Honesty , does anyone have this feature any longer?

This may hurt me more then it helps me. But here goes...........

Honesty... does anyone have that feature any longer? I was just in a deep conversation about honesty in the chat room. it seems as though people don't have much of this any more. You gentlemen can be the worst about being honest with someone. I have witnessed this on more then one ocassion.

There are several guys on this board who say they are interested in me. But always have an excuse to why they can't see me. Even when I make the arrangements to make it easy for them. The excuses range from , financial to time frames to distance. I have offered to make at least 2 of these more convenient, and I still get an excuse. I have seen the same gentlemen go out of their way to make arrangements with other ladies no matter what they had to do to make those happen.

In turn this tells me that I'm not truly their type. Why not say that in the first place? Be HONEST! about it. If I'm not your type, then I'm not your type. Why lie about it and keep leading a lady on and getting her hopes up.

I have met 3 men on this board who have been totally honest with me and tell me I'm not their type. I've ended up being close friends with those gentlemen and respect them for their honesty. We joke around, we flirt, but I also know it will NEVER go any farther then that.

I feel that after my HONESTY in chat, that some won't like me as much for calling them out. But maybe that is what was needed. I really don't care what they think of me, HONESTLY. I'm me, honest and to the point. If you don't like it... then move on. Don't LIE to me about it.

Done with my rant... Move along now.
drgris's Avatar
There's got to be some honest people around...politicians and clergy come to mind. I don't think anyone can be totally honest (even with themselves) though.
Wakeup's Avatar
1) You're looking for honesty from people in chat rooms on the Internet? You're delusional...

2) You're looking for honesty from people on a Silly Hooker Message Board? You're delusional...

3) You're looking for honesty from people who participate in an illegal activity? You're delusional...

4) You're delusional...
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Truly, consider this. Most men here are in serious relationships with someone they "love". You think they're honest with the one they hold so dear that they even know of their activitý here? And you expect them to be honest with you?
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Shit, didn't know honesty was a "feature". Guess my parents thought being cynical was a more important feature when they were picking them out.
K2S0's Avatar
  • K2S0
  • 06-25-2011, 11:56 AM

There are several guys on this board who say they are interested in me. But always have an excuse to why they can't see me. Even when I make the arrangements to make it easy for them....

In turn this tells me that I'm not truly their type. Why not say that in the first place? Be HONEST! about it. If I'm not your type, then I'm not your type. Why lie about it and keep leading a lady on and getting her hopes up.

Originally Posted by TexasStarr
This may not apply to your situation but I thought I'd throw it out there.

Perhaps you are mistaking trepidation for dishonesty. The gentlemen who
say they are interested in seeing you, very well may want to. But "being
interested in" does not translate into "being ready to"

Whatever the reason for their reservations, you can't know nor can you
do anything to change it. Trying to accommodate their excuses only
makes it easier for them, but it doesn't automatically make them take
the plunge.

Is that dishonest? perhaps but a situation where people have questioned
doing something even though they had the green light to do it, is common
Deeved, you are correct.. The way I see it, after years of the same story I tend to beleive they aren't being honest.

I realize in this hobby world of ours (and even the real world) that we are all dishonest at times. Hell for us ladies we have to be from time to time. (i.e. You're the best I ever had) it's how we make our money.

But for you hobbyest to tell a lady you want to see her and never do is just not right if you ask me. It's the same in your real world job if your clients did it to you. How would you feel about it?
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Perhaps you are mistaking trepidation for dishonesty. The gentlemen who
say they are interested in seeing you, very well may want to. But "being
interested in" does not translate into "being ready to" Originally Posted by deevad
Star, if I were off hiatus, I wouldn't mind hanging with you for an hour, but read the post I quoted, it's a very smart comment.

Being interested in won't put that envelope on the table.

Thinking about this brings to mind my friend Alli's thread. Would you rather not have any sessions lined up, or would you rather have sessions lined up, then be no showed/no called? This could be it's own thread some day.
DearJohn, I did read that and I agreed with him. But after so long of being put off it's like living a lie. One of the guys has told me for years he's wanted to see me but always has an excuse. The excuse tells me that he's concerned about hurting my feelings. Well it hurts my feelings more to continusouly tell me something that's never going to happen.

I know I should just "suck it up" and move on. He's not the only hobbyest around here who I can put a smile on his face.

To help understand alot of where I'm coming from, one of the guys in Dallas posted about the whole conversation in the Dallas Co-Ed section..

Here's the link Deconstructing Hobby Chemistry
[SIZE=2]This may hurt me more then it helps me. But here goes...........

[SIZE=3]Honesty... does anyone have that feature any longer? Originally Posted by TexasStarr
Yes...my husband
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Yes...my husband Originally Posted by Valerie

Sometimes to a fault, don't ya think? No filter on that boy! That's why we love him, I gues.......

Guest091314's Avatar
Starr, I wonder this very same thing quite often. I would rather someone tell me that I am not their "cup of tea" instead of stringing me along. When I consider an area to tour, I "collect interest" and take the count, then the city with most counts is my next stop. Lately its been, get a ton of request then get absolutely nothing from it.

I realize that my condition is not for everyone but dont let me believe something that will backfire on me in the end.

I admire you for bringing up this topic, it is interesting!
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Sometimes to a fault, don't ya think? No filter on that boy! That's why we love him, I gues.......

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Love is a strong word there buddy lol
No filter on that boy! That's why we love him, I gues.......

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
One of the many reasons
Honesty on a HookTard-FuckTard Board. What's next, honesty on politics?