Yes, kindle.
Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Damn it sailor, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. It was the Kindle that inserted the erroneous word.
But when you have to submit a written statement to a tribunal, please spell check.
I know this isn't that serious. I know exactly how superfluous and alternative this platform is. The least I can do is write to the highest degree of respectability I can achieve to exact some semblance of respect.
Believe it or not, I respect you. Not
just for your service, but also for your academic attempt to inform us of your views. I've stated before, with no intent of disrespect, that your prose should sharpen. Heed it or not, that's the only way
I know how to garner respect.
Stick to your "guns" and make the case for your stance. In an easy and fluid way for the layman to understand. Like bb.