to read.
Good job JD.

However, I don't think it's a skill that can be learned. They either got it or thy don't. I've tried and tried to get girls to improve their TCB and some just can't do it.
This should be a sticky for the ladies to read.
Good job JD.

However, I don't think it's a skill that can be learned. They either got it or thy don't. I've tried and tried to get girls to improve their TCB and some just can't do it. Originally Posted by westtexasbrowser
With all due respect WestTexasBrowser....I have trained several people TCB skills in my previous carees..I believe the difference is the lack of want.
Some of these girls have no idea what the volume of lost clientele is because they have the mentality that the next guy will call...which is absolutely the case...the next guy will call.
unfortunately without working directly one on one with someone that can show them the benefit of communication skills, they are unlikely to become any better.
this is strictly my opinion based on my experiences of my time here.
john_deere's Avatar
some are naturals at it, and some can learn.

unfortunately the ones who need this message aren't reading it. they just do the lazy thing and pop in here long enough to post an ad. hang and hope, they call it in merchandising.

here's my view...a girl should answer EVERY inquiry.

too many? no time?

horseshit. successful people figure out how to MAKE the time. besides how long does it take to say "sorry, babe, i'm all booked up today but catch me next trip."?

handling clients is part of business. if you think you can't or shouldn't, you're not thinking hard enough.
It takes only a few minutes to answer so that is not valid.....he'll answer your messages when you're getting your pedicure if you have to.

In life we make time for what we want to make time for...end of story.
john_deere's Avatar
In life we make time for what we want to make time for...end of story. Originally Posted by kami405
TXtimetraveler's Avatar
Completely off topic, but I absolutely love the pics/gif's JD post. They are right on point and hilarious. I also like the way you post, you know exactly where you stand with him and every statement is packed with truth, even if you don't want to hear it.

On subject, I can't add much that hasn't already been stated. I agree with everyone's comments.
john_deere's Avatar
well...heh...that actually makes my day.

i'm really not a dick, i just play one on the internet.
Rant on brother. Very true statements but the poor customer service provides great opportunity for those with skill. JD I really think you deserve your own discussion thread. We could call it "Independent Rants, If you don't like it fucking change". It would be classic stuff. it is great to have you on here
busternutzs's Avatar
I've come across BPers that have better TCB skills that VPs. Some are friendly willing to discuss services and rates openly. Those are the ones I end up seeing. The ones that are friendly and that don't have that don't waste my time BP attitude.

It drives me crazy to see my PM has been received but not answered or to see there has be activity on the account and reception of my PM has not be acknowledged.