That just shows how deeply divided the country truly is. It's sad that in a time where we are in such terrible economic straits, we are still being carved up into morally correct or class warfare dogmatic nonsense. A Third Party should be welcome, especially by Independents such as myself, but too much is on the table to risk the status quo being re-elected.
Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
I believe the course of action that is necessary to save the country from a complete economic collapse is to downsize the federal government. The federal government should limit it's actions to what is allowed by the enumerated powers in the Constitution.
The Republicans and the Democrats have long since given up on abiding by the Constitution. That's why we are sixteen trillion dollars in debt with over one hundred trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.
The Libertarian party seems to be the only voice in the political discussion that is seriously proposing to reign in the federal government and restore it to the limited size the founders intended.
Unfortunately, I don't think there is any chance that the majority of Americans will ever vote Libertarian. We have been functioning as a de facto democracy for too long. I don't think it's possible to get 51% of the people to voluntarily stop looting the treasury.