Providers Help other providers, is this possible?

stonetammy's Avatar
I'm new to the hobby but learning quickly, I've met two girls both verified on Ec who said they didn't finish high school or get their GED. I wonder how many more providers are in this same situation!

I commented to one, like I actually no something about their lives, you surely do not want to do this all your life. She said "maybe she does"! I said don’t you think it would be good to get your GED, could this help you get a job or do things you can’t do now? She said yes, she thinks she can pass most parts of the test but has trouble with one or two parts, and just can’t get past them.

There educated providers also verified here on Ec and P411 too. My question to those educated providers and those needing assistance:

(1) Would you girls be interested in sharing your education and tutoring other girls in the business so they could pass the GED program? Not limited to just tutoring, it could be business since & practice.

(2) Would you girls needing help take assistance, tutoring and or mentoring from other providers so you can make that step forward towards a GED or just shared experience?

I'd like to help those wanting help, I just dont know how!
I know for sure that everyone here has computer access.

I've realized from experience that hookers can tend to be a bit lazy.
If there's something that you want to accomplish there is no shortage of programs and resources to get it done..
Wakeup's Avatar
Donning the Captain Save-A-Ho cape is never as easy as it seems at first glance...
oldsalt's Avatar
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I've realized from experience that hookers can tend to be a bit lazy. Originally Posted by Luxury Daphne

Very true. I can think of a handful of times over the years I have offered to help a provider out with something (how to screen, how to invest, how to apply for school and get a student loan, how to find a condo owner who will rent to you, ect) and each and everytime I have been NCNSed.
Jack Flash's Avatar
I'm new to the hobby but learning quickly, Originally Posted by stonetammy
New.. You got 15 reviews in 3 months?
ZedX79's Avatar
I have offered to help a provider out with something ...... and each and everytime I have been NCNSed. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Based upon my research on this site, have you checked Subway?
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Based upon my research on this site, have you checked Subway? Originally Posted by ZedX79
If you knew shit you'd know I did not NCNS him. He was 15 minutes late (and never called to let me know he would be late) so I left my incall and went to get dinner.

So Zed, how many other handles on eccie do you have?
landon's Avatar
I dont question their educational ambition or lack of it. What they do in their personal life or how they manage it is their business.

A provider I knew many years ago dropped out of HS. She was really good in bed and knew how to take care of a man. We had many sessions and I can recall her saying "I would rather do this" (provide). She is now married to a very rich man and they have a huge house in Ft Lauderdale with a super yaught tied up to it. I understand they have two kids involved in soccer and jointly coach a team. Lack of education did not block her from acheiving her goal. Where did she meet hubby - at Church social for singles. As I understand it (from a mutual friend), her competetion for Mr Big Bucks was very much outclassed across the board.
ZedX79's Avatar
If you knew shit you'd know I did not NCNS him. He was 15 minutes late (and never called to let me know he would be late) so I left my incall and went to get dinner.

So Zed, how many other handles on eccie do you have? Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

Just one that I know of. I was interested in seeing you, so I did a search for your name (maybe a review or two, posts to get a slight feel for your personality) and saw a rant in a thread that was closed. It mentioned subway franchise owner, so I just wrote check subway. I don't know the backstory, but jeez....such anger about it. It must a subject that bugs you or has been around awhile. Funny.
Wakeup's Avatar
You're welcome...
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
So if Miss Wild gave investment advise worth a damn would she not have gotten out of this? Just sayin...
Probably not wise to make assumptions about providers / escorts and their educational background. Many ladies have college degrees.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
So if Miss Wild gave investment advise worth a damn would she not have gotten out of this? Just sayin... Originally Posted by sofiaofhouston
Please. I've got more invested at 28 then you have at 68. I've been investing since I was a kid. When I was very young my grandfather bought all his grandchildren stock with Fisher Price & Disney to teach us about the stock market.

BTW ... I do this because I love it. I'm not seeking to "get out of it".
It's best not to give too much advice about finishing school, etc, and getting too closely involved in helping others you do not know well, about life's options.