Ladies, for you !

Charlie Brown's Avatar
With so much shit posting that's allowed here now, I thinks it's important to stay the course of why we're here.

A shout out to all of the ladies who come in here.

I, and many many of the other hobbyist who reside here, we appreciate/respect you. I mean like we really FUCKING do !

You are a special group of women who make men extremely happy. When/if you ever think it's not worth it, re-read this.

In my opinion, it's not a life long career but make the best of it while you're here. Make some money, make some friends - I know I make some friends and others just prefer to be only be acquaintances and that's also perfect! Two way street there.

Yeah, you're just special.

I don't need to go on and go's you, yes,'re special - be smart, be strong, be generous, be honorable ( yeah, I know, keep it real ), and keep demanding respect !
micktoz's Avatar
Yes, the ladies will not get involved with the shit that the board has become. It is a shame that the women haters have taken over, there would be some really cool ladies who add to the discussions if they weren't such toxic threads.
There are no positive aspects for them to comment on. There are no clients of any value there, just abusive comments.

There are some really amazing providers here in DFW.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-19-2017, 10:42 AM
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke

The community used to police itself. If someone was actively being a troll, they would get shunned and a smack down from the old guard. Times they have a changed.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Edmund Burke

The community used to police itself. If someone was actively being a troll, they would get shunned and a smack down from the old guard. Times they have a changed. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Isn't that the truth!

Nowadays, most of the frequent posters on this site are trolls and the ones that get shunned are the members who want discuss hobby related subjects and share info. And for the reasons micktoz pointed out, of the 740+ showcased providers here in the Dallas area, not including the large double digit providers that do not have showcases, maybe a handful, if that, of those providers will participate in discussions.

Many points of the definition of a troll are in this thread:
pyramider's Avatar
Oh the irony ....
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 10-19-2017, 11:14 AM
[I]The community used to police itself. If someone was actively being a troll, they would get shunned and a smack down from the old guard. Times they have a changed. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
This is still going on, scammers are called out in public which I applaud, nothing gets by here now a days. Nothing!
Charlie - +1 on this Thread !!
All these lovely ladies are truly appreciable !! And they do deserve every praise on here !!
Thank you Ladies !!
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Charlie - +1 on this Thread !!
All these lovely ladies are truly appreciable !! And they do deserve every praise on here !!
Thank you Ladies !! Originally Posted by ScrewDriver01
I would like to add my thanks to all the wonderful ladies on the board as well:

Thanks !!!

Sir Axl's Avatar
These ladies rock! I enjoy reading the boards when I'm bored at work when the topics are interesting and actually matter. I appreciate the ladies that participate often. Wish more would get involved at times, but I know many of them are afraid of the trolls that often turn this place into a cesspool.

But it is a great way to indirectly promote themselves. I've met several wonderful ladies because of a rare post or two that grabbed my attention in a way their ads never would have.

Thanks ladies!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Ladies , thank you for putting up with us dumb asses just saying
Count me in too.

Thanks to all the beautiful ladies on the board! We really appreciate you!
westftwman's Avatar
YES!!! Thanks to all the beautiful ladies on the board that have taken the time to see me and those who I haven't yet had the pleasure of meeting!

:th rob:
suiram77's Avatar
With so much shit posting that's allowed here now, I thinks it's important to stay the course of why we're here.

A shout out to all of the ladies who come in here.

I, and many many of the other hobbyist who reside here, we appreciate/respect you. I mean like we really FUCKING do !

You are a special group of women who make men extremely happy. When/if you ever think it's not worth it, re-read this.

In my opinion, it's not a life long career but make the best of it while you're here. Make some money, make some friends - I know I make some friends and others just prefer to be only be acquaintances and that's also perfect! Two way street there.

Yeah, you're just special.

I don't need to go on and go's you, yes,'re special - be smart, be strong, be generous, be honorable ( yeah, I know, keep it real ), and keep demanding respect ! Originally Posted by Charlie Brown
You forgot to add in your title, I AM A WHITE KNIGHT!!!!! You can’t paint in your post with a broad brush by saying you all make us men HAPPY. Speak for yourself or the other wk here. They don’t make all men happy buddy, and every guy will not feel the way you feel. The only difference between a wk and troll is, a wk go around praising hoes on a hooker site, and a troll go around agitating them wk and others. This is the world we live in and unfortunately we have to operate in the same space with the ass holes.

The same way you started a thread to give praise to the women for their services, and having to have to deal with the ass holes, the trolls you speak of can do the exact same thing. Feel free to deactivate your account at anytime, if you continue to feel like it’s getting worst, otherwise your complaining about something you can’t change, is just insane buddy.

Charlie I ask you this question, if you was paying a $100 a month to be a memeber here on eccie, would you have cancel your membership by now, or just keep paying $100 every month, but there has not been any changes? I believe we all know the answer to that question, so again you have the right to leave at anytime buddy. Trolls want leave, because trolls don’t complain, they are usually the complaint lol.

Carry on Charles
PeterBota's Avatar
This is not fair. I’m very “ special “ too.