FBI counter-terrorism supervisor parties with stripper, has Glock, Rolex stolen

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
So he’s out drinking with strippers, takes one back to his room, she steals his gun, his watch, and his cash, and the next morning he’s still too drunk to file the report himself.

  • grean
  • 11-09-2017, 12:11 PM
And this is why you don't take a gun to a session.

gladius82's Avatar
No this is why you don't get stinkin drunk while you are carrying.
This is why you stay sober when carrying but also why we need to drain the swamp that is Washington DC. The very concept that this could happen is a pathetic comment on our government. I know they are human like the rest of us but are paid employees by all of us hard working smucks and need to be held accountable at all levels. Just like the idiots in the air force who didn't put the scumbag in the data base or keep him in prison for a long long time. Cracking the skull of an infant whether in civilian life or military life should be an automatic 20 years. Long enough for the kid to grow up and beat the fucking begeezus out of that scum if he ever touched him again. Regardless of party affiliation or how anyone votes, I for one am tired of our paid employees being incompetent at all levels. The US Post office has delivered all of my neighbors mail to my mail box 3 times in the past 2 weeks. There are only 4 houses on my street. The best example is the incompetence of the VA Medical System and how it fails over and over.
This FBI agent needs to be fired, loose his permission to ever own or carry any fire arm. He can join the homeless as far as I'm concerned.
CuSoon's Avatar
They fucked up like this in Columbia too...with another top agency prefer not to mention them...
pmdelites's Avatar
a few yrs ago, i saw an investigative report by an aussie into JFK's assasination.
supposedly, the secret service agents assigned to the detail in dallas spent the prior night at strip clubs and got totally drunk.

given that and what happened in columbia a few yrs ago, it seems to me it's not the political party in the white house, it's the director of the fbi or at least this guy's supervisor that needs to be run out of town. and head of a counter-terrorism unit, at that!!!!!
if this happened to any police dept in the usa, the police chief would be in super boiling hot water, not whomever is the mayor of that town/city.

back on topic, the client did NOT perform risk identification, risk reduction, nor risk mitigation.
hope he learned his lesson.
TRUMP SAID: Y'ALL CAN GET STRIPPERS OR GO TO STRIP CLUBS AND GRAB THEM BY THE PUSSY, SO THEY DID. THE GOVERNMENT IS A CESSPOOL = an underground container for the temporary storage of liquid waste and sewage.

Bestman200600's Avatar
Did he write a review?
pyramider's Avatar
They fucked up like this in Columbia too...with another top agency prefer not to mention them... Originally Posted by CuSoon
I thinck that was the Secret Service and not the FBI.