Want Input.

GTDADDY's Avatar
Ok, Ok, Ok, I know what "most" of you will say. However I was wondering what You all think. I'm going on a Biz/Vacation holiday. 7 day/6 night ski trip. I was thinking of asking an ATF to join me. Airfare/shuttles/ski lift passes/food/ hotel/entertainment/dinners etc... Plus buy her her own "snow bunny " outfit, and boots. Rent skies or snowboards as her desire. My Question is what do you all think is an acceptable amount of compensation 4 this. I know most of you are going to say what ever her price is you either accept it or not. My questions is more to what do you all feel is acceptable. Her hour rate times 24 hour,her over night rate times 7, or some thing in between? All thoughts and suggestions appreciated. Curious in Houston..
This is a question most difficult to answer. You're about to get plenty of advice, I'm sure, much of it from those who've never done what you're proposing. In the end, you'll only find the answer by sitting down and working it out with the lady. Undoubtedly it won't be "24 times her hourly rate time the number of days." She'll propose a rate structure after she hears what all is involved and you can make an alternate offer. Be sure to let her know what you'll expect (if she'll have some time to herself or not). As for what I personally think is fair, I have no idea since I don't know who the lady is you're proposing to take.

And have a great time.
If you do not have a particular provider in mind NOW, you should book your trip to Lake Tahoe and get a provider in that area. I skied every resort in Tahoe, you can't go wrong with any of them; and Reno has tons of providers, some have their own ski gear and are accustomed to the cold. The Bunny Ranch ( Mustang ) is close if all else fails.
I have a lot of experience with this, as I see only one Lady, my ATF.

How close are you with this Lady? Are you also Her ATF. Does she at least act like you are something special to Her.

I have had my ATF drive 4 hours to join me when I was out of town, spend the night, and leave the next day. I pay for the entire trip, give her a nice night on the town, plus about $700. That might not sound like a lot, but keep in mind, I am her best client, seeing her at least once a week, sometimes more. It adds up.

If you are that close with her, then she will show you a special time. If not, then by all means ask her what she wants in the way of compensation. And by all means, do not be stingy.
No provider does her math the same way as another lady when it comes to rates for extended dates. So the ONLY way to find out what a good price would be is to ask her. It would be a BAD idea to ask people what they think your ATF should charge and use that to compare.

Just offer it as a suggestion (including all the details such as the expenses covered and gifts) and see what she says, and if it is too much for you than find a provider local to the ski lodge.
Wakeup's Avatar
Yeah...you're special...tell yourself that over and over again...close your eyes, say it out loud three times, click your heels together, and maybe a house will fall on you...
...and let the hooker math commence...

I was seriously pondering this recently and discussed it with two different ladies that I thought I had a rapport with -- they quickly disabused me of the notion by quoting me rates that were so high as to be prohibitive. No fuck that, the rates were retarded.

I don't get it. I'm willing to pay for a vacation for her, taking care of everything, EVERYTHING. I also understand this is her profession and her time has value, so I'd be willing to compensate her. But it's not like we'd be in bed the entire week, so what gives? If there were a lady who was halfway decent looking who quoted me a reasonable rate, or even just said that she'd keep a tally of how many times we did the nasty and throw me a bill at the end (with a set fee being guaranteed), I'd be all over that like white on rice. But they honestly expect me to fork over 10k+ and buy them a vacation? Fuck that. I'd rather bring a civilian or prowl on my own while on vacation. I'd rather jerk-off into a sock for fuck's sake.

I've never done it, but after doing the research and the math I've concluded that providers and vacation don't mix.
...and let the hooker math commence...

I was seriously pondering this recently and discussed it with two different ladies that I thought I had a rapport with -- they quickly disabused me of the notion by quoting me rates that were so high as to be prohibitive. No fuck that, the rates were retarded.

I don't get it. I'm willing to pay for a vacation for her, taking care of everything, EVERYTHING. I also understand this is her profession and her time has value, so I'd be willing to compensate her. But it's not like we'd be in bed the entire week, so what gives? If there were a lady who was halfway decent looking who quoted me a reasonable rate, or even just said that she'd keep a tally of how many times we did the nasty and throw me a bill at the end (with a set fee being guaranteed), I'd be all over that like white on rice. But they honestly expect me to fork over 10k+ and buy them a vacation? Fuck that. I'd rather bring a civilian or prowl on my own while on vacation. I'd rather jerk-off into a sock for fuck's sake.

I've never done it, but after doing the research and the math I've concluded that providers and vacation don't mix. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
If money is your main concern than you and extended trips with providers ( who take time out of their regular life to go out of town with someone they would most likely not correspond with you in civvie life) don't mix.

Big whoop if you want to take me on vacation but think you are so special because you wanna take me to the beach or to vegas, that it means you are beyond paying $$$$$$$$$ a day to have me tag along because i can go on vacation anytime I want by myself. But if you want some guaranteed fun on your trip instead of prowling and being disappointed with you below par drunk goggles selection than you pay the premium- but if you can't afford if don't bitch about it.
If money is your main concern than you and extended trips with providers ( who take time out of their regular life to go out of town with someone they would most likely not correspond with you in civvie life) don't mix.

Big whoop if you want to take me on vacation but think you are so special because you wanna take me to the beach or to vegas, that it means you are beyond paying $$$$$$$$$ a day to have me tag along because i can go on vacation anytime I want by myself. But if you want some guaranteed fun on your trip instead of prowling and being disappointed with you below par drunk goggles selection than you pay the premium- but if you can't afford if don't bitch about it. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Money wasn't my main concern. My biggest concern was whether or not I'd appreciate spending an entire week with a provider. I've met some that I find very engaging and fun to be with (in and out of the sack). But for a whole week? And its attitudes like the one you're demonstrating here that make me pretty certain it would be wasted money. There's nothing GFE about "Big whoop if you want to take me on vacation" and "someone they would most likely not correspond with you in civvie life". Could she keep up the GFE act for a whole week if she really felt this way? I doubt it and seems like a pretty expensive gamble on my part.

This is why I broached the subject with two ladies I thought I had a good rapport with. We got along well and always had fun, at least that's what I thought. Then I bring this up and it was like the dollar signs glazed over their eyes and I became nothing more than another ATM. As it turns out, I can afford it, but diminishing returns are a bitch. Just because the price tag says it'll cost X dollars, doesn't mean its worth it. I can have a helluva lot more fun for 10k+ than pouring it all into one lady's purse for the "pleasure" of her "company".

For 10k, I can spend a week down in Costa Rica, hit up the clubs down there, taking home 2-3 girls a night -- every night, keep the ones I like around for a whole day, do some deep sea fishing and scuba diving, and still come home with 6-7k to blow on the ladies in Houston. Just a thought.
I have been on a few vacations with clients if there is a connection then I usually just charge what a normal day here would be sometimes less if I get to pick the location. And she will need her alone time at least some if thee time and she can't expect you to pay for that. All in all since you are paying all her expenses and I'm sure she will get more gifts once she is there I would have to say give her a min daily rate and let her know what you expect. If it exceeds that you also need to discuss with her what there extras will be.
You also have to consider if this girl would even enjoy this type of trip....
In my experience if I enjoy the company and the spot then I'm reasonable, if not I would more then likely stay home. No amount of money can demand fun. You either click or you don't and having fun in life and taking adventures is what its all about.
Or am I wrong?
I don't get it. I'm willing to pay for a vacation for her, taking care of everything, EVERYTHING. I also understand this is her profession and her time has value, so I'd be willing to compensate her. But it's not like we'd be in bed the entire week, so what gives? Originally Posted by enderwiggin
And I sure wouldn't accept time to spend time with you if you feel you are entitled to a discount based solely on the fact that you are inviting a lady on a trip. We have our differences and I respect that.

Sure, you could re-enact a Marshalls commercials and talk about all the great things you can do for the price of one extended provider date. But when a gentleman builds a rapport with a lady he truly enjoys than price is no object if he really wants to have her as company. A majority of my escort profit is gained from extended trips I have a great time with guys who respect my true worth and appreciative of my company.

Guesstimating never works especially when you factor in extended date discounts that are usually a staple in a providers rate so your $10K guess may be higher than it actually is (of course, that is depending on who you are looking at.
And I sure wouldn't accept time to spend time with you if you feel you are entitled to a discount based solely on the fact that you are inviting a lady on a trip. We have our differences and I respect that.

Sure, you could re-enact a Marshalls commercials and talk about all the great things you can do for the price of one extended provider date. But when a gentleman builds a rapport with a lady he truly enjoys than price is no object if he really wants to have her as company. A majority of my escort profit is gained from extended trips I have a great time with guys who respect my true worth and appreciative of my company.

Guesstimating never works especially when you factor in extended date discounts that are usually a staple in a providers rate so your $10K guess may be higher than it actually is (of course, that is depending on who you are looking at. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Fair enough, and I don't believe in negotiating a lady's fees. She wants what she wants; I either choose to give it to her or I don't. I'm not going to insult her and waste both of our time by haggling.

But that figure isn't a guesstimate. That's an actual quote I received from a former ATF -- 10k plus additional expenses for a one week cruise. The Grand Suite on the ship for both of us didn't even cost half that much. I'm not saying that I'm entitled to a discount, but that's just not reasonable. Let's do the math on the time-value of her week, shall we? Say she worked all 7 days, I know its not likely, but let's just give her the benefit of the doubt. How many sessions per day? 3? 4? Maybe a couple of doubles sessions, or a multi-hour, add in a few gifts... Her advertised rate (not the grandfathered rate she graciously allowed me) is 250. Let's round it up to 300 and say she had 4 sessions a day. Even at those inflated numbers we haven't hit her 10k mark.

I'm not an unreasonable person and I really do appreciate that her time and service has value, and that by going away on vacation with me there would be an opportunity cost to her in terms of lost sessions. But I'm also not such a fool that I don't recognize when I'm being taken advantage of.
Maybe that's the difference between me and other providers, I don't have a minimum qouta of how many sessions I will perform and hardly ever take time away from my date while on vacay unless it is getting ready or going to the gym. everything is all inclusive with me but yes I agree with you 10K would be a little steep for me to want to pay for 7 days @ 250hr (there is virtually no discount incentive on that rate) as my weekly rate is a couple k's lower than that so I can see how you think that way.
GTDADDY's Avatar
Thanks to all of you for you input. I sort of lean towards Ender's point of view in that I just don't want to be taken advantage of rather then the actual $ amount. This is an annual trip and have trolled the locals with limited satisfaction. As I originally stated her fee is her fee and I either agree with it or not. I guess I was looking for some sort of "base line" ( if there is such a thing) to determine if I was being taken advantage of. And yes she would have "self time" since I'd be in meetings from 7-9am and 5-7pm daily. And yes I see her 2-3 times a week with an occasional overnight each month. Our rapport "seems" great but you can never no if this is real or just part of the service. I was thinking 5-7K reasonable but 10-20K not! Skylar I apologize if you were offended in anyway and appreciate your input. I don't think I'm Mr. Wonderful, hey look at me I'm taking you on vacation. I was just seeking input and advice form others that have done this sort of thing so I can be an informed consumer.
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  • bbkid
  • 01-10-2012, 07:07 AM
providers and vacation don't mix. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Why so much discussion and rhetoric when endy said it all here.....