Throw your masks away!!!

bambino's Avatar
Latest CDC mask guidelines;

About time.
LexusLover's Avatar
I'm saving mine and wearing it for appropriate purposes. It's washable.

Fauci wears his to hide his identity.
My town lifted all covid restrictions yesterday, and yes it was about time. Highest vaccinated County in state, positivity rate, hospitalization rate, etc. all within opening guidelines. Benchmarks met...reopen.
I plan on burning mine at the appropriate time and place. Perhaps it will be on Fuckups face.

Strange how the trail to Fauci started heating up and they come out with this "guidance."
Especially strange when one considers that many are now vaccinated.
HedonistForever's Avatar
I'm wondering what to expect at Publix, my grocery store. Just because the CDC says vaccinated people don't have to wear masks inside or outside, doesn't necessarily mean all business will stop their mandate.

I guess this will have to be on the honor system since nobody is going to be checking vaccination cards, at least not here in Florida where the Governor and Legislature made vaccine passports illegal. So expect lots of disgruntled mask wearers raising hell being around the un-masked.
LexusLover's Avatar
So expect lots of disgruntled mask wearers raising hell being around the un-masked. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Have they been wearing underwear and/or panties?

If my mask is supposed to protect me, why do I give a rat's ass?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
I ordered a pizza today, and when I answered the door, the fucker had the pizza on the ground and was standing ten feet away with a mask on, just staring at me. Not saying a fucking word.
LexusLover's Avatar
No tip.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This applies to the fully-vaccinated.

Hope you’ve had yours.
"If my mask is supposed to protect me, why do I give a rat's ass"

Why can't posters understand that the cloth covid mask is not meant to protect "me", but instead protect others from "me"?

Moot point if vaccinated, but the continued bass ackward misunderstanding of a simple concept of great relevance for the past year is inexplicable......or perhaps intentional.
winn dixie's Avatar
Masks make handy cum rags in a pinch!
bambino's Avatar
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
No tip. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Tip is done automatically online. Do you live in the stone age?
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
"If my mask is supposed to protect me, why do I give a rat's ass"

Why can't posters understand that the cloth covid mask is not meant to protect "me", but instead protect others from "me"?

Moot point if vaccinated, but the continued bass ackward misunderstanding of a simple concept of great relevance for the past year is inexplicable......or perhaps intentional. Originally Posted by reddog1951
Dude, learn how to actually quote posts you're responding to. If masks are to protect others, and vaccinated people can still spread COVID, than why is the mask mandate being lifted?

CDC has said what you have mentioned and many other things, like a mask offers more protection against the virus than getting vaccinated, which would make one wonder why we need a vaccine or social distancing. They said other weird shit, but I stopped listening to them after they claimed that there was no evidence that rioting in the street could potentially cause an outbreak. They're all controlled by the FBI or CIA, probably. Their job is social engineering.

I guess if you consider only a few things the CDC has said and ignore everything else, it can appear to make sense.